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[Mod Collection] Sigma Mod Expansions


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  _Augustus_ said:
Could I include the modified barycenter script in Outer Planets Plus?

Yes of course, you are free to take from my mod :)

When I'll have some time I will check it out and if I like it I can put a link from here to your mod, even tho I feel like you get much more visibility anyway since you have a link in the OPM thread

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  Sigma88 said:
Yes of course, you are free to take from my mod :)

When I'll have some time I will check it out and if I like it I can put a link from here to your mod, even tho I feel like you get much more visibility anyway since you have a link in the OPM thread

All right. I've moved Khato to directly orbit the barycenter, increased the barycenter's mass, and increased Plock's semi-major axis slightly, in addition to making a script that removes Chokon from PlockPlus and moves all of the PlockPlus moons and Berdim to orbit the Plock-Khato barycenter.

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  _Augustus_ said:
All right. I've moved Khato to directly orbit the barycenter, increased the barycenter's mass, and increased Plock's semi-major axis slightly, in addition to making a script that removes Chokon from PlockPlus and moves all of the PlockPlus moons and Berdim to orbit the Plock-Khato barycenter.

I had a lot of issues trying to put khato around the barycenter, I will download your version as soon as I get home... I'm really curious :D

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this is what I mean when I say Pluron and Charon are mutually locked

gif shows how Pluron would look like to someone landed on charon

time points are: 0 seconds, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 10 hours, 1 day, 10 days, 1 year, 10 years and 100 years


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  Sigma88 said:
this is what I mean when I say Pluron and Charon are mutually locked

gif shows how Pluron would look like to someone landed on charon

time points are: 0 seconds, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 10 hours, 1 day, 10 days, 1 year, 10 years and 100 years


Yeah. Once I can figure out how to edit their rotation periods I will make them mutually locked.

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  _Augustus_ said:
Yeah. Once I can figure out how to edit their rotation periods I will make them mutually locked.

you can set the rotation period in the cfg you posted a page back

but I don't think you can set the revolution, it is calculated from the variables:

mass, geeasl, SemiMajorAxis

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Thanks for making this mod!

What time warp mod are you using in this gif?


I've managed to integrate your PlutonKhato .cfg with my other mods :D

I have OPM, OPM+, PlockPlus textures, and your Pluron-Khato system now.

I've managed to bypass the rotational period problem by having Pluron tidally locked to the baycenter, and Khato tidally locked to Pluron.

The only issue with that is you need to play around with the semimajor axis' so that the baycenter is always between them. I also changed Khato's mass and radius to be proportional to that of the real Pluto-Charon System.

name = Plock
flightGlobalsIndex = 187
name = Vall
radius = 189000
mass = 7.636816048e+20
geeASL = 0.069
tidallyLocked = True
description = There’s been a considerable amount of controversy status of Plock as being a proper planet or just a lump of ice going around the Sun. The debate is still ongoing, as most academic summits held to address the issue have devolved into, on good days, petty name calling, and on worse ones, all-out brawls.
landedDataValue = 16
inSpaceLowDataValue = 15
inSpaceHighDataValue = 14.5
recoveryValue = 15
referenceBody = Plock System
color = 0.184314,0.309804,0.309804,1
semiMajorAxis = 311000
inclination = 0
eccentricity = 0
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Plock_map
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Plock_normal
name = Chokon
flightGlobalsIndex = 188
name = Vall
radius = 96336
mass = 8.858706615e+19
geeASL = 0.059
description = Chokon is a moon of Plock that is very large in comparison to the planet it orbits around.
tidallyLocked = True
landedDataValue = 16
inSpaceLowDataValue = 15
inSpaceHighDataValue = 14.5
recoveryValue = 15
referenceBody = Plock
color = 0.184314,0.309804,0.309804,1
semiMajorAxis = 1888025
inclination = 0
eccentricity = 0
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14159265
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Chokon_map
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Chokon_normal

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  095179005 said:
Thanks for making this mod!

What time warp mod are you using in this gif?


I've managed to integrate your PlutonKhato .cfg with my other mods :D

I have OPM, OPM+, PlockPlus textures, and your Pluron-Khato system now.

You are welcome, but my was just a tiny contribution compared to OPM cornucopia of features :D

What I did in the .gif was using HyperEdit to change the time, then I took screenshots and edited them with paint to add the circles and stuff.

  095179005 said:

I've managed to bypass the rotational period problem by having Pluron tidally locked to the baycenter, and Khato tidally locked to Pluron.

The only issue with that is you need to play around with the semimajor axis' so that the baycenter is always between them. I also changed Khato's mass and radius to be proportional to that of the real Pluto-Charon System.

In my version of the system that is exactly how it worked, I also scaled every distance and mass to be in line with OPM resizing more or less and that's why I didn't play around with the semimajor axis but rather with the barycenter geeasl variable.

as for khato/pluron mass ratio I inflated it on purpose (from 11.6% to 20%) to enhance the main feature of the system.

I will have to check on khato's radius, because I thought it was in line with the other bodies but I could have made a mistake.

I will post the conversion rates I used if you are interested.


I don't know why but I used strange ratios:

pluto radius / pluron radius = 9

charon radius / khato radius = 8

Since OPM uses ~11 for planets (Sarnus 10.99, Urlum 11.65, Neidon 11.48) and ~9 for moons (Tekto 9.2)

I will make an update fixing that.

I will maintain Khato at 20% mass of Pluron because that is by design

I'm also working on renaming the planet and moon, I don't like the names I'm using now, and I don't like Plock either.

Since OPM uses names composed from the greek and latin names of the gods (Saturn + Chronus = Sarnus, Uranus + Caelum = Urlum, Neptune + Poseidon = Neidon) I am looking for a valid name for both.

Pluto is actually simple, Pluto + Hades = Pludes

I'm struggling to find a valid latin counterpart to charon, I was thinking Mors.

So something on the line of Charon + Mors = Chors / Charors

If someone have some ideas I will be happy to hear them.

I will also upload the remote tech expansion later today/ this weekend

Edited by Sigma88
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  Krakenfour said:
I'm interested in this mod, but can you tell me if it will break my current saves if I install it on top?

Answered by PM.

NO, it doesn't break current installs, but I'm moving from stock to OPM, so there should be no problem at all.

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  Krakenfour said:
Answered by PM.

NO, it doesn't break current installs, but I'm moving from stock to OPM, so there should be no problem at all.

yeah sorry about that, but the forum kept merging the answer with the release post so I sent it to you by pm

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A quick question for the few people using my pluron-khato expansion.

I made a new model for pluron and one for khato.

Since I will uploading it soon I have the chance to tweak the pluronkhato system.

I would like to know you opinion on:

1- Pock - right now my mod eliminates plock and makes a new planet with a different name. Would you rather my mod just used plock?

2- Names, I'm not really sure about the names, I have thought of some possibilities:

2.1- For Pluto: Pluron, Plock, Pludes (Pluto+Hades to be more in line with other OPM names), other

2.2- For Charon: Khato, Kron, Chron, Charors (Charon + Mors to be more in line with other OPM names), other

Mors isn't actually the roman equivalent of Charon, but I didn't find one, so that is the one I choose, If you have an alternative I'd be happy to check it out

If you have other points you would like to see developed please feel free to ask.

And if nobody is using this expansion I guess I can do whatever I want :D

Edited by Sigma88
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  Sigma88 said:
You are welcome, but my was just a tiny contribution compared to OPM cornucopia of features :D

What I did in the .gif was using HyperEdit to change the time, then I took screenshots and edited them with paint to add the circles and stuff.

In my version of the system that is exactly how it worked, I also scaled every distance and mass to be in line with OPM resizing more or less and that's why I didn't play around with the semimajor axis but rather with the barycenter geeasl variable.

as for khato/pluron mass ratio I inflated it on purpose (from 11.6% to 20%) to enhance the main feature of the system.

I will have to check on khato's radius, because I thought it was in line with the other bodies but I could have made a mistake.

I will post the conversion rates I used if you are interested.


I don't know why but I used strange ratios:

pluto radius / pluron radius = 9

charon radius / khato radius = 8

Since OPM uses ~11 for planets (Sarnus 10.99, Urlum 11.65, Neidon 11.48) and ~9 for moons (Tekto 9.2)

I will make an update fixing that.

I will maintain Khato at 20% mass of Pluron because that is by design

I'm also working on renaming the planet and moon, I don't like the names I'm using now, and I don't like Plock either.

Since OPM uses names composed from the greek and latin names of the gods (Saturn + Chronus = Sarnus, Uranus + Caelum = Urlum, Neptune + Poseidon = Neidon) I am looking for a valid name for both.

Pluto is actually simple, Pluto + Hades = Pludes

I'm struggling to find a valid latin counterpart to charon, I was thinking Mors.

So something on the line of Charon + Mors = Chors / Charors

If someone have some ideas I will be happy to hear them.

I will also upload the remote tech expansion later today/ this weekend

One thing about the barycenter is that you absolutely MUST have the mass of the black-hole point equal to the combined mass of Pluron and Khato, or else the gravity police will find you and brutally murder you with several black holes. It happened to a friend of mine who was messing around with this stuff. RIP that guy.

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  GregroxMun said:
One thing about the barycenter is that you absolutely MUST have the mass of the black-hole point equal to the combined mass of Pluron and Khato, or else the gravity police will find you and brutally murder you with several black holes. It happened to a friend of mine who was messing around with this stuff. RIP that guy.


oh sh....

how could I have messed up THAT?

It was actually meant to be like that, idk why it's wrong

thanks for pointing it out

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  GregroxMun said:
Holy crap I didn't even realize! :D

hehe :)

btw yesterday I got carried away and I have now almost completed the next patch of the Pluron-Khato system.

Since I haven't received any feedback about the names I will keep them as they are, but I'm still looking to change them.

New features will include:

- barycenter mass fix

- pluron and khato custom models and textures

- Orbital parameters upgrade (higher inclination and eccentricity, the system orbit will cross neidon's more than plock's does)

- physical properties upgrade (rescaled various physical properties of pluron and khato to make them more in line with OPM/IRL size and mass ratios)

- added descritpions for pluron/khato and the barycenter, as well as science values

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  Sigma88 said:
hehe :)

btw yesterday I got carried away and I have now almost completed the next patch of the Pluron-Khato system.

Since I haven't received any feedback about the names I will keep them as they are, but I'm still looking to change them.

New features will include:

- barycenter mass fix

- pluron and khato custom models and textures

- Orbital parameters upgrade (higher inclination and eccentricity, the system orbit will cross neidon's more than plock's does)

- physical properties upgrade (rescaled various physical properties of pluron and khato to make them more in line with OPM/IRL size and mass ratios)

- added descritpions for pluron/khato and the barycenter, as well as science values

Release this! I'll be re-doing OuterPlanetsPlus soon and I want to incorporate this.

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  _Augustus_ said:
Release this! I'll be re-doing OuterPlanetsPlus soon and I want to incorporate this.

as long as you make changes to it, and give credit.

otherwise there will be no reason for me to make this stuff

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Σ Mod Expansion: OPM v0.2 is out!

[TABLE=width: 30%, align: left]






I have to go overseas and on top of that I'm sick, so it may pass a couple of weeks before I can give some support and put up screens. Keep the feedback coming if you like / don't like something.

For now, Enjoy :D

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