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Do you want a memorial on Laythe for Leonard Nimoy?

Do you want a memorial for Leonard Nimoy on Laythe?  

140 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want a memorial for Leonard Nimoy on Laythe?

    • Yes
    • No

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Originally I was for having Leonard in the name generator, but I agree that someone can consider it unrespectful for someone. I like to have some easter egg on Laythe but I have another idea for a meaningful and unintrusive tribute.

Since we now have scientists, why do not we change the suit for them to blue as Spock's uniform? It will be a clear reminder for those who knows and anyway useful to clearly highlight different specialization for all the others. I would go the whole way and make engineers red (my beloved Scotty) and pilots that kind of yellowish gold. It would also be nice to set a captain for the mission where more than one Kerbal is on.

What do you think?

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I would love Laythe to be a sort of bizzaro-earth-alike sort of easter egg themed/science planet.

As for a memorial, I'm not sure it would be in good taste at this point in time; especially for a fictitious sci-fi character to be along side pioneers like Neil Armstrong.

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I did a quick Google search for Patrick Moore, and got 40x less hits than for Leonard Nimoy. There were two primary meanings: one of the founders of Greenpeace I kind of recognized, and an astronomer I had never heard of before. I guess that Sir Patrick Moore wasn't someone most KSP players would recognize.

Patrick Moore had an immeasurably greater impact on my interest in the stars ( Carl Sagan too, where's *his* memorial? telling me you've never heared of him either? ) than another fictional US series about something that isn't really space. Neil Armstrong had an impact on *everybody*, so I'm not opposed to the memorial even if it doesn't really fit ( and really that should be a monument for everyone who went to space - or even tried - before Apollo 11 ). Leonard Nimoy was an interesting guy and I'm sad he's no longer here in person, but he wasn't an astronaut.

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I did a quick Google search for Patrick Moore, and got 40x less hits than for Leonard Nimoy. There were two primary meanings: one of the founders of Greenpeace I kind of recognized, and an astronomer I had never heard of before.

I was a huge fan of Moore, both as the host of 'The Sky at Night', and as the Gamesmaster (which is arguably how many of my generation would best remember him).


Back on topic, I would personally suggest a monolith with the 'Live Long and Prosper' slogan, in Vulcan - 'dif tor heh smusma'.

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I voted no. If you make one for an actor, why not one for all the men and women that actually made meaningful contributions to space exploration? What's the cutoff for inclusion, being sufficiently famous to non-science or engineering people?

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Patrick Moore had an immeasurably greater impact on my interest in the stars ( Carl Sagan too, where's *his* memorial? telling me you've never heared of him either? ) than another fictional US series about something that isn't really space. Neil Armstrong had an impact on *everybody*, so I'm not opposed to the memorial even if it doesn't really fit ( and really that should be a monument for everyone who went to space - or even tried - before Apollo 11 ). Leonard Nimoy was an interesting guy and I'm sad he's no longer here in person, but he wasn't an astronaut.

Carl Sagan was much better known than Patrick Moore. He died a long time ago, so a memorial to him would be a bit late. There apparently was an easter egg with his face somewhere in the game, but it has been removed. On the other hand, there is a certain well-known piece of his work that would be appropriate as an easter egg.

In my opinion, there are three kinds of people who could deserve a memorial in KSP: people who inspired us to go to space, people who made it possible to go to space, and people who actually went to space. Leonard Nimoy belongs to the first category. The well-known people in the second category are all long dead. In the third category, a few real pioneers are still alive.

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Patrick Moore had an immeasurably greater impact on my interest in the stars ( Carl Sagan too, where's *his* memorial? telling me you've never heared of him either? ) than another fictional US series about something that isn't really space. Neil Armstrong had an impact on *everybody*, so I'm not opposed to the memorial even if it doesn't really fit ( and really that should be a monument for everyone who went to space - or even tried - before Apollo 11 ). Leonard Nimoy was an interesting guy and I'm sad he's no longer here in person, but he wasn't an astronaut.

Actually, there used to be a structure on Tylo in the shape of Carl Sagan's face, but dude to repeated texture updates, its faded quite a bit.

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I'm not convinced a proper memorial to Leonard Nimoy is appropriate. A reference would be cool if done well, but there is a real danger of setting a precedent.

As for memorials in general a general one to fallen real life astronauts somewhere on kerbin with perhaps a name plaque that gets updated as and when appropriate works for me. Even then there are two distinct categories - those killed in the line if duty (eg. Apollo 1, Challenger and Colombia crews) and those who died naturally (eg. Neil Armstrong).

All astronauts make a contribution to the future of space flight and science etc. Some are more publicised and/or famous, but especially in the current era, the 'pioneering' aspect is less prominent.

I fear that to select particular astronauts for memorials could risk not doing justice to those who made just as big a contribution, but did not hit the headlines for whatever reason.

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All you saying that there should not be a memorial for him because he didn't make "meaningful contributions to space exploration" all offend me quite deeply. The entirety of Star Trek had a huge impact on real life space exploration. The younger audiences of the show were inspired to pursue science and space exploration. Even NASA decided to name the space shuttle test craft "Enterprise" to commemorate the shows contributions.

For that reason I think an entire star trek memorial should be made. Since sadly, many other of the meaningful people involved in that show are dead or close to.

Just because these actors didn't actually have a direct impact on space exploration they inspired others to do so.

"To be recognizable for space exploration you have to be an astronaut"

Dumbest reason for someone not being able to have a memorial or be recognized. The astronauts often are the lucky ones who make little contributions to space exploration. Its the engineers, ground control operators than actually make the missions happen. Without them the astronauts wouldn't be able to do much.

People who never went to space yet had huge contributions to rocket and space technology like Goddard and Von Braun and other engineers should not be recognized cauz dey nevr wnt 2 spac.

Edited by Jon144
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If we are going to talk about who deserves a memorial, I'm not sure Neil Armstrong does. While he was the first man to step on the Moon, the people that made the mission possible are not memorialized directly. Von Braun, Goddard, Van Allen, all of these men were the ones who had lasting influences on Human exploration of Space, as well as the thousands of people who worked on the US and Soviet programs during the space race, why shouldn't they have a memorial? In the end, it's a moot point in my opinion. If the devs want to make a Nimoy memorial, so be it, we can complain, make requests, etc. But we only have so much influence.

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If we are going to talk about who deserves a memorial, I'm not sure Neil Armstrong does. While he was the first man to step on the Moon, the people that made the mission possible are not memorialized directly. Von Braun, Goddard, Van Allen, all of these men were the ones who had lasting influences on Human exploration of Space, as well as the thousands of people who worked on the US and Soviet programs during the space race, why shouldn't they have a memorial? In the end, it's a moot point in my opinion. If the devs want to make a Nimoy memorial, so be it, we can complain, make requests, etc. But we only have so much influence.

You make a good point, but if I could offer one in return?

I can't remember where I read it (and I'm paraphrasing horribly) but it was said of Armstrong that you could ask him about walking on the Moon and you'd get a two line reply. Ask him about the hydraulic systems for the X15 nose gear and you'd get a dissertation. Of all the US astronauts, my personal feeling is that Armstrong was the most outward in his beliefs about the the Apollo program being a team effort and the astronauts being merely one part of that team.

Individually memorialising all the thousands of people that worked on both space programs is obviously impractical, but (from the US program at least), I think that Armstrong provides a very appropriate figurehead both for everyone that flew the spacecraft and for everyone that built them too. I think he fully deserves a KSP memorial.

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All you saying that there should not be a memorial for him because he didn't make "meaningful contributions to space exploration" all offend me quite deeply. The entirety of Star Trek had a huge impact on real life space exploration. The younger audiences of the show were inspired to pursue science and space exploration. Even NASA decided to name the space shuttle test craft "Enterprise" to commemorate the shows contributions.

For that reason I think an entire star trek memorial should be made. Since sadly, many other of the meaningful people involved in that show are dead or close to.

Just because these actors didn't actually have a direct impact on space exploration they inspired others to do so.

"To be recognizable for space exploration you have to be an astronaut"

Dumbest reason for someone not being able to have a memorial or be recognized. The astronauts often are the lucky ones who make little contributions to space exploration. Its the engineers, ground control operators than actually make the missions happen. Without them the astronauts wouldn't be able to do much.

People who never went to space yet had huge contributions to rocket and space technology like Goddard and Von Braun and other engineers should not be recognized cauz dey nevr wnt 2 spac.

Sure, but that is still reason enough to not put a memorial to some actor, nomather how good an actor he was or how well known he was.

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You make a good point, but if I could offer one in return?

I can't remember where I read it (and I'm paraphrasing horribly) but it was said of Armstrong that you could ask him about walking on the Moon and you'd get a two line reply. Ask him about the hydraulic systems for the X15 nose gear and you'd get a dissertation. Of all the US astronauts, my personal feeling is that Armstrong was the most outward in his beliefs about the the Apollo program being a team effort and the astronauts being merely one part of that team.

Individually memorialising all the thousands of people that worked on both space programs is obviously impractical, but (from the US program at least), I think that Armstrong provides a very appropriate figurehead both for everyone that flew the spacecraft and for everyone that built them too. I think he fully deserves a KSP memorial.

I would like to clarify that I was not suggesting we have individual memorials for all the people who worked on the Apollo program. If the people who worked on Apollo are fine with the Armstrong memorial representing the entire Apollo program, I have no issue with there not being a separate memorial for engineers/rocket scientists/other people who worked on Apollo. However, it would be nice to have an update to the Armstrong memorial on the Mun with the addition 'Also Dedicated to all the men and women who worked on the Apollo Missions.' Or something like that. I guess it just seems wrong to me that only the guy(s) that went there gets to be memorialized rather than all or most of the people who made it possible, however that is just my opinion on the subject.

While on the memorialization topic, do the many Squad monoliths count as memorials to Arthur C. Clarke, Kubrick, and the other people involved with 2001: A Space Odyssey?

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Ahem, i think a memorial for armstrong is normal since he is the one guy that first set foot on the Moon. Whatever you might say about engineers doing all the job (wich is true), he is the one that actually walked there.

Gagarin probably deserves one, but this is for another thread : P

On the other hand, a memorial for an actor from star trek ? Sorey if i offend the fans, but this guy was not a oscar-level actor and had a role in a sci-fi series. Not the same level as armstrong if you ask me. Then, if you start putting memorials for anyone, you end up having a 30m bronze statue of, say, tom cruise on minmus ! (I hate tom cruise's acting skills, just so you know :P )

Lets keep the memorial stuff for the people that really did something, alright ? :)

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I would like to clarify that I was not suggesting we have individual memorials for all the people who worked on the Apollo program. If the people who worked on Apollo are fine with the Armstrong memorial representing the entire Apollo program, I have no issue with there not being a separate memorial for engineers/rocket scientists/other people who worked on Apollo. However, it would be nice to have an update to the Armstrong memorial on the Mun with the addition 'Also Dedicated to all the men and women who worked on the Apollo Missions.' Or something like that. I guess it just seems wrong to me that only the guy(s) that went there gets to be memorialized rather than all or most of the people who made it possible, however that is just my opinion on the subject.

While on the memorialization topic, do the many Squad monoliths count as memorials to Arthur C. Clarke, Kubrick, and the other people involved with 2001: A Space Odyssey?

Why would they be?

If anything, they are a wink to the movie itself

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