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How many people fail to catch the squadcasts?

John FX

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The only reason I have ever watched other people play video games is to learn how to play the game better. I don't really get enjoyment out of watching people do something I can do myself, especially when I can do it better than them. I much prefer to read dev news than watch it.

I'm actually the opposite - I don't like watching people at or above my skill level. I learn to play better on my own ;)

I do like watching people who aren't as far long as I am though, assuming they improve. It helps revive the early days feeling of KSP for me, and watching someone grow and improve is kinda like a mini-parenting experience, but without having a bawling, money-eating ankle-biter about.

That being said, I don't think Maxmaps is getting better at all :/

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For me it is in the night from friday to saturday at 01:00 am - I tend to miss it for one reason or another.

I used to watch the recording, but now I rather read the summary and only watch into the recording when something new is being shown - which is rare and often in the form of screenshots (also shown in the forums afterwards) instead of actual gameplay, so ... yeah.

If Max would upload a recording of 10-15 minutes and tick off a list of changes, answer community questions etc. and afterwards answer questions in the forums, the time would be better used I think.

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If Max would upload a recording of 10-15 minutes and tick off a list of changes, answer community questions etc. and afterwards answer questions in the forums, the time would be better used I think.
Unfortunately that would involve actual communication and commitment to planning (read: having an actual game designed instead of throwing "features" at a wall) so the best use of his time is actually metering out tidbits for five minutes and then not bothering playing.
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