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Developing Duna (pic heavy) - ^_^ with Part 11 ^_^


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Hehe...See what you did there.

That's a better picture than the cover scan I worked from.

I considered basing my cover on one of the more modern Warlord covers...but I didn't want to get anybody's knickers in a twist.

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Why so? Is the modern cover so offensive?

I don't know if "offensive" is the right word, but bare Kerbal breasts should probably be kept to other sites with the rest of the Rule 34's.

Let's just say the current cover is the more tasteful choice.

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*Googles* Yeap. Mars must be a warm place for those people to wearing those 'clothes'. :P

Most covers wouldn't exactly pass the Bechdel test. :D

Given the Bechdel test requires a conversation, I don't think any cover could possibly pass, except maybe comic book covers.

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OK... Now THIS is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me while playing Kerbal Space Program. (And this is from the guy who managed to ram his mapping satellite into the Statue in front of the desert Pyramid Complex...while the satellite was in orbit, and, presumably, the Statue was not. Sort of like how your spaceplane can accidentally run into the VAB while the spaceplane is way out over the end of the runway...only more so.)

Anyway. These freaky things happen when I've been playing KSP for an extended period (which used to be maybe half a day...but now may be an hour or so), and the game is apparently about the crash. But sometimes mayhem ensues first. Textures go wonky. You can hit things that aren't where they are. Controls fail to respond. Stuff like that.

So, on Duna, Aldner Kerman just returned from an exciting mission testing the DunaDog ion plane, and he was ready to get out of the ship. So I clicked EVA.

Suddenly there were TWO ALDNERS flying off away from the ship, tumbling end over end. They bounced to a halt a distance away from the ship. Both were fine. Both claim to be Aldner. Double-U Tee Eff??

I mean...transporter accidents can cause this kind of thing. But just getting out of a cockpit?

The game did indeed bug out after that, refusing to return the the Space Center. When I restarted the program -- still two Aldner Kermans.

I'm almost afraid to have them touch. What if they annihilate the universe? Wait...no, no...they are both standing on Duna, so neither one of them could be antimatter Aldner. Besides, if that was the case I would have expected them to fly off in opposite directions.

Picture of the weirdness...not that you can tell anything from the picture. I guess I've had enough KSP for the day.


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Oooh. This is why we keep kerbals away from water. Must've had a leak in his suit's water lines.

Dangerous bug, that. As many cool story possibilities as I can think of, it has the potential to be pretty ugly. There Can Be Only One.... Aldner Kerman in the persistence file's roster section, which means your save now has two EVA craft that are referencing the same Aldner. Have you tried having one of them climb back aboard? Pretty sure that'll make it worse. Recovering one of the two would really confuse things.

Yep, too much KSP for today. Try again tomorrow. Maybe there'll be 3 Aldners by then?

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Hahahaha, that's so awesome :D Instead of destroying the craft\planet\universe, the Kraken gave you a gift. Please, please, please - keep both Aldners :D Also, now i simply cannot wait to read you depiction of crew's reaction to this startling development. Now, excuse me - i have to do some rolling on the floor. Laughing my buttocks off.

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Yes, I looked at the file... There is one Aldner in the roster (well, he's actually “Aldner. Kerman" with a period to make sure he is one of my pilot/engineers), and two EVA instances containing Aldner. I suppose i can just CUT one of thise out of the file.

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Not that this helps, but an educated guess for the cause would be the game glitching and registering two instances to get Aldner out of the cockpit that were both accepted at the same time. One tick later, and two Aldners are present on the ladder outside the cockpit. Their overlapping location probably resulted in the explosion forcing them away. As for a possible fix, maybe get both of them back into the same cockpit? Used to get rid of duplicate Kerbal's back before the proper implementation of crew...

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Suddenly there were TWO ALDNERS flying off away from the ship, tumbling end over end. They bounced to a halt a distance away from the ship. Both were fine. Both claim to be Aldner. Double-U Tee Eff??

That is epic awesome! I vote for keeping both around. The story possibilities are endless. Both of them trying to decide who is the "real" Aldner, and both being right; the rest of the crew not knowing which one to trust. Or make one of the Aldners a mute, who follows the other around, observing, but never interacting or speaking, a "shadow-Aldner." So many directions you could take it.

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Brotoro - your story is so awesome, even Kraken loves it. To show you how pleased he is, the Mighty Destroyer, Devourer of Ships, Annihilator of Planets gave you a boon. A second Aldner - highly trained and very experienced kerbonaut pilot for free :cool: How can you even consider refusing such gift? Just rename him.

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According to ISP Electronics sales reps, the rumours of this engine being powered by "dark magic" are largely exaggerated.

Please read in Spock's voice:

It was caused by a malfunction of the ion engines, captain. An ion-energy pulse was released, interacting with the closest organic matter of significant density: Aldner. Any number of unpredictable effects could have ensued. In this case, it seems a recombination event has occurred, with Aldner impressing his molecular structure onto nearby matter. This has resulted in, what appears to be, an exact duplicate of the Kerbonaut. Whether his complex brain chemistry was replicated perfectly has yet to be seen, but, for now, we must accept that there are two, real, Aldners.

(I've been watching WAY too much original Star Trek lately)

Edit: RIP Nimoy. :(

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Yes, I looked at the file... There is one Aldner in the roster (well, he's actually “Aldner. Kerman" with a period to make sure he is one of my pilot/engineers), and two EVA instances containing Aldner. I suppose i can just CUT one of thise out of the file.

I say you just kill the clone, run it over with a rover or something.

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But...why? Every time game glitches on us, something bad happens. Game crashes, or one of most expensive ships disappears. Last time when i was struck with similiar bug, my kerbonaut going EVA from a ship in Mun's orbit got thrown off the ladder so hard, he was literally deorbited. For a change, Brotoro had something funny and positive happen to him - instead of Aldner just disappearing in a puff of gray dust. I say - enjoy your good luck and run with it.

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That is epic awesome! I vote for keeping both around. The story possibilities are endless. Both of them trying to decide who is the "real" Aldner, and both being right; the rest of the crew not knowing which one to trust.

Multiple rounds of rock-scissors-paper, with both Crichtons Aldners throwing the same sign, over and over...

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Trying to prove between them which is the "real" Aldner:

Aldner 1: How fast was I going when I buzzed the KSC tower the first time?

Aldner 2: In the old Kessna or the trainer jet after the new KSC tower was put up?

Aldner 1: Kessna.

Aldner 2: Nice try. The air speed indicator was broken. What's the best way to land "Old Brakes-less"?

Aldner 1: Seriously? Down to 10, pitch up stall, tap window for good luck, pulse engine, flatten out. Why didn't I test the Sidewinder, Spin-Stabilizing, Tail Operating Plane?

Aldner 2: Oh come on. The SSSTOP shouldn't even have been called a "plane". Bill flew it once and I declared the cockpit a biohazard. Which girl back home is planning a "Welcome Home" party for me when I get back?

Aldner 1: ...I don't know? None of them?

Aldner 2: Darn.

Aldner 1: I know, right?

Aldner 2: No, I meant... Let's just stick to aircraft questions.

Not at all canon, of course. Just some fun. :)

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