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  1. KSP IVA Editor Station SETUP To create a functioning workstation for editing KSP IVA's and props, follow this installation manual EXACTLY and everything WILL WORK. STEP 1: DOWNLOADS Download the following files from the internet. Names and versions are PRECISE. a) Unity Hub - Install current version from website, register and login. b) Unity (Main Editor Program) "Unity 2019.4.18f1" c) PartTools_AssetBundles_2019.4.18f1 d) TextMesh Pro Release 1.0.56 - Unity 2017.3 e) ImageMagick - download installer from website STEP 2: INSTALLATION If all pre-requisite software has been downloaded, begin with installation of the main UNITY program. Confirm installation success and note installation path. Next, open UNITY HUB and select "INSTALLS" from left Menu. Select "LOCATE", and show "UNITY HUB" where you installed the main UNITY program. "2019.4.18f1" should now show on the list. Now navigate back to the "Projects" menu. Select "New Project" button, and select "3D Core". Give your project a name under "Project Name", and select "Create Project". Unity will now launch. Minimize Unity, and launch "ImageMagick" installer. Upon completion, close "ImageMagick" if running and return to Unity window. STEP 3: Modding UNITY With the UNITY window open, select "Window" from menu bar, and select "Package Manager". Scroll down the list and find "TextMeshPro", highlight it and select the "remove" option. This gets rid of the version you DO NOT need. Allow un-installation to finish and close "Package Manager" window. Now select "Assets" from menu bar, and select "Import Package > Custom Package". Select your download of "TextMesh Pro Release 1.0.56 - Unity 2017.3". When extracted it will be a "Unity Package File". Click OPEN. Now an "Import Unity Package" window will open. Make sure everything is selected and hit "Import". Now select "Assets" from the menu bar again and select "Import Package > Custom Package" again. After the "Import Unity Package" window opens, select your "PartTools" download after extraction, and once again check that all boxes are checked and hit "Import". Now you will see a new entry on the menu bar called "KSPAssets". Now on the bottom navigation window, make your way to the following path: Assets > Plugins > KSPAssets. Check that BOTH "KSPAssetCompiler.dll" and "KSPAssets.dll" have the checkbox "Validate References" UNchecked. To check, highlight the .dll and look at the info that shows up on the right menu panel. "Inspector". (WITHIN UNITY) CLOSE UNITY. OK now you're done setting up the tool. STEP 4: Setting up your KSP content. Install a fresh copy of KSP In a folder of your choice just note the installation directory. Within THAT particular installation of KSP, now add any mods required if the target you are trying to edit is part of a mod pack. Dont worry about mod pre-requisites for functionality, just put the mod that contains the IVA and PROPS you want. This will be your "UnTouched" GAMEDATA folder. Now create a new folder somewhere you can find it, this will be your "Modded" GAMEDATA folder, and copy the GAMEDATA folder into your new "Modded" folder. After this point only work in/on the "Modded" GAMEDATA folder. Carefully go through the stock and mod folders and trim as much as you can. Most things can be deleted except the "Spaces" and "Props" folder. Just keep in mind the IVA you want to modify has to BE there. AND all the stuff you want to use prop wise has to still be there as well. When done trimming, return to the root of your "Modded" GAMEDATA folder in file explorer. In the file explorer address bar type CMD to get a command prompt window to show up within GAMEDATA. Copy and paste the following command. (assuming you DID IN FACT install ImageMagick as instructed) FOR /R %f IN (*.dds) DO mogrify -verbose -flip -format png "%f" Now the textures of all things you are about to work on will show up in Unity. All your content is now setup to work. Open Unity Hub and you should now see your project listed by name. Open your project and select from the Unity Menu Bar, "Tools > KSP Part Tools". Drag and drop the "Part Tools" window over to the right beside "Inspector". (common usual location for it) Now click "Set Data Dir" and select your "Modded" KSP GAMEDATA folder. You should now see two menu columns labelled "Spaces" and "Props" populate. INSTALLATION COMPLETE Tested in 2022 on KSP 1.12.2 Now you can spawn any IVA or prop and re-decorate it to your hearts content! Have fun!
  2. Nightstar II A Starliex product "Guiding you through IVA even when it's dark" Hello fellow kerbounats! It is not a secret that making IVAs for KSP is not the easiest thing to do, and that's why I founded Starliex Coproration and developed a plugin used to make the life of those who chose to dedicate their time to bring us awesome new IVAs much easier. As of right now, one of the biggest problems is that even with the Official KSPartTools IVAs are somewhat broken, I've decided to address the following problems: Props have the wrong values: When an IVA is spawned in Unity through the KSPartTools, the props used in the IVA have wrong values for Position, Rotation and Scale, this makes practially impossible editing an already made IVA, both stock and modded a like. It is also a big problem if for some reason while working on a IVA the original Unity project is lost and now to keep working on the IVA it's necessary to spawn it with the official Part Tools and welp, now the values are all messed up (that actually happened to me, rip) The textures don't work on the editor: The DDS file format used by KSP is not used by Unity to map the texture on the model, which makes all models appear white with no texture. The prop spawner can be tedius: While it's neat and convenient, once there are a lot of props (like RPM and ASET) searching for a specific prop becomes tedius and time consuming, especially because they are not fully ordered alphabetically, so looking for the right prop takes a lot of unecessary time, in addition it's also not possible to search by name, which again would make the IVA making process much easeir. While I intend to resole all of these problems, I will do it step by step with the Nightstar Project, so far it has 3 different releases, which will be posted on this forum once i finish developing them. We're currently at release 2 ! Download It's avaliable from my gitlab https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-nightstar Installation A working unity project with KSPartTools is required, i'm too lazy to write another guide here, but it can be found at the Official KSPartTools thread. The first step is to download the zip file, then copy the Starliex Nightstar folder inside the Asset\Plugins\ directory of the Unity project. Once it's installed you should have on the top a Starliex button like so: Utilization Coordinate Recalculator (also IVA Textures) - This tool allows to have working IVA textures for the capsules in Unity, it also recalculates the coordinate of every prop and place them in the correct position. Set up the GameData directory with the official KSPartTools Select the IVA model (not the props!) Click Calculate to get working textures (You will have to then delete and respawn the IVA) Click Calculate Coordinates to snap every prop in the correct place Prop Tools Spawn the window by clicking on the Starilex menu at the top Spawn a Prop from the KSPartTools Select the Prop You can now copy and paste the position, rotation and scale between props, when the plugin is loaded the default values for all of those is 0. To use the Open Config feature you need to specify the GameData diretctory with the official Part Tools, otherwise it will not work. License AGPL ███
  3. I am working on a part with RCS ports, so I can't use stock RCS effects (they appear to be multiparticle effects, and don't work well with the model in question). Unfortunately, KSP PartTools' particle emitter breaks my saved particle effects, and the "set up particle emitter" button does absolutely nothing. I'm going to see if I can get my effects to work without it, but I doubt KSP will support them. Help.
  4. Hi @JPLRepo, I wanted to finally update my unity to 2017.1.3p1 and download the needed parttools but I noticed the link provided doesn't work anymore. Is there going to be a fix anytime soon? Thanks!
  5. So, I was working on a mod, and I was wondering, DOES ANYONE HAVE PARTTOOLS I CAN USE? I cannot find it anywhere, at least not working, so, I was wondering, does anybody in the community have PartTools? And maybe, could you put it somewhere so I can download it? Thanks!
  6. Hi everyone, I am wondering how to correctly install part tools 1.1 into unity 5? If someone could please explain which files get extracted where, that would be fantastic! (I did manage to get some things working, but could not find the parttools component, only the asset loader and some shaders) Apologies for my lack of understanding, I am creating my first mod in time for 1.1 release. THANKS!
  7. I honestly don't know if this was due to a Windows (10, home) update or something else on my system, but I'm keen to know if it happened to anyone else. My Unity5.4.0p4, which hasn't been updated, suddenly gives me "NullReferenceException:" relating to KSP Part Tools, on all my projects. It's across all the projects, so I haven't done something daft to the part tools files. The KSP install referenced is still where it was. But not having anything referenced wouldn't manage to do this. Full error; NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ConfigNode.RecurseFormat (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 cfg, System.Int32& index, .ConfigNode node) ConfigNode.RecurseFormat (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 cfg) ConfigNode.Load (System.String fileFullName) UrlDir+UrlConfig.CreateNodeList (.UrlDir parentDir, .UrlFile parent) UrlDir+UrlFile..ctor (.UrlDir parent, System.IO.FileInfo info) UrlDir.Create (.UrlDir parent, System.IO.DirectoryInfo info) UrlDir..ctor (.UrlDir parent, System.IO.DirectoryInfo info) UrlDir.Create (.UrlDir parent, System.IO.DirectoryInfo info) UrlDir..ctor (.UrlDir root, .ConfigDirectory rootInfo) UrlDir..ctor (.ConfigDirectory[] dirConfig, .ConfigFileType[] fileConfig) KSPPartTools.GameDatabase.LoadDataDirectory () KSPPartTools.GameDatabase..ctor () KSPPartTools.GameDatabase.get_Instance () KSPPartTools.PartToolsWindow.OnGUI () System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:222) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ConfigNode.RecurseFormat (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 cfg, System.Int32& index, .ConfigNode node) ConfigNode.RecurseFormat (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 cfg) ConfigNode.Load (System.String fileFullName) UrlDir+UrlConfig.CreateNodeList (.UrlDir parentDir, .UrlFile parent) UrlDir+UrlFile..ctor (.UrlDir parent, System.IO.FileInfo info) UrlDir.Create (.UrlDir parent, System.IO.DirectoryInfo info) UrlDir..ctor (.UrlDir parent, System.IO.DirectoryInfo info) UrlDir.Create (.UrlDir parent, System.IO.DirectoryInfo info) UrlDir..ctor (.UrlDir root, .ConfigDirectory rootInfo) UrlDir..ctor (.ConfigDirectory[] dirConfig, .ConfigFileType[] fileConfig) KSPPartTools.GameDatabase.LoadDataDirectory () KSPPartTools.GameDatabase..ctor () KSPPartTools.GameDatabase.get_Instance () KSPPartTools.PartToolsInspector.OnInspectorGUI () PartToolsEditor.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/Editor/PartToolsEditor.cs:18) UnityEditor.InspectorWindow.DrawEditor (UnityEditor.Editor editor, Int32 editorIndex, Boolean rebuildOptimizedGUIBlock, System.Boolean& showImportedObjectBarNext, UnityEngine.Rect& importedObjectBarRect) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Inspector/InspectorWindow.cs:1235) UnityEditor.DockArea:OnGUI()
  8. Hi, it seems that i'm kinda stuck with a problem in the newest parttools. Whenever i try to add a prop to the scene, e.g. the: "Seat_Passenger" prop, the parttools fail to add it and i get multiple error messages: The general information i get is: Model was not compiled correctlyfollowed by Cannot clone model 'Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Seat_Passenger' as model does not exist. This does only happen with relatively new props from the stock game or selfmade ones. My suspicion is that the parttools are not able to load the newest version of the the .mu files. Is someone else expieriencing the same problem and found by any chance a workaround or fix for this? Thanks and best regards.
  9. I'm updating my fuel dump nozzle to 1.2 from 1.1.3. I was using unity 5.4 and in 1.1.3, I could compile my nozzle with ksp particle effect with part tools. but when i try to compile it like that and try in KSP, I cannot fine my part. Did part tools changed? how? Can't we complie the FX with part tools from now?
  10. Hello Fellow Modders, Im getting back into modding and downloaded the latest version of PartTools1.1 from here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/135228-parttools-for-ksp-112/ ive been through this tutorial: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/135351-correct-installation-of-parttools-11/ First of all, when I download PartTools1.1 and unzip, I get the main asset bundle unity package (PartTools_AssetBundles.unitypackage) and a PartTools folder containing 2 more folders: Editor and Lib. In the tutorial, it says there should be two zip files, one is Legacy and the other is 1.1. Am I using the wrong download link? I import PartTools_AssetBundles.unitypackage and the PartTools folder, create an empty object, but then when I go to add the modifier, there is no KSP section or PartTools component to import, the closest I've gotten is Add Component -> Scripts -> Asset Loader, which brings up Asset Directory = GameData, Asset Extension = KSP, Asset Definiton Suffix = _bundle.xml, a Load at Start Radio Button, a dropdown menu called Bundle Definitions, and a dropdown called Loaded Bundles, each have a size = 0 underneath. There is no write button! How do I properly set this up?
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