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King of the Hill


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Dazzled blackbirds raid your base using candy howitzers. Your army is too confused to respond and dies of sugar rush and confusion. The blackbirds rapidly establish tesseract shaped super tanks with chicken PAINTJOBS to defend my base. The random CAPSLOCK helps increase the firepower of the candy howitzers.

My hill.

Edited by Kinglet
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Computers involved in this thread:

-The forum server. Notably not accessible by any of us except for the ones who can access it. Hardly ever crashes or finds itself not running properly.

-Your client computer. Affects your personal capability to view the forums, and potentially your ability to play KSP. Does not affect the client computers of others unless you're doing something illegal or otherwise unscrupulous.

-Various meta-computers jokingly said to be running the universe as a computer program. As a forum game element, this has been assigned with the flag "Old News" and is no longer amusing when references to it, particularly in this thread, are made. This is because such references have been perpetually made since the thread began, and walls of copy-pasted 'error messages' are annoying, particularly when the recur multiple times on a thread. Additionally, "deleting" other people with said computer is also Old News, especially when used over and over.

There comes a point when the computer has crashed too much and can no longer be rebooted. This is that point. Thank you for finding something else to base your interactions on in the forum games.

This has been BREAKING NEWS.

Meanwhile, I now own a mountain on Vall. My mountain.

Don't get too literally here. Old News to you, maybe, but it's otherwise for other people, especially newcomers to this thread.

Moving on... I penetrate your brain skull. A dead red dragon on a hill.

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That was intended specifically and personally at Alemagno, who has responded with nothing but "the computer deletes you / crashes" messages for pages and pages on this thread and others.

I (gently) release the altered physical constants holding Jool in star form, and it returns to being a gas giant planet. Vall's oceans re-freeze into ice with whoever laid claim to them trapped inside. Cryotectonic activity imposed by Jool's gravity forms fold mountains, which I ignore and claim a specific small hill on Pol, which happens to have an aluminum cylinder protruding from the top with a public opinion survey engraved on its surface.

My poll pole on Pol.

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...the ring-wraiths. They kill the megaverse...
my megaverse preparing to fund the repair of the ksc and transfer to the personel property of danny 2462

oh noes

continuity died

The KSC, after being shined by an omnipotent being with infinite money, pops & deflates comically.

My destroyed KSC.

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The Kerbese government arrests you and sentences you to eternity on Eeloo for your crimes of replacing a once-outstanding space port with a mere shopping center. However, since they have no space port anymore, the case fades into oblivion. You are free to leave.

Meanwhile, I blow up the shopping center. I use the pieces to rebuild the KSC, then claim the Capsule Memorial for my own.

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