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  1. I never thought that on that evening in 2012 that a random game would eventually set me on a course to where I am now. Now that we are upon the eve of KSP1's great adventure, I wanted to highlight how KSP has affected me. I remember the first time I landed on the moon. At first, I was stupefied and elated at finally - finally! - succeeding where I'd failed dozens of times before. My lander parked beside me, I looked homeward to that beautiful blue and green marble - Kerbin. I was introduced to Kerbal Space Program at the age of eight. Over the course of the decade past, Kerbal has taught me the allure of spaceflight, from the celestial clockwork of orbital mechanics to the vast expanse of space. Ever since I first launched my first rocket all those years ago, I have been captivated by spaceflight. Kerbal taught me to love science, spaceflight, and engineering. It also changed the course of my life immensely. I will be attending college this year to pursue further education in physics and engineering. It is my hope that one day I will fulfill my dream of working in astronautics – a dream inspired by Kerbal Space Program. I’d like to extend my deepest thanks to the developers - the people who made Kerbal possible. Kerbal never would be as it is today if not for your enthusiasm, care, and dedication to Kerbal and its community. I’d also like to express my gratitude to the Kerbal community. Your passion for space exploration, commitment to teaching others, and infinite creativity and innovation has truly made an impact on my life. As a homage to KSP, I created a 10-minute long cinematic video montage. Go check it out if you want! (Moderators: please don't move this to Fan Works if you're considering it - the main point of this post is to talk about how KSP has influenced my life and give thanks, not the cinematic. )
  2. Planet Jam 2: the Ilio-Pyri System A huge community-built 101-world planet mod. It is a common story across Kerbal history: an interstellar colonization mission is almost guaranteed to go wrong. Typically, the interstellar spacecraft will crash on a habitable world, society will collapse to the lowest tech level that is survivable, and it will be hundreds of years before anyone builds up the technology to launch rockets again. Amusingly, this didn't stop happening, even after those dozens of colonies banded together (alongside plenty of alien species) to form an Interstellar Federation of Planets. Almost a hundred years ago--and that's counting by Pyrian years, which are very long--an interstellar ship of exploration crashed, and now that multispecies society of Kerbals and Kerbaloid aliens are finally ready to reach to the skies again. Welcome to Armstrong Radius: 950,000m (1.5 Kerbin Radii) Surface Gravity: 1.75G Atmospheric Pressure: 0.068atm Orbital parent: Pyri, a red dwarf star. Orbital and rotation period: 6 hours. Armstrong is difficult to launch from, and even more difficult to land on--the atmosphere is so thin that it barely slows you down, but it's so thick and you travel so fast that aerodynamic heating is a major concern. Armstrong's atmosphere is inspired by the Seven Minutes of Hell entry descent and landing sequences of real Mars missions, and by a planet mod I helped maintain years ago, Little Green Men From Mars. That is--the atmosphere is thick enough that entry heating is a serious concern, but thin enough that it won't really slow you down much. Landing on Armstrong is challenging, but it is rewarding to get it right and make it reliable. The InlineBallutes mod and Trajectories come in handy. This produces some brand new engineering constraints, and necessitates infrastructure building. Armstrong's two moons, position within an asteroid belt, and proximity to two gas giants for easy gravity assists, makes it easier to deal with. The skies above Armstrong are littered with bright visible objects. Several planets and even a few asteroids can be resolved with the unaided eye even during the day. Ilio, a double-Sun, shines on Armstrong's far side during the day, keeping it illuminated and giving its inhabitants a recognizable 6-hour day/night cycle. Four bright planets are visible to astronomers around Ilio, and three more planets and several dwarf planets are found orbiting Ilio beyond Pyri. System Layout: The Ilio System is a large and complex system. Counting stars, planets, moons, and asteroids, there's a total of 101 objects. The Ilio System is divided into an Inner System, with four gas giant planets, the Pyri System with its planets and trojans, and an Outer System, with three gas giants on two orbits with associated coorbitals, and a distant dwarf planet. List of all planets in order: A Note on Spoilers: Planet Jam 2 has some excellent planets, including some of the most creative planets in any planet mod. I highly encourage you to avoid spoiling yourself on the planets. Don't go and tab through the planets in the tracking station, or if you do just to read their non-spoiler descriptions, keep yourself zoomed out. If you're sharing images or reports in the mod, be sure to spoiler tag them! Spoiler-lite Astrophotos: Simulated astro-images of the various planetary systems as if taken through telescopes. This gives a rough idea for what to expect, and what your space program should be expected to know of each planet before you send missions to them. These are spoilers for anyone who wants to go into the mod completely blind, but if you want a teaser, take a look: SPOILER ALERT: In-game screenshots. Career Integration: PJ2 includes balanced science multipliers for the Pyri system. Most planets have biome maps, many of them quite complex. The mod will reward many landings at Lu, for example, with its roughly 20 biomes. Lots of objects have science reports, though this functionality is still a work-in-progress for probably most of the system. Eventually we'd also like to support BDB and DMOS science experiments. The tech tree has also been altered to support Armstrong. You get more parachutes earlier on, larger rocket tanks earlier, and a few better structural parts earlier. Most importantly, the low-grade ISRU technology has been moved to the Space Exploration node. Career mode balancing is still somewhat experimental right now--feel free to play around with the in-game career settings if you feel you're not getting enough science to progress (or if you're getting too much?). I'd be very curious to hear your experience. I found that a career mode using Bluedog Design Bureau was surprisingly fun. BDB's stock-balanced parts are balanced for a rescaled stock system with about 2.5x scale factor; that delta-v to orbit is close to the delta-v to orbit around Armstrong. The main difference is you need more engines to liftoff! Luckily BDB has an early-game quadruple-cluster of Redstone engines, which has a pretty ridiculous thrust for early-game! When CustomBarnKit is installed, the Tier 1 and Tier 2 VAB, SPH, Launchpad, Runway, and Tracking Station are all buffed. They have more parts allowed and they allow for larger and heavier rockets. There's also Tier 1.5 and Tier 2.5 upgrades which upgrade the buildings without rebuilding them. "Splatnik" PilotingGoo Control Unit The Greater Goo Mass--that huge volume of superintelligent sentient slime that we all owe so much to--has come up with a solution for launching and controlling rockets without going to the trouble of returning to Armstrong: a spherical vessel of goo that can pilot a vessel without any electricity. It is an entirely self contained unit, requiring no batteries. It will last about 24 hours, but when used with hibernation, that can be stretched. This was a feature I'd planned from almost the beginning, but the model for it isn't finished yet, so currently it's a Stayputnik clone. It was also intended to have a spherical solar panel, but again, I'm not a part modder, so I couldn't figure that out in time for the release either. So look forward to an improved Splatnik in the future! Alien Texture Pack: Texture Pack Download--Direct Link The texture pack should also be available in the Releases on GitHub. To represent the various alien cultures in PJ2, I made a texturepack including various aliens that is available as an optional add-on to PJ2. TextureReplacer includes its own diverse Kerbal heads, so most of your Kerbals will still be green (though we imagine they're still very multicultural, more likely to come from some colony world than Kerbin.) DEPENDENCIES: Kopernicus v141 or later (and its prerequisites). https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/ Niako's Mitchell-Netravali Filtered Heightmap: https://github.com/pkmniako/Kopernicus_VertexMitchellNetravaliHeightMap/releases Kopernicus Expansions Continued-er: https://github.com/VabienArt/KopernicusExpansion-Continueder/releases/tag/Beta9-1.11 note that due to a missing RunSharp.dll in the latest version, you should be sure to use Beta 9 - 1.11, not Beta 9 - 1.12 Scatterer: https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/releases/ Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux: https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/ Yes, Scatterer and EVE are REQUIRED. They are not merely supported, they are actually required for the mod to work properly. Mod Compatibility: Custom Barn Kit: Patch available that improves capability of Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings, adds Tier 1.5 and 2.5 upgrades. Recommended Mods: Near Future Technologies Suite, particularly electrical propulsion. Several of the playtesters made good use of NF electrical and NF propulsion. The enormous launch vehicle parts provided by NFLV also come in handy. Kerbal Atomics provides nuclear thermal rocket engines that also really come in handy. Transfer Window Planner provides a way of figuring out transfer delta-v to various planets, since we don't have a delta-v map yet. (It's also just. Better than the stock Maneuver Planner tool.) Inline Ballutes allows you to slow down much faster in the upper atmosphere of Armstrong. KSP-RO Kerbal Joint Reinforcements makes large rockets go from frustrating to possible. (The latest versions now support robotics and in-flight construction.) Better Timewarp. Though the system was intentionally kept fairly compact, travel times get really long. Distant Object Enhancement. Due to a bug with reparenting homeworlds, you can't actually see the star flares, but seeing the dark skies does look really nice. Bluedog Design Bureau, while definitely super optional and also a huge part pack to add to an already huge planet pack, plays surprisingly well with Armstrong. I think a full career mode or science mode game using BDB could turn out really interesting, since BDB sorta maps its own tech progression onto the stock nodes but goes its own direction. Downloads: Download Planet Jam 2 via Github Development: After the success of Week World Planet Jam, where 10 planet modders made a 31-planet solar system in 1 week, some of the WWPJ creators had been brainstorming how we might run a second planetjam in a similar format. We kept the things which were most fun about making WWPJ and got rid of some of the worst parts--namely the lack of collaboration, and the deadline which was just right for some but too short for others. This time we would have two weeks and up to two orbits per person, rather than one orbit per person. Cross-collaboration would be allowed. It ended up actually being quite a complicated thing to set up the allotments because this time the system layout would reward many gas giant planets and some contributors did not want to make gas giant systems, but when all was said and done we had 15 contributors and 15 orbit slots to be filled in. Most of the slots had a specific mass allotment that had to be filled exactly, but could be split up into a planet and moons, or coorbital planets, or left as a single planet. We started on Saturday, 2022-October-21, and the initial "Deadline Version" was compiled two weeks later on a red-letter date in the history of planet modding: November 5th 2022. The deadline version contained 80 planets. Over the course of the next two and a half months, 21 more objects would be added, and a lot of balancing, bugfixing, and visual polishing would be done. We're now very proud of the result. Even after spending so much time actively working on it, the size, complexity, and level of completion of PJ2 puts my own previous work to shame. (Whirligig World, built by just myself, took nearly 4-5 years to get to a similar point, though it still hasn't reached a "1.0" state.) Bugs and Known Issues: Behavior of trajectories running around barycenters is counterintuitive and unrealistic; this is a fundamental limitation of using barycenters to represent near-equal-mass binary objects. The KSC scene is always wrong, due to reparenting Kerbin. Sometimes it can startle you as other planets rush through the sky, or Pyri rises unexpectedly. Rest assured that this is a visual-only bug that only occurs in the space center scene. When in the Gerro-Sandevistan and Phyre-Wepor barycenter's sphere of influence, timewarp controls do not function. The workaround is to timewarp in the tracking station. Hopefully we can find a fix. Lighting in compact systems such as the inner Pyri system is not accurate. The entire system is lit up with the same sunlight intensity, and all objects are lit apparently from infinite distance--hence objects farther from the Sun than the camera, but next to the Sun, can appear as crescents, when in reality they would be gibbous or full. This is a fundamental limitation of KSP and Unity's lighting system, though if any modders have an idea of how to get around this I would love to hear about it. The inner and outer Ilio system lack science balancing, and some objects lack biome maps. This will be improved upon in future versions. Many objects have limited or no science definitions. Credits: Luna/Gregrox: Project coordinator. System layout planner. Ilio Phosphol, Ilio Vespol, Somna, Pyri, Dord, Armstrong, Buzz, Desmet, Weegletoss, Lu, and Zhandar. ThreeAliens loading screen art. SnailsAttack: Ollo, Soval, Fourcroy, Conscience, Fish, Raft, Quank, Ogoquo, Tobalk, Turtlestar, Hidalgo, Pi, Hadfield Cloverdove: Olu, Millie, Casy, Eron, Sinacin, Glice The Orios: Cloud textures for Kilna, Alkin, and Arterr; heightmap for Trithium Techo: Squangus, Marith, Radlun, Ulen, Ilmar, Montauk, Tritonis, Andro, Arterr, Trithus, Trithium Mh: Kilna, Drae, Arach, Radlun, Ulen, Ilmar Interplanet Janet: Gerro, Somna Marshall (Myth): Sandevistan, Montauk & Tremelo Wolf-Rayet: Smeezobbler, Solin, Floryet, Whayt, Hemantreeantbumbalo, Gerro, Tremelo, Gwargin, Phe, Ber, Deibos, Phomos, Bercue, Dord, Garner, Desmet, Naharosmank, Welkendon, Morhomlo, Schmev, Gershmerzelen, Mani, Jotunn, Oynag, Viszra, Jejunum, Acic, Atrium, Cuspid, Fundus, Cricoid, Descry, Zeppeli, Pendle, Zziezel, Xeititit, Hysnoon, help with a settings file, Pyri System loading screen art. Tholin: Haut-Oklo Caps Lock: Beddul, Dopale Sabine: Bifrost, Bil, Ljos, Heimdall, Thorr Triston: Sinacin, Rangon, Caua, Alia, Jones JoQueeb: Kialla ElectricPants: Blitzo, Nevig, Phyre, Wepor, Twilight Special thanks to Adstri for help during development, and Levana for playtesting, creating Lu's biome map, and writing D or d's description. License Please provide attribution both to Planet Jam 2, and to the modder whose work you are using. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
  3. EDIT: 2023-February-23. Time, like trains, travels down a path in one direction. When we all started this journey, we were promised great things, and I think many of those great things are still to come. But the train has reached its destination, and most of us can not even disembark, and those that do will be entering a station building which is little more than a cracked, uneven foundation. Still though, time marches forward, and we can only hope that KSP2 development marches on as well. Are there better constructed stations down the line? Let's find out. The engine's lethargic now; i've had to supplement Hype Energy with regular coal just to keep the boiler pressure up. This express has reached the end of the line, but a new stopping service is about to depart. Hopefully at the end of this branch line extension is a stable station building, and if we're very lucky, it won't even be on Kerbin. EDIT: 2024-January-05. I bought it. It runs ok now. original OP: A whole new world has opened up and its naME IS KERBIN, HAHAHA! That's right it's ya girl Luna Rose back at it again with the Hype Train! Full steam ahead, boiler pressure is clocking in at uh... oh my. 360 gigapascals. Fantastic, we got earth-core energies. I seriously never thought I'd take the Hype Train out again, but she's been excellently maintained and let me tell you she's ready to go. And so am I, I genuinely don't think I've ever been this hyped, and that says a lot. As before, this thread is intended to serve as an outlet for people's pure unadulterated enthusiasm and as a way to collect the special hype fluids that enable super-luminal hype travel from our passengers. Here's your ticket to ride. I never thought I'd see the day, and I thought surely if I did, I would only be disappointed. But this looks amazing. It was amazing as it was, with parts based on NovaSilisko's old models but with a new shiny coat, and a return of the launchpad. And they used the Build Fly Dream music. And THAT NUCLEAR PULSE ROCKET blew me away when I saw it, and if that wasn't enough we see a beautiful shot of Jool with... oh my god... is that? A Daedalus drive? IT IS! GOING TO OTHER STAR SYSTEMS! I can only hope that the future is bright for planet modding too. I'd love to see Whirligig World 2 and Alternis Kerbol Re-rekerjiggered!
  4. KSP2 comes out in just over 6 weeks. This may be, for many of us, the last time we spend serious time in the original Kerbal Space Program, so let's go out with a bang. This challenge is very simple. To celebrate the end of an era and the beginning of a new one: Do something big, epic, c r a z y, WILD, unprecendented in KSP1 or just accomplish something you have never done in KSP before. (EDIT) This should be something new, not something you have already done. There are no rules (other than what you impose on yourself--and the bit about it being new for this challenge). You may use mods, cheats, summon the Kracken, break the game and/or thumb your nose at physics. You could (for example): * Make your first landing on Tylo or first ascent from Eve. * Put a space station in orbit around every body in the system. * Create a mod. * Build a massive ferris wheel. * Build a bridge linking the rooftops of the VAB and the SPH (something I have contemplated for ages). * Create a giant flying broccoli. * Find an old challenge that strikes your fancy and bring it back to life. * See how many Kerbals you can strand on Minmus in three launches. * Make a short movie. * Write a KSP story. * Build a a functional split-level house for a growing family using only Goliath engines. * Build a sculpture garden out of captured asteroids. You get the idea.... In the words of the great Weird Al: Dare to be stupid! GO NUTS!!!!
  5. The KSP forum moderator's team presents the Threads of the Month February 2023 Edition It's hard to believe we are already into the second month of 2023. There's been a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes with our friends at @Intercept Games in preparation of the much anticipated early release of Kerbal Space Program 2 later this month. It's been quite a journey over the last few weeks watching the updates and the various social media posts showing us glimpses of what we can expect to see in the latest installment of the KSP franchise. All I can say is wow! It is such an honor to be a part of such a great team and community. The next thread of the month - March 2023 will probably look a lot different as we incorporate KSP2 elements. Please be patient as we work them into the TOTM. I would like to remind everyone we do not want to create a divided community but highlight both games and celebrate the contributions of one community. I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together. And as I do in each of these threads, I am asking a favor - if you see an interesting thread - NOMINATE IT! The instructions for nominating a thread are at the bottom of this post. Instructions on using the TOTM images: If your thread has been selected as a TOTM, you can copy the image's link above, go to the area of the forum you want to place it, then paste the link. When the image appears, press the <CONTROL> button and right click on your mouse. A menu will drop down and offer you the option to edit the picture. You can resize it - the first number can be changed as large or small as you want it. Eventually I will be adding these images to the thread I've created as a repository. For those out there who like the nerdy parts of the TOTM: To continue what I started in May 2021, I began keeping some forum statistics to respond to those claiming the forum was dying. In January, there were 775 new forum accounts (an increase of 389, or up 200% from December). Out of the new forum members that joined last month, there were 51 who were active and participating in the forum. This conversion means 13.21% of the new users who registered their accounts are now contributing members of our community! (This is an increase from last month; 6.48% of the new members became active and contributing members). If you’re interested in seeing the new members of our forum, you can click here! Now, without further delay, I present to you the threads of the month for February: A lifetime impacted by Kerbal Space Program There are some of you who are or have been profoundly impacted by Kerbal Space Program. Since I have been a member on this forum in October, 2012, there are a handful of forum members who have shared their stories of how the game and this community have changed their lives forever. We've had a thread created recently where such a testimony of the game's impact was shared and we'd like to share the thread with you, our forum community. @Entropian, on behalf of the moderation team and the rest of the forum community, we wish you the best in wherever your future takes you. Happy launchings and no matter where your future takes you, you are always welcome on our forum. Stop in from time to time and share of your life's journey and continued KSP/KSP2 exploits. Fan-fiction, Mission Reports, and Kerbal Space Program-inspired Creative Works: This category features a thread (or threads) that, while not directly Kerbal Space Program related, may be a creative work, fan-fiction, or other presentation related to the game. There were no nominations for this category. Forum Member Created Challenges and Missions: This category contains missions and challenges created by you, the members of our gaming community. Many excellent missions and challenges threads are created that expand our fun with the game and press our skills, creativity, and sometimes, luck beyond what we get accustomed to. Let’s face it, we all have our go-to design basics and even our go-to vehicles we like to use. So sometimes, a good challenge can cause us to think of another way to achieve our goals. Beginning March 2023, after KSP2 is in Early Access, this category will feature threads from KSP and KSP2. For many of us, there's a feeling of excitement as KSP2 comes out this month. For me, I am planning on continuing to play the original and the sequel. But others I know (yes, I know a few KSP players in the real world) plan on abandoning their crews, even those in the far away areas of the Kerbiverse) are going to completely switch over to KSP2 once it is out on early release in a few weeks. But whatever you're planning to do, this month's member created challenge and missions thread is for you. This challenge is described by @Klapaucius as: And if that has your attention, here's the thread: So, if you need a push in the right direction and a place to share the images of your success, why not give this mission challenge a chance? Game Support/Game Mod of the Month: This category features either help with the game (stock or modded) or mods that add quality-of-life gameplay improvements to Kerbal Space Program. Beginning March 2023, after KSP2 is in Early Access, this category will feature threads from KSP and KSP2. So, you've already visited every planet in the stock system and in OPM. You're looking for strange, new worlds and a distant star to go explore. Well, @GregroxMun and the merry band of world crafting deities are at it again! Being a professional historian by nature, I hate to just copy and paste anything. But there's no other way to put it than how @GregroxMun describes how this more-than-a-planet-pack came into being: Now that the reasoning behind this thread has been shared, it's now time to share what this mod actually is and why those of you who want more destinations (and more variations of Kerbals) should be interested in giving this mod a try. Here's the introduction to the mod is described: So, if you are looking for something to do before Kerbal Space Program 2 comes out, why not give this mod a try! General community threads of the month: This category features a thread that adds to the community and doesn’t fit the game support/game mod categories. There's a lot of excitement here and on the other Intercept Games social media platforms about the early release of Kerbal Space Program 2 - which happens on February 24th! If you're like me, you're hoping your computer isn't too much of a potato to run the game and you'll be able to send your favorite crew into space in some new and shiny parts. But until then, we've been able to share our excitement on the hypetrain thread started by @GregroxMun: So, if you have been living on the Mün and have no idea what all the excitement is about, why not visit this thread, read a few posts, and see for yourself why KSP2 will be the sequel to KSP we all know it will be! Cinematic-based Fan-fiction, Mission Reports, and Kerbal Space Program-inspired Creative Works: This category features a video or other form of cinematic of a Kerbal mission report using in-game video recorded game play. Note: This has changed. Instead of awarding this to a thread, this is a *post of the month* since most new cinematic works are being posted in a single thread. We have a lot of great content creators but because they've been posting their mission reports as videos in a single thread, most of their work goes unnoticed by the general forum audience. Hopefully, with this change in the category to a Post of the Month (POTM), this will highlight the great work done by these deserving content creators. Other threads that contain cinematic posts will also be featured in this category, too. Yes, folks, that's right. An overhauled image just for the cinematic posts! There's a lot of great content creators who are deserving of this recognition since we were made aware of the thread, Post Your Cinematics Here! (Cinematic Enthusiasts) by @HatBat. Although the thread did receive TOTM previously, it was felt that it wasn't enough for those of you who have shared your great creations featuring our favorite Kerbalnauts. Instead of of it being a TOTM, I've changed it into a CPOTM - a Cinematic Post of the Month. Many of you reached out to me through Discord asking me if I had seen this YouTuber's tribute to Kerbal Space Program. So, with that, it only made sense to feature it as this month's cinematic! For this month's CPOTM, we'd like to recognize the work of @Entropian in this amazing cinematic found here: Sometimes the forum software will get a little glitchy and an exact post may be a little hard to find, especially when it is buried in a longer thread. In case this happens, here's @Entropian's cinematic presentation: If you happen to encounter other cinematics you feel are worthy of being recognized as this category's post of the month, please nominate them! You can use the same instructions to nominate a post containing a video as you would use to nominate a thread. Honorable mentions: Sometimes it’s a challenge to choose which threads are going to receive the honor of being selected as the Thread of the Month for our five categories. We get so many good nominations each month to choose from, but we limit it to one for each type. Threads nominated but not selected as a thread of the month become honorable mentions. The honorable mentions for this month are: Calvinball by @Deddly Chinese Space Program (CNSA) & Ch. commercial launch and discussion by @tater Duna Winged Aircraft Range Challenge by @OJT The Third Great Number War: The Long Haul! by @AtomicTech The honorable mentions for this month may not have made the Thread of The Month, but if you think they might be worthy of another opportunity, please renominate it! Congratulations to all the winners of the Thread of the Month! We want to thank our forum members, @Abel Military Services, @Interplanet Janet, @Misguided Kerbal, @Tangle, @Triston, and the members of the moderation team and staff who nominated this month’s contenders. Thank you so much for helping us identify noteworthy threads and bringing their awareness to our forum community. We’d appreciate your continued help in the future. The odds and ends: TO NOMINATE A THREAD FOR CONSIDERATION: If you find a thread you feel should be considered for next month’s thread of the month, then use the “report comment” feature (the three dots on the upper right corner of the comment box) to report the comment. Please put in the text field of the report post “Nomination for thread of the month,” and we will do the rest! You can always nominate more than one thread, too. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOES INTO THE DECISION WHEN CONSIDERING THE TOTM: Wonder no more! This helpful guide is to help you understand what we use to help determine what makes a thread a really good thread and one that becomes a thread of the month/cinematic post of the month winner. It's everything you want or didn't want to know and includes some helpful tips. And the last word this post: I'd like to thank a few people who continue to trust me enough to continue to support and allow me to contribute to the forum. I'd like to thank the Lead Moderator, @Vanamonde for bringing me on as a moderator, a decision that I'm sure has had moments where he often wonders why he did it. I'd also like to thank @Ghostii_Space and @PD_Dakota , our community managers and @Nerdy_Mike, the KSP Franchise Community Lead, for allowing me to continue to serve our Kerbal Space Program forum community through the monthly Threads of the Month post. In case you missed last month’s threads of the month, you can click here.
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