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Found 5 results

  1. GPP Volumetrics Horizons Volumetric Clouds support & updated atmospheres for GPP Niven new dust storm Enhance your Galileo's Planet Pack experience bringing it up to date with the latest planet packs, adding stunning volumetric clouds, updated Scatterer configs, new atmosphere colors, and unique weather effects to gas giants and other celestial bodies! This mod introduces layered, color-mapped clouds, lightning, cyclones, auroras, red sprites with special lightning sounds and textures and more. This is a personal take on how the planets should look, feel free to use the old configs. The atmospheres have been designed with new colors and unique weather effects based on information from the GPP wiki and the help of Gemini to give it some realistic but interesting look. Features Layered clouds on gas giants with underworld support Color-mapped volumetric clouds Atmospheric effects such as lightning, cyclones, red sprites (WIP) and unique lightning sounds Updated Scatterer configs New atmosphere colors based on the planet's atmo composition from GPP wiki. Cryovolcanic geysers on some moons of Nero What's changed? No pics, no download: Dependencies: GPP EVE Release 4 & Scatterer Compatibility: Rescale GPP Secondary Download and installation: Github Spacedock Credits: @rbeap for Gauss clouds configs and lighting, as well as Kerbin clouds and ocean configs, Tellumo oceans and helping me make things right, check his work here. Tarsiss oceans from Khom Hadrian's from AD ASTRA Laythe Kerbin atmo from Spectra Clouds1 and Clouds3 textures and coverage maps from Infinite Discoveries Tarsiss clouds textures, Tellumo storms and low clouds textures, Gael seasonal clouds textures, Hadrian color map from greaterhtrae Thanks to @ProximaCentauri_star for helping me with textures. To-Do: Better cloud colors Fix cloud clipping Update the stock GPP configs? Bugs: Tarsiss clouds are black and can't figure out why Clouds clipping trough Gael's Volcano Recommended mods: GPP Firefly configs Distant Object Enhancement (especial configs are bundled with volumetrics) GPP ParallaxC Configs License GPP Volumetrics Horizons is distributed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. Don't be like me and read about the license here before redistributing : https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
  2. Hi, New to the forum, but long-time player. Linux KSP on Pop!OS. I decided to try out Blackrack's Volumetric clouds mod, and ran into some issues. Namely, when I load a vessel on Kerbin (haven't checked other planets yet) The clouds are showing up in front of the vessel and any ksc structures. Sometimes they're overlaid over the terrain too, like the foreground and background are mixed up. (I think this is called an issue with z-position?) The clouds LOOK like they're supposed to be far away, but when I move the camera, they show up overtop of the existing vessel and KSC buildings. Theoretically the VAB or a rocket should block out clouds behind it in a shot, not the other way around. This was on a heavily modded install, so I first figured there was some weird conflict causing the bug. I tried downloading a clean-slate copy of the game via steam, decided to install only volumetric clouds & Blackrack's deferred-rendering (and Harmony/Shabby dependencies for Deferred) as mods to make sure there were little to no mod conflicts that could be causing the bug. I downloaded Volumetric Clouds and Deferred directly from Blackrack's patreon/github to make sure I wasn't using someone's fork and to rule out possible issues with CKAN, and the Issue still persisted. I have made sure I was using Blackrack's TUFX config on my main install, didn't help. I have made sure I was properly extracting the folders into Gamedata for both installs, didn't help. I did make sure to fully remove EVE, Scatterer, Planetshine, BoulderCo, etc on my main install before installing Volumetric Clouds. I tried adding Stock and Spectra Eve configs after Installing Volumetrics to see if I just needed an EVE config I was missing, both installs. It didn't help. I haven't seen anyone else with this issue, so I'm frankly at a loss for what caused this and what I can do to fix it. In the meantime, I uninstalled Volumetric Clouds and went back to fresh installs of EVE/Scatterer/Spectra on my main save. If anyone has any suggestions to get Volumetric Clouds rendering properly, I'd love to hear them.
  3. JNSQ Volumetrics Volumetric Clouds & Updated Scatterer Configs for JNSQ Dependencies JNSQ ModuleManager EVE Release 4 & Scatterer Recommended mods JNSQ_ParallaxScatters JNSQ Parallax Continued Kerbin Renewal: JNSQ launch site pack Weather Driven Solar Panel 32k Planet Textures For JNSQ Download SpaceDock GitHub Installation Install JNSQ and it's dependencies. If you used CKAN, remove Scatterer and Environmental Visual Enhancements from GameData. Download Environmental Visual Enhancements and Scatterer from blackrack's Patreon. Drop EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, Scatterer, StockScattererConfigs and StockVolumetricClouds into GameData. Drop JNSQVolumetrics into GameData. Have fun! Feel free to share some screenshots in the comments, I'd be delighted to include them here! Images Changelog Credits Sunflare Aurora Textures Huygen Fog Config Huygen Polar Hood Texture
  4. Kerbol System Renewed v0.3.0 Volumetric clouds support! About Kerbol System Renewed is a mod that moves around stock celestial bodies to be similar to our solar system, including changing the orbital inclination of planets and eccentricity for a more true to life and challenging experience. In this process i've had the need to implement a new gas giant beyond Jool to better accommodate the already existing celestials bodies. This is my first mod and post on the forums, but i've been playing KSP for 7 years. I plan to add more features as i learn. Any feedback is appreciated. Existing features All stock celestial bodies keep their original size and characteristics for gameplay purposes. New gas giant with rings further than Jool called “Juni” with volumetric clouds. Kerbin inclined to 23.5 degrees to simulate axial tilt, all other planets and moons follows this inclination, with their respective changes in their degrees. All bodies have a rotation rework and follows their real life counterparts. Most bodies have been moved to a more true to life experience without major overhauls. Gilly now orbiting Duna. (Deimos) Minmus now orbiting Juni as the first moon of the system. (Enceladus) Ike moved as the further planet from Kerbol. (Pluto) Laythe now orbiting Juni as the second moon of the system. (Titan) Vall now oribiting Jool as the last moon of the system. (Callisto) Tylo now orbiting Jool as the third moon of the System. (Ganymede) Bop now orbiting Ike. (Charon) Pol now orbiting Jool as the inner most moon of the system. (Io) Eeloo now orbiting Jool as the second moon in the system. (Europa) Planned features Juni rework Adding small ring to Jool. Minmus volumetric geyser jets. Laythe denser cloud coverage. Duna smaller ice caps. Known bugs Juni's volumetrics are a v1 so there will be improvements, they may look choppy on certain angles. Download Github - https://github.com/SirNooblyOP/Kerbol-System-Renewed/releases/tag/v0.3.0 Spacedock - https://spacedock.info/mod/3713/Kerbol System Renewed Instalation Extract the GameData folder found in the .zip directly into your Kerbal Space Program install directory. Dependencies Module Manager - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-1 Kopernicus - https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases Screenshots Changelog Credits Thanks to @blackrack for making EVE and the great help on adding support for volumetric clouds. License Kerbol System Renewed Mod © 2024 by 'Noobly' is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
  5. Just wondering if anyone could make this or has made it, im aware rss reborn has volumetrics for the the earth, mars, venus and titan, but the gas giants are missing the volumetrics support. A config for this, or a tutorial on how to make configs for the volumetric clouds would be amazing to have. i have read the wiki provided by blackrack but i'm not really sure where to start. Any help would be massively, massively appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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