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Way cool! Gonna try this! I want to build a motorcycle too but you know me huh? Will probably be as big as a yacht.

In the mean time, have some rep!

wow. nice bike.

Thank you guys!

I just finished revising each craft in the KerbAprilia segment and regrouped them all (from 1 to 6) in a pack that I will use as examples and ideas for the "build a motorcycle challenge" that I'll start soon this evening

You can get it here: KerbAprilia_PACK_(1-6)0.90

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I also updated the VI touring and sport versions.

Jam a seat on the back and that would be even more awesome. As it is, very interesting design there.

Kerbals weight 0.1ton I believe, so no big issue if you want to strap a seat here or there, just try to put the mass as low as possible from the CoM for better stability


this is really cool! can't wait to shape it like a goldwing! or mabye a cx 500!

Thanks! Haha good idea, check the pack for ideas

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Hey man, great looking bikes. The design could be cleaned up a bit and a seat added too.

The suspension doesn't seem to do much but it looks really cool. I am inspired to try something now.

Good job.


Thanks MajorJim!

I updated a bit earlier the front fork, it is now more stable.

You can see the rear landing struts adapt precisely to hinge pressure (on the swingarm) when you lean,

but it's complicated not to over-strut and end up with a craft that's too stiff.

It requires test sessions to find the right balance.

The models using only landing gear as wheels are usually easier to suspend.

I suggest you take a ride with the KerbAprilia V from the pack to see how suspensions affect wheel positioning.


The challenge thread is now open for submissions, check it out if you want some advice on how you to build your own:



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I don't think you double posted...

Nice job! I think you could add a seat by offsetting it from the QBE. It needs one.

Thank you!

I don't really want to transform version VI into manned, because I don't want to impair handling (the frame works well as is now).

But I have a model that does that (in the PACK), the RSV model, I revised it, looks like this now:


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if you changed the motor to a radial ant, the exhaust might look better, but if you want backfiring engines, you look fine.

Taking good note of your suggestion. I don't use backfiring engine anymore though, because brakes seem to do the job just fine if the bike is heavy enough.

One good thing to improve braking performance by the way is to toggle off at least half of the SAS reaction wheels (in the action group menu) when pressing B

So that the wheels can find their optimal placement more freely.

Very nice job.

Couple of thoughts...

I think the majority of the suspension is really coming from the landing gear.

Isn't it a tad wrong to call them motorcycles when they have four wheels?


Initially the gears aren't there for aesthetics, they connect the frame to the moving parts.

I see what you mean but the wheels are forming together specific structures, sort of like a "composite tire", that behaves like a single wheel with curved tire

I don't think one can really skip this idea if the counter-steering effect that occurs when you lean is wanted (to my knowledge) because landing gear are flat and rover wheels are asymetrical

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