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Found 2 results

  1. I just noticed that the new terrai ngeneration turned the muns northpole from this awsome pyramid shape... ...to this "thing": It looked MUCH nicer before!!! Terrain settings are on max in both situations. The first pic is from jan '16 the second one from a few days ago. Can't you just put a pyramid over the pole again? I really did enjoy climbing it. Now my kerbals just fall through the ground and die, thats not as nice as enjoying the view from top of a pyramid we all can agree on that I guess.
  2. I'm very confused on a 'discovery' i found somewhere in a desert. It's a pyramid i found, but i'm confused if i discovered it, or i'm unaware that it has already been discovered. The image is here. The part that confuses me is that I have BD Armory, Kerbal Konstructs and Kerbinside. When I check the map I see no symbol on the location that I am on. Is this an undiscovered easter egg or something? If anyone wants the coordinates, they're 10° 49' 0" N, 127° 24' 16".
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