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Found 3 results

  1. I am a complete noob to mods and I can't figure out why the game is crashing. Below is my log and list of mods. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QUjb-xvVLEzOss_wldklJBFWegMSCQQY/view?usp=sharing https://imgur.com/a/KZns2n4 If you need anymore information ask.
  2. hi, hi have a problem with KSP version 1.10, with these mod installed: extraplanetary launchpad kas Kerbal engineer redux darkMultiplayer kerbalism KIS mechjeb2 planetary base and now when i exit to perform a EVA the kerbal has no monopropellant in the EVA tank. could it be a feature of one of these mod that i oversaw while i was installing them or is it a bug?
  3. I was doing third impact for impact strategy from Strategia and it won't mark the planet as impacted, but i impacted it. I know that mod is outdated but it works with 1.10 for me. Why it wouldn't mark planet?
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