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Found 3 results

  1. This is a bundled release of the USI nuclear reactors and the various kontanier types that are used accross many USI mods - tossing this out as a separate bundle by request (and to version this separately for ease of distribution) Uses KSP-AVC. Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely Download Link: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/USI_Core/releases
  2. This is the development thread of KSP Interstellar Extended where new development can be discussed and new feature request can be made. If you want to help or discus ideas about KSP Interstellar development, you can do it at our new Guilded Server (old: KSP Interstellar Discord Server ) For technical question or Mod support , please ask them in the KPIE Support thread For release and related news, discuss them at KSPIE Release thread Download any versions from Here source code and media files: GitHub If you appreciate what I create, please consider donating me a beer you can make a donation by PayPal or support me by Patreon Localization KSP Interstellar Extended needs translators! Localization files can be found here Since KSPIE contains many are parts with their own set of custom partModules, the number of translation keys is very high for a single Mod Chinese translations are already taken care of but all other localization are open Future Note that do not consider myself the person that have to determine the future of KSP Interstellar, it's just that nobody else seems to want to do it. I would be more than happy to share that responsibility. Anyone that actively want to develop KSPI is free to do it. It would appreciate it as it would allow me to focus more on advanced features I have ideas about. The simple truth is, KSPI is too big for a single developer. I don't have the time nor the skills to implement everything that it deserves. I'm especially frustrated about the lack of artist support. Many of KSPI models and effects look dated and ugly compared to more resent mods. There have been some artist and programmers offering their help but they often go AWOL after a short time. I'm not sure If I can keep it up myself indefinitely. I would prefer to create a team of developers that works on KSPI together. I guess that's the only way to ensure Interstellar Future.
  3. Which is the best reactor fuel? (Taking into account startup cost, operational costs, output and environmental friendliness. My money's on He3. It would not only be more ecofriendly but it would also explore more of the moon than we ever had before.
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