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Hi folks, I've been turning my attention to the hardest problem of all, women an Eve spaceplane. SSTO is out of the question on Eve but I have an idea for something mostly re-usable - Stock props to get the thing up to an altitude where the atmosphere is like it is on Kerbin at 8km or so. Then ditch the propellors and activate the nervs to make the run to orbit. It has 5 NERVs, 2 IONS, the outboard pair of nervs can be discarded later in the ascent when our TWR is looking good. Well, the nerv powered part certainly has a load of potential. I used hyperedit to drop the thing (stationary) at 10km over the space centre, and it went hurtling upstairs soon enough. The problem is, it's my first stock prop, and it's rubbish. I followed a Youtube guide, deviating only in that i used an Oscar B and a pair of fuel cells rather than 4 RTGs, since that still gives 45 minutes minimum endurance and is much cheaper (given that they're not being re-used). Unfortunately I can't get over 20 m/s on the runway. I've been experimenting with various pitch angles on the blade, some of which give better initial acceleration but then stop gaining at 10 m/s or cause RUD. Anyone fancy working their magic on these props? Or just graft one of your own subassembly's onto my spaceplane and be done with it?
Welcome to my stock electric plane repository! It serves as a home for my own electric craft which work perfectly 75% of the time, and also somewhere to share your own electric planes and other creations. Have fun! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is the highly creatively named "SAS flyer 1". It features decent reliability, a high-power engine, and a low takeoff speed. It has a maximal speed of 75 m/s ASL, and a maximal safe speed of around 90 m/s. Not particularly exciting, but highly versatile. And this is the "SAS flyer 2". It features a canard design and is powered by a relatively less powerful motor. However, it is easier to fly, as long as it is managed properly. Fly with SAS on (for only the plane itself). Infinite range guaranteed. Your money back if it runs out of power in mid air! And now for the extremely creatively named MK3 propeller plane. With a large passenger capacity and extended cruise capability, the MK3 is well-regarded due to its silence. This silence also allows it to conduct top secret raids on [REDACTED] during the [REDACTED] war. And this here is the MK5, aka the "Reliant". "Where's the MK4?" I hear you ask. Well, that's... another story. Anyways, the MK5 is better in almost every way relative to the MK1, and is much, much, less likely to crash for no reason. And as a general rule of thumb, turning SAS on kills the engine, but turning time warp on kills the engine for good. Post your craft here!
Welcome to the... KSP Stock Prop Design Challenge! The aim of this challenge is to create the coolest looking stock prop designs you can! Your plane will be judged mostly on appearance and as such, speed and performance won't be judged very harshly; as long as it flies, and flies well enough it's okay (though good performance is always good to have). The goal of this challenge is to create a plane that fits both the requirements and aesthetics of what a contract of your choice says. The contracts will range from 1920s-30s biplanes to post WW2 superprops. There will be no definitive winner to this challenge, but aircraft I especially enjoy will have a spot on this original post. Please lay out your submission like this: [Contact No. XY][Generation (biplane, ww2 etc)][Manufacturer name/author(s)][Craft name][Description][Pictures (max 3)][Download link (preferably on KerbalX)] Guidelines/Rules 1) Unless otherwise stated in the contract, the plane must fly only with stock propellers. 2) The Design MUST be original and NOT a replica. 3) Stock designs only. DLC is not allowed. 4) Part clipping/craft file editing is allowed. ----- The Idea The idea for this challenge was blatantly ripped off HB Stratos' and Servo's Original Jet Fighter challenge. If you've stumbled here but aren't a fan, or don't know how to make props, visit their challenge instead: Major thanks to HB Stratos for letting me actually make this challenge even it's literally the same thing. ----- The Contracts Biplane Era ----- WW2 Era ----- Postwar Era --- Hall of Fame! @Jon144's fantastic K4F Scimitar is on the list because of it's superb performance; the best so far! While not as detailed as some of the other props, it's fast, and maneuverable enough to compensate. Good job! --- @erasmusguy's HF-108 fantastically detailed. It doesn't quite fit a category, but looks superb. I appreciate the detail added to it; especially the little men/RCS tanks. Well done. --- @Phantomic's P-45 bolt just looks like a plane straight from WW2. It has nice clean lines and isn't a bad flier either. Fits the contract almost perfectly. Great work! ----
Inspired by the Regional Jet Challenge Whilst the thread is mainly focused on propeller driven aircraft, jet powered aircraft ARE allowed on the condition that it uses a maximum of 800 units of fuel. Kerbin has gone through an oil crisis; airlines and military around Kerbin are now using aircraft they can no longer fuel and are in desperate need for new aircraft. It is up to your company to provide aircraft for either the military or airlines that have almost the, or better performance then jet powered counterparts. Of course, in most cases it isn't possible to match the speed, however propeller driven aircraft tend to be better in other regards. vvv Note: PLEASE READ vvv _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is a good aircraft then? The military is in need of aircraft that can either turn well, or perform Boom and Zoom style attacks. The military also wants cheap, easy to maintain and rugged aircraft as well. As for things like bombers, the military is in need of bombers with good defense and bomb load, while being strong enough to take a few hits. The Airlines are in need of aircraft that are safe, reliable, comfortable, have a reasonable price, are easy to maintain and designs that are flexible enough to be put in other uses. Obviously, it's better if the aircraft is cheaper, however the aircraft's performance can compensate (to an extent) a high price tag. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rules Must be compatible with 1.4 of KSP. The only mods allowed are Stock parts (duh), BDarmory and Airplane Plus. Maximum of 700 parts. (this can be negotiable if the aircraft only goes slightly over) If the aircraft uses liquidfuel, it is classified as a jet Propellers from Airplane Plus are allowed, but the aircraft is considered a "jet" if it uses liquid fuel. Command seats are allowed as long as a cockpit of some sorts is built around it (an open cockpit is fine). For military aircraft, no missiles are allowed (as these use fuel) For military aircraft, only 50cal weapons (turret included), 20mm vulcan (fixed and turret), and the GAU-8 Cannon are allowed (a plane with an abrams cannon would be amazing if it can be done). (feel free to suggest any more weapons) Part clipping to any extent is allowed. Creating variants for aircraft are allowed (explained down below) What is a Variant in the context of the rules? To make a design more versatile for different roles; it's possible to submit different variants of the same aircraft. A variant of the same aircraft will be counted as a variant if it has roughly the same structural layout of the previous design. You are allowed to change the engines, add more guns, make wings slightly bigger, or lengthen the fuselage. If an aircraft variant is too different from it's original, it will be counted as another plane rather than a variant. Military Categories (closed until BDarmory updates) The specifications do not need to be met as long as the aircraft makes up for it in something else. Like an aircraft having a slow speed, but good turn rate. Fighter Speed of more than 80m/s Armament of at LEAST two 50cals reasonable turn time 1 pilot only 1 engine only Heavy Fighter Speed of more than 100m/s. Armament of at LEAST 6 50cals. reasonable turn time. at least 1 pilot, however 2 or having a turret is preferred. At least 2 engines (maximum of 4). Ground Attacker/Light Bomber Speed of more than 70m/s. Armament of at least 6 50cals. (cannons are preferred) Must carry a few bombs. reasonable turn time. at least 1 pilot, however 2 or having a turret is preferred. Must be easy enough to aim at ground targets Heavy Bomber Speed of more than 60m/s Must have a bomb load of at least 5000lbs (or if you're metric like me, 2267kg) Must have at least 2 pilots and 1 turret (more turrets are recommended) Reasonable turn time (of course, it doesn't need to be fighter like) Must be stable enough to aim bombs properly. Maximum of 6 engines, but must have at least 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Airliner Categories The specifications do not need to be met as long as the aircraft makes up for it in something else. Like an aircraft having a slow speed, but good comfort and passenger count. Like the Regional Jet Challenge: The Mk1 and Mk2 Crew Cabins count as 8 Passengers Mk3 Passenger Module and Size 2 Crew Cabin count as 24 Passengers Seaplane Speed of at least 60m/s Must be able to takeoff and land from water with relative ease Must hold at least 16 passengers. Maximum of 3 engines. Flying Boat Speed of at least 60m/s Must be able to takeoff and land from water Must hold at least 48 passengers Minimum of 2 engines, and maximum of 4 Island Hopper Speed of at least 60m/s Must have short takeoff and landing Must hold at least 16 passengers (max 24) Maximum of 3 engines. Regional Airliner Speed of at least 70m/s Must have reasonably short takeoff and landing Must hold at least 32 passengers (max 48) Must be comfortable Minimum of 2 engines and maximum of 4 International Airliner Speed of at least 80m/s Must have reasonably short takeoff and landing Must hold at least 56 passengers (maximum of whatever you can do) Must be comfortable Minimum of 3 engines, maximum of 6. (optional) Can fly with 1 engine not working. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How to Submit Aircraft must have a title in bold, and at least 1 picture so I can figure out what is and isn't a submission. Clarify if the aircraft is a military aircraft/airliner and make sure it is clear what category the aircraft is in. A download link for the aircraft in the post. Price of your aircraft multiplied by 10, but 1000 if it's a jet. Instructions to fly, optimal propeller pitch, and recommended altitudes (Optional) Pitch the aircraft to the military/airlines. Why is your aircraft so good. Why should they buy it. Describe special features of the aircraft (even made up ones). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Military Submissions Fighter Heavy Fighter Ground Attacker/Light Bomber Heavy Bomber _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Airliner Submissions Seaplane Flying Boat Island Hopper Regional Airliner International Airliner _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Judges Just ask if you want to be a judge. @HolidayTheLeek yeah, that's it right now.
I completely forgot to upload this to the forums, but I have built a Lancaster with functioning propellers and a rotating turret completely in stock! It comes in as a big'un at 666 parts (That wasn't intentional I swear). So far, it's the biggest thing (in terms of part count) I've ever built in KSP. The propeller technology for this one was a reverse engineered engine I stole downloaded from Squiddy. As for the turret, I used RCS ball based bearings which I got from Azimech. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top Speed: 70-80m/s (around 50-60m/s with a full bomb load) Top Speed (in a dive): 120+ m/s Stall Speed: 35m/s Takeoff Speed: 36m/s Climbrate: 7-10m/s (this is actually better than the real lanc) Download (HERE)
Hello all! I have made an aircraft I'd wanted to make for the longest time. It's the P-51 (the D model in particular)! It took me a while to figure out how to make a bubble cockpit, however, not trying to toot my own horn but, I think I've done a pretty good job! Like a lot of the aircraft I'm building these days, I've made a speedbuild for it. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions and Download 1: Decouple the propeller from the craft 2: Turn on SAS for the main craft, but not the propeller 3: Switch to propeller (using [ ] keys) 4: Hold down ALT + E until the roll meter is completely to the right 5: Wait until the aircraft takes off 6: Fly like normal, but avoid dipping below 20m/s. Download (HERE)
Hello! I've made a replica of the IL-2 Shturmovik. Before I start off, I'd like to credit MajorJim! for the initial design for the bearing I use, and Azimech for showing me the design with the RCS balls. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The IL-2 was a ground attacker developed in the Soviet Union. It had a reputation for taking huge amounts of punishment, but still being able to fly home. This was because of the fact it was incredibly well armoured; this made it immune to small arms fire. The armour worked both as armour and the actual load bearing component of the aircraft. Like the WW1 Junkers J-1, it had an "armoured bathtub" which meant the armour surrounded the pilot and other components, like a bathtub. The IL-2 was the second most produced aircraft ever. Stalin himself loved this aircraft, describing it as "essential as air and bread for the Red Army". Despite being one of the most produced aircraft, only a handful still exist. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The real plane (in the spoiler) The video of it being made: Some pictures: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top Speed: 78m/s Top Speed (In a dive): 120m/s (however at 100m/s, there is a big chance of the propeller breaking) Stall Speed: 19-20m/s Takeoff Speed: around about 26m/s Climb rate: 10-15m/s _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions: 1: Press space to decouple the propeller from the main craft. 2: Turn on SAS on the main craft (NOT THE PROPELLER) 3: Switch to the propeller 4: Hold down Alt+E until the Roll bar in the bottom left is completely to the left. 5: Switch back to the main craft 6: Don't touch the controls, and it should take off when it gets to 23-24m/s. 7: Fly like normal, but be gentle when it comes to dives. Don't exceed 100m/s. Tip: Turning makes you bleed speed a lot, be sure to stay above 24-25m/s. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Download (HERE) (now on KerbalX) Thanks for reading!
For a very, very long time now, I've wanted to make a new version of that Spitfire I made a while back. I personally thought it wasn't very good, and I could've done a much better job, so I finally did. Now, technically, this is actually V3, however, I never released the other one I made since I figured out new techniques of making smoother looking aircraft as soon as I finished it. Just for perspective, here is the real Spitfire: Here is my old replica: And here is the newer version I made: As you may be able to see, the newer version is much cleaner, and is much closer to the original Spitfire. As an added bonus, It's also much faster, and the propeller doesn't pop out and break as easily. I have also included a speed build which shows myself building the Spitfire; the video is here: I didn't design the bearings used for the stock propeller in this aircraft. The original design being created by MajorJim, and then being modified using different parts by Klond and Azimech. Anyways, here are more pictures. The download and specifications are down below. Download: (HERE) Top Speed: 78m/s (sea level), 87m/s (3000-4000m) Top Speed (in a dive): 120-130m/s (depends on altitude and angle Stall Speed: around about 19-20m/s Takeoff Speed: around about 20-21m/s Climb Rate: 10-15m/s _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions: 1: Decouple the propeller from the craft 2: Turn on SAS for the main craft, but not the propeller 3: Switch to propeller (using [ ] keys) 4: Hold down ALT + E until the roll meter is completely to the right 5: Wait until the aircraft takes off 6: Fly like normal, but avoid dipping below 20m/s. Thanks for reading this post! Be sure to check out the BF-109 I made recently (HERE)
This gave me the idea, thanks to MiffedStarfish for indirectly giving me the idea for this replica! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As with my other forum posts, I credit MajorJim for creating the bearing I require to even think about building these replicas, check it out here! Also, big thanks to whoever designed the modification that allows you to use RCS thrusters as ball bearings. (Please tell me who made it as I want to credit them) Klond and Azimech for developing the RCS bearing. (Thank you qzgy for telling me who developed the technologies) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I assume you don't need any information on want the Spitfire is, so let's get right into the showcase! But just before I show my replica, here's the real deal here: And to compare, here's photos of the replica I made here: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions 1: Press space to decouple the propeller from the main craft. 2: Turn on SAS on the main craft (NOT THE PROPELLER) 3: Switch to the propeller 4: Hold down Alt+E until the Roll bar in the bottom left is completely to the left.\ 5: Switch back to the main craft 6: Don't touch the controls, and it should take off when it gets to 20m/s. 7: Fly like normal, but be gentle when it comes to dives. Don't exceed 70m/s. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top Speed: 56m/s (may differ with altitude) Top Speed (In Dive): 70m/s (before propeller breaks) Takeoff Speed: 20m/s Download (HERE) Modified version by Azimech (which is lightyears better than mine) (HERE) (Don't mind the name, that's because I've made nine editions of the plane experimenting on which amount of reaction wheels work best, and the ninth worked the best.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hope you enjoy the craft! Any suggestions (Direct or indirect) would be great! The Spitfire was a bit of a challenge, but I managed to create it. Sorry for not posting for so long, I've just been slacking.
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Hello all! I'm back, and I've made a new replica. Unlike all of my other replicas, I have decided to record the making of the BF-109. So far, this replica has been one of the easiest to build so far; only taking about/less than an hour to complete and test. (I'm only showing 40 minutes of building footage in the video because the extra 10-20 minutes were just tweaking) The video is here: The stock bearings used were initially designed by MajorJim, however, a similar design, using different parts (the one I use in the plane) were designed by Klond and Azimech. Download is in the video description.
Hello all! Here's a very special, and SCARY plane! That's right, It's the Stuka! The JU-87 (or Stuka as it was called) was a German dive bomber developed by Junkers in the 1930s. The Stuka would dive at about 80 degrees, ditch the bombs and pull up afterward. This meant the bombs dropped by the Stuka were extremely accurate. It first saw combat during the spanish civil war in 1937, however, was more famously known for it's action during WW2. One of the special features of the Stuka was it's siren (this was really only used at the beginning of the war, due to soldiers being de-sensitized to the sound afterward), the siren itself was just a small, unpowered, propeller that made a sound the faster the aircraft went. The aircraft was also fitted with automatic dive brakes, so the plane would automatically pull up if the pilot blacked out due to large amounts of G-forces. (The real plane is in the spoiler) This replica would not be possible without the advice of Azimech, and the original design for the bearing being created by MajorJim! Anyway, here's my replica: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top speed: 40m/s-ish, (to be honest, I never really tested the level flight top speed of this thing properly) Top speed: 80m/s, however, if you try to go any faster, the propeller will break. (if this isn't the case, I may have uploaded the wrong craft file) Takeoff speed: 22-24m/s (depends if you have bombs attached) Climb Rate (I've actually put this in this time): 5-10m/s _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions and Download (Yes, I have copied and pasted this from my spitfire post) 1: Press space to decouple the propeller from the main craft. 2: Turn on SAS on the main craft (NOT THE PROPELLER) 3: Switch to the propeller 4: Hold down Alt+E until the Roll bar in the bottom left is completely to the left. 5: Switch back to the main craft 6: Don't touch the controls, and it should take off when it gets to 23-24m/s. 7: Fly like normal, but be gentle when it comes to dives. Don't exceed 70m/s. Tip: Lots of speed is lost whilst turning, so when turning, be sure you stay above 25m/s, otherwise you may stall, and may crash. Download: Updated version (HERE) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading! If you'v read up to here, I'd love to hear what planes I should replicate next. Comment down below.
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To start off, I would like to credit MajorJim as the original creator of the bearing. Klond and Azimech for developing the modification that uses RCS Balls. Big thanks again to Azimech for showing ways of optimizing the bearing to make it even better and even more reliable. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ With that out the way, Here's the actual post. I apologize for not existing for so long, there's no reason for it, I was just too lazy to post again. I've made many planes (mostly with spinny propeller things) so today, the one I've picked out for today is... The DC-3 Dakota (AKA, the C-47 Skytrain) The DC-3 was an airliner developed in the 1930s and was developed from the earlier DC-2. The DC-3 turned out to be one of the most successful aircraft in the world. What makes it unique compared to most aircraft designed before WWII, the DC-3 is still in (limited) use. During WWII, the DC-3 was converted into a military transport called the C-47. It was considered one of the best transports during the war. The replica I've created is down below. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions and Download 1: As soon as the crafts spawns in, turn on the brake. 2: Decouple the propellers and turn on SAS afterward. 3: Switch to one of the propellers using the [ ] keys. 4: If the propeller selected is on the left, hold down ALT and E until the roll indicator in the bottom left has reached completely to the right. 5: If the propeller selected is on the right, hold down ALT and Q until the roll indicator in the bottom left has reached completely to the left. 6: Switch back to the main craft, and turn off the brakes as soon as the propellers are both spinning 7: If done correctly, the plane should start to move. On takeoff, the plane should take off on it's own if left alone with SAS on. 8: Have a nice flight. Try avoiding excess manouevers. Download (HERE) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for reading! Sorry I've been away for a while. However, as a sorry gift for keeping you guys waiting, I have a bonus craft down below. Enjoy!
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Before I show off my plane, I need to give credit where credit is due A BIG thank you to MajorJim's innovative thermometer hinge! It is the only reason why this flies and without it, I'd still be using jet engines *Gasp* (Link Here) With that out of the way, here's the... Sopwith Camel! If you didn't know (somehow), the Sopwith Camel was one of the most successful fighters of World War 1, but however, one of the most difficult to fly. This is because of the rotary engine inside which acted like a gyroscope giving the plane a strong turn to the right (which could cause the plane to flip) and a weaker turn to the left. This was a good thing for experienced pilots but really deadly for unexperienced pilots. For ease of use, I've made sure the plane I've made doesn't have too much of a gyroscopic effect ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pictures: (Don't mind the name, that's because I've made several of these and two were the final ones, this is the second one. That's why it's called the "Official II") The real thing: My Replica: _______________________________________________________________________ Controls and Download 1: On launch, decouple the propeller from the main craft. Make sure SAS is on the main craft itself, but not the detatched propeller. (This is optional, but if you want, you can have the brakes on, be sure to remember to release them ) 2: hold Alt + E until the propeller is completely spun up (a bar at the bottom left shows the roll, when it is completely to the left, that's when it's fully spun up) 3: Leave the plane be, once it reaches 19 or 20m/s it should lift up on it's own. 4: Have fun being an Ace Pilot, or a twenty minuter. Just avoid doing manouevers too strong, this can cause the propeller to break off. - As a tip, flying with SAS results in a more stable, but less manouverable flight, but without makes the thing fly more manouverably. - As a challenge, try to stunt fly this thing, I assure you it's really fun! (Download Here) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top Speed: 43.3m/s (though, it depends on altitude) Top Speed (In a dive): 72.2m/s (Be gentle when pulling up at these speeds though, the prop could get ripped straight out the plane) Takeoff speed: 19 - 20m/s (depends on where you launch) Stall speed: 18m/s ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope you enjoyed this craft I've made. I had lots of fun making it Critiques and Suggestions would be appreciated. I'm just not too happy with the back end of the craft, it's too round. The real Sopwith Camel had more of a flat, rectangular-ish tail. I'd love some tips on how to fix that and make a more accurate fuselage. Thank you for reading my post
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Before I start talking about my plane, I have to credit Major Jim for designing the tech for the propellers. Without it, I'd still be using jet engines to power my planes (THE HORROR!) (Link Here) With that out the way, here's the.... Vickers Vimy Heavy Bomber! In case you don't exactly know what the Vickers Vimy is; the Vickers Vimy was a World War I era heavy bomber that was introduced pretty late into the war. It got used as late as 1933! It was also the first plane to cross the Atlantic Ocean non-stop and it was the first to travel from England to Australia! Here's the plane in real life: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I bet you're itching to see my replica then. Well, here it is in KSP! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top Speed: 32.9m/s Top Speed (In Dive) 42m/s (and then the propellers break apart if gone past this speed) Part Count: 306 (Might not be too good on older computers) (Download Here) Instructions: 1: Decouple the propellers from the main ship and make sure you have SAS on the plane itself, but NOT the propellers. 2: Switch to a propeller 3: For the LEFT propeller, hold Alt + E until the roll bar at the bottom is maxxed out and is rotating at full speed. (Make sure SAS is off) 4: For the RIGHT propeller hold Alt + Q, and do the same thing as the last propeller 5: Decouple the Launch Stability Enhancer 6: Leave the plane be, and wait until 25-27m/s and the plane should lift of the ground itself (Provided SAS is turned on) 7: Have fun being a twenty minuter, or an ace! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I don't consider myself to be any good at making replicas, I'd appreciate some tips and critiques on the craft. (How it looks, how it flies, part count, etc.) Thanks for viewing my post/thread/thingy. I don't know what to call these. Sopwith Camel out now: