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Found 2 results

  1. Welcome! I few months ago I got back into KSP after a fairly long time. I was stunned to find how many new parts packs had shown up on the mod scene since I'd been out. BDB, Tantares, Near Future Technologies, just to name a few. Unfortunately this gave me ideas that will probably upset whichever God or Spirit you may or may not believe in. So welcome to Manatee Aerospace! Please don't get mad. Before I start I should preface as well that I am NOT GOOD at KSP, other than reaching Kerbin orbit and flying to and from the Mun, I'm not good at much else. I unfortunately rely a fair amount on the cheat console options. I would never compare myself to the likes of Scott Manley, Matt Lowne, or the like. I'm just here to stretch my imagination. Also I use a fair amount of craft files from KerbalX and Steam Workshop, so I will try to give credit to those creators whenever possible and if you recognize craft that belong to other creators, please let me know. And hey, if you have any crazy ideas you want to share here too, feel free to!
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pluto Project Pluto - if a nuclear reactor and a ram jet had a baby. Take all the water out of a nuclear reactor and change the geometry of the fuel cells. Air goes in the ram scoops, passes over the nuclear fuel rods to heat up, and creates thrust out the back. If developed to fruition would be able to fly for months at a time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fission-fragment_rocket Like a NERVA, but without the hydrogen. You let the core heat up until it begins to vaporize and become a plasma. Plasma is ejected from the rocket like an ion engine. Depending on the geometry the ISP can get on the order of 100,000 s or 1,000,000 s.
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