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King of the Hill


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since its the future my save suddenly becomes relevant and can no longer be deleted due to the countless resets it has been used in. (would you guys stop with this timey wimey stuff and allow the game to progress in a stand flow of time that hasn't been interrupted)

no one's hill

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But time is entirely relative. I fly to the nearest black hole and orbit at near the speed of light for a few years in my time. Coming back to Earth, everyone there is dead because it has been a million years since I left. I claim the hill.

My hill.

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due to me being a space marine i live for those thousand years preparing for your return when you took the hill the trap sprang into action a massive electrical cage that can generate its own power activates and traps you where i have my little minions poke you with sharp pointy objects. (this will last until someone else posts.)

my hill with a very sad starwhip

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I return everyone to the present day, kill both of you after subjecting you to bamboo torture (the one where you get tied down and I get a stalk of bamboo to grow through you; very painful), and then impose a Time-Prison Containment Field around the hill. No further temporal distortions may be enacted. The Time-Prison itself then deposits itself in a pocket universe, inaccessible to all (since getting to it would mean disabling the containment field first, which can't be done unless you have access to the Prison... you get the idea; can't be undone).

My temporally-locked hill.

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Time is indeed relative. And it must flow in a natural order. The only resets should ever be when it is necessary for the moderators to replace a hill that was completely destroyed. Note that it kind of defeats the point of the game to spectacularly obliterate the hill and/or render it uninhabitable for centuries to come, thus the periodic moderation team resets back to its pristine state.

Off we go back to the future, to find that the hill has survived miraculously intact, pockmarked with craters from the endless war but still preserving its grassy and relaxing image.

The flagpole on top is replaced and once again Odin's flag is raised.

This is my hill. Destroy it and I will destroy you.

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As it was raining today, you got soaked because you have no shelter. When it stops raining, I use a quadcopter to drop pure sodium all over you. It explodes and you are horribly maimed. The hill is transferred to me.

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I have watched this hill from my mountain encampment for what can only be recollected as decades or millenniums, Watching as countless army's and special units, and freaks lay claim on said hill, only to be dispersed by the next in futile efforts of aggression and strategy. Most humor me, others.... make me question the logic and itilect of the ones who enacted them... I have come to the realization that this hill will never know peace and continue to be bombarded and trenched upon. "Then so be it"....."FIRE EVERY THING!!!"

I fire a massive siege of artillery at the hill from my base, that seems like a cloud from the perspective of the hill.....All structures on the hill are decimated, and the hill its self lies cratered but still very much a chard grassy null.

I plant a flag on the hill with a single well placed cannon shot,

MY HILL, with a very over baring fortification to the south.....

step on my hill..get a 100 pound slug in your face. :)

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i order an exterminatus upon the planet which completely obliterates it.then i use the debris that was left to make a new planet in the shape of odins hand and in the middle of the palm is a single large hill in an oxygen bubble so all can fight over it . also the whole planet is protected by my reset system.

still tidus klein hill

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I show you that your combustible lemons were actually combustible limes. You go bankrupt and I knock you into a deepbt (combined deep with debt) cave along the side of the hill, where you meet Gollum. (Gollum.)

My hill.

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you think i dead but i survive due to the powers of the emperor and come back to kill you i shoot you in the head with my bolter causing your head to explode in a cloud of oddly satisfying pink mist. then i post a sigh in the shame of the imperial eagle. on the hill with the words: The Emperor protects. For the rest theres allstate.

my hill with sign

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I am about to walk up there and talk some sense into you, but before I can an mob of press reporters swarms you. It must be because he took the hill, I think, and decide to see what will happen. As I do, the reporters begin to walk off the hill, with you still stuck in the middle, screaming, "That's my hill! Wait!" And off you go, into the world of television.

I simply sit down on the hill, as it is now mine.

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