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A single part that really should be in 1.0 [Rotary Bearing]

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A 1.25m Motorized Rotary Bearing should defiantly be in the 1.0 release mainly due to the fact that its incredibly useful and that many have been trying to build work arounds to not having the part (helicoptors, planes, doors, rotating engines, etc). The part itself would probually look a lot like a docking port and would be able to operate under power and holds positon (consuming an electric charge) or it could be set to a free rotation mode where it can freely move! My current idea to how it would work is as follows:

Things you can adjust with tweakables

-Inverse rotation direction

-Change rotation speed (slide bar like that for fuel or thrust)

-Free Rotation (toggles motorized and non motorized mode)

Things you can adjust with action groups

-Toggle Free Rotation

-Rotate clockwise (effected by inverse of rotation direction)

-Rotate counterclockwise (effected by inverse of rotation direction)

Feel free to suggest better ideas onto how a system like this should be controlled and make sure to give me some feedback on wheter or not you think including this part in 1.0 would be a good idea or not!

Edited by DerpenWolf
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Then I realized that the grabbing unit is the only part that has a node which is not fixed currently. It's uncontrolleable however.

Look at those games: minecraft, space engineers, besiege. They ALL have controllable (even programmable) moving parts!

Edited by SaturnV
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I agree on most things.

But ... I want the free running bearings both stackable and radially attachable with connections on both ends! I don't care about electric motors, I build my own engines!

And ... one more thing.

A switch that toggles an action group on or off due to proximity of another part!

Here's an example of what I mean with the bearings.


Edited by Azimech
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I would welcome a bearing but a hinge would be more welcome.

I don't think a locked bearing should consume power and bearings could be made that don't use power to stop spinning. It could have a physical device that just stops it moving, like a brake.

I'm glad there are more threads now about moving parts, they have been conspicuous by their absence (moving parts) and I hope they may be a thing we could have in the future.

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Moving parts would be great, but there are a couple of issues that would need to be sorted before they get implemented imo.

- Craft need to be able to collide with themselves, as opposed to parts just phasing through

- radially attached parts that are spinning quickly need to actually stay attached instead of expanding outwards

I think there's good reason why the rotor module that's in the game hasn't actually be used yet.

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The colliding of parts is in fact a simple switch, which has been solved with Ferram's "Colliders strike back" mod.

It should be a switch, or even better, tell the editor which parts are to have phaseable colliders and which parts not.

Your second point is valid too, joint strength should not be a function of mass but of materials. When I build an aircraft or car engine at true scale, all joints are made of elastics from stretch underpants. It's horrible. A 7kg forged steel or machined titanium crankshaft has more structural integrity than a 3000 kg empty aluminum fuel tank - except in KSP.

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Moving parts would be great, but there are a couple of issues that would need to be sorted before they get implemented imo.

- Craft need to be able to collide with themselves, as opposed to parts just phasing through

- radially attached parts that are spinning quickly need to actually stay attached instead of expanding outwards

I think there's good reason why the rotor module that's in the game hasn't actually be used yet.

Yeah. Especially the phasing bit.

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