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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I'm having this bug rn, which weirdly only seem to happen in the Jool system (tho I haven't tested all planets). As you can see in the video below, the vessel seems to be teleported instantly when I timewarp... Bad thing is that it retains this changed position, which is very bad for gameplay.. ksp.log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ftic9lit09rsy3r/KSP.log?dl=0 Video of the Bug : Thanks a lot for your help ! Peace
  2. For some time now, I have been working on a project with three PartModules, countless physics bugs, and fourteen builds of the same plugin. It has no custom models/textures for the parts, but they are localized(in English only for now, sorry) and they work(more or less) as intended. So, I present: the Jump Drive! The parts right now: BMS-01 "Somewhere Else" Hyperdrive This is currently a clone of the J-33 Wheesley jet engine, now with 100% less regular engine functionality! However, it is currently experiencing bugs that prevent it from loading. "A small engine, useful for going somewhere else. Be careful, though, as this technology is experimental, and you have no idea where you'll go if you use this. It does, however, have a "Back to Kerbin" feature, which allows you to go back home easily. There is also an error that will send you forward in time approximately 9 days. You are teleported to a flyby with the random celestial body chosen by the engine. Warranty void if used to teleport surface-to-surface." BMS-02 "Somewhere Else+" Hyperdrive This is a clone of the LV-N, and it is slightly improved over the BMS-01... "This drive is the improved version of the BMS-01. Most issues are mostly fixed, although we still can't choose where to go. The forward-in-time issue is reduced to 2 seconds. You can also teleport directly to orbit around your chosen target, rather than that annoying flyby. [REDACTED- FIND OUT WHAT GOES HERE WHEN IT'S RELEASED]" And... the BMS-03, which doesn't currently have a name, will be a clone of the Mammoth engine cluster, and you will be able to choose your destination. Likely release date: Summer 2018
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