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How long is your average KSP play session?


How long is your average KSP session?  

137 members have voted

  1. 1. How long is your average KSP session?

    • less than 1 hour
    • 1 to 3 hours
    • more than 3 hours
    • What do you mean by session? I never left the game since I installed it!

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I have fits and starts when playing KSP I am normally always wanting more than my '2 hour' computer time imposed on me by my wife to be. On Sunday's I will invariably be on for hours at a time with breaks only for coffee/food :)


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once again the KSP bug hit me hard... when I looked at my watch it said 11:40pm ... "just one more test flight" ... suddenly it was 3:20am ...

Did that last night ;)

How much time do you spend in one sitting of KSP?

I play as long as I can. Eventually my eyes lose the ability to track and bleed profusely, so there's a hard upper cap of about 16 hours nowadays. I hate gettin' old. (When I was a kid, I could easily play something for 48 hours. Heck one weekend in summer in those long ago days, myself and a bunch of friends hung out and did various things from Friday evening until Monday evening. Was just me and this other guy who'd stayed the course at the end, but we'd cleared a full 72 hours of gaming, horsing around, and such)

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Shorter than they once were, my kids have gotten older and more demanding of my attention since I started playing. Used to be I could spend 4+ hours in a single evening, now it's more like 1-2 hours at most. Even so I'll occasionally get into something interesting and stay up until an ungodly hour playing.

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While I don't spend so much time playing in big seats like i used to do in olden times, I normally still play 3h ... simply because I spend WAY too much time in the VAB/SPH and I'm also a fan of fine tuning stuff. So if I don't play 3h in a row I basically spend the time without launching a real mission :D

That said, that means I don't play every day, since I have to somehow schedule the time and the will to play a game in a 3-4h window ...

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Stock game really shouldn't be crashing on you, peeps... the only time it'll reliably happen is using a ton of mods and hitting the 3.5gb memory wall - and you can keep an eye on that in task manager and restart gracefully before it happens :)

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Shorter than they once were, my kids have gotten older and more demanding of my attention since I started playing. Used to be I could spend 4+ hours in a single evening, now it's more like 1-2 hours at most. Even so I'll occasionally get into something interesting and stay up until an ungodly hour playing.

Do they want to sit on your lap & fly an albatross into the ground like mine?

Actually, I can't leave my seat without a little someone hijacking the mission.

She's a pretty good flyer, but likes thinks to go boom!

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Weekday "session" goes from 4 - 8 hours. The only thing stopping me is pure exhaustion or when game crashes i sometimes cba waiting for loading screen.

My days off "week ends" I eat, sleep, & poop space kerbals.

Sleep is for suckers.

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