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[1.0.x] Civilian Population 1.4


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  AlonzoTG said:
yeah, and the drill does not work when placed right up next to the deposit if it is KAS connected to a base that is in a different biome. =\ -- made 20M procedural parts storage tower to hold teh waterz. The waterz are in a 60 degree cliff face...

The availability of resources is thus determined by the root of the whole base rather than the location of the drill on the base (may be a decent request for a Regolith change). The plus side is that so long as you're recycling water you don't actually need to grab new water so you can truck it in instead of KAS'ing the drill platform to your base.

Each civilian kerbal consumes 1kg of water per day. You need to match their consumption in recyclers/farms. Each newly born kerbal will expend 105kg worth of food.

Basically to maintain a colony of 100 kerbals you'll need a minimum of 1 metric ton of water and food so long as recyclers are active. This works out to 2 of the biosphere farms or 2 of the biodome farms. The biodomes provide for a population of 60 each, so 2 farms are needed in this colony.

If you expect a colony to grow from a population of 50 to a population of 100 you'll need

- Enough farms to supply the 100 population

- an extra 5.25 tons of food (50 * .105) for each kerbal.

A fully stocked biosphere farm (the large one) has if i recall 15 tons worth of food available (im at work so I don't have the configs in front of me).

The resource conversion path is a simple one:

substrate to biomass

biomass to food

food to waste

waste to biomass

Water is used during the substrate to biomass and biomass to food production and is consumed directly by the kerbals, producing waste water at each step. The water is not consumed when a new kerbal is born. I could have split up the mass between the two but I assume that some part of water is in the food to keep the system easy enough to understand.

Basically while mining water is necessary at the start of base you'll rarely have to get new water once it's operational. You'll need substrate (the extractor is on the laser drill) to grow new biomass for food. Substrate is pretty much everywhere. That said you won't need much of it.

- - - Updated - - -

  RoverDude said:
Yes - you're using that to sort out the DLL load order. Your issue was probably the bad reference because your DLL loaded before Regolith

It is cause KSP loads in alphabetical order and C comes before R so there's no regolith dll loaded at the time. I added the assembly thing and everything works fine. I'm also going to track the version of my plugin with it as well in case anyone uses it as a dependency.

Dev news update: I've been hard at work re-texturing the parts. I took a day off yesterday but i'm back at it today.

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Here's what's new on the parts:

- All of the biodome windows and the farm biospheres have vents on the side of what used to be blank parts.

- New end caps on the biospheres, window parts, and on the university and flight school

- University and flight school are completely retextured into cleaner models

- The farm biodome is retextured. The orientation is now fixed too, so it starts out flat when you place the part in the VAB and that the "radial" duplicate mode works.

- Civilian landing pad 2 is retextured with vents and a better landing pad surface texture.

Almost all textures are tiled where possible. This lets me replace previously baked textures and save memory on the parts. The tiled bump maps will render better as well.

Edited by michaelhester07
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Construction Drone does not work. No menu for construction. What he lacks?

Extraplanetary Launchpads is installed and works fine. MKS launchpad, if installed, also works.

Also, if I choose the menu "Deactivate Construction", menu does not appear to "Activate". After deactivating, it is impossible to make it work again.


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  Helmut said:
Construction Drone does not work. No menu for construction. What he lacks?

Extraplanetary Launchpads is installed and works fine. MKS launchpad, if installed, also works.

Also, if I choose the menu "Deactivate Construction", menu does not appear to "Activate". After deactivating, it is impossible to make it work again.


The construction drone gives you 30 productivity when it's active and powered. (it should be giving you some there...). It doesn't actually count as a launch pad. You'll have to add that separately.

  DirtyFace83 said:
Those are looking really nice. If most parts will have a similar texture style to the... Flight school?... (under the large biosphere thingy) then this mod will look pro in no time.

All of the parts are getting a similar texture style (end caps and panels). The flight school landing pads will look like the civilian one in the last screenshot. I got through most of the texturing yesterday and I'll finish re-texturing the last two pods ( the big apartment and the medium one) tonight. That leaves me the weekend to do IVAs. The movie theater and small garden are going to stay as is.

Edit: I expanded that album from my last post to have better views of the texture changes.

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  michaelhester07 said:
The construction drone gives you 30 productivity when it's active and powered. (it should be giving you some there...). It doesn't actually count as a launch pad. You'll have to add that separately.

I misunderstood something? The description says:

"The netherdyne construction drone allows users of Extraplanetary Launchpads to build bases and stations with "robots" before sending a crew up."

If not, why would he want to Extraplanetary Launchpads?

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  michaelhester07 said:
That leaves me the weekend to do IVAs. The movie theater and small garden are going to stay as is.

Can't wait for the IVAs. Do you think (in a future update) you'd be able to add

to the movie theater? (Forget the actual video, just the effect at the start)
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  DirtyFace83 said:
Can't wait for the IVAs. Do you think (in a future update) you'd be able to add
to the movie theater? (Forget the actual video, just the effect at the start)

Lol wow how can I not do that. For the movie theater IVA I'm slightly thinking of having movies you can watch depending on the type you selected to play.

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nice mod,

but can some1 explain how the construction drone works?! got extraplanetary launchpad and so on but i still missing the little information wich resources the drone need and how to build with it a part of the station, do i have to build it first in the hanger and then use one of the extra. plan. launchpads to build or what ... sorry im seriously kinda confused there is also no tut vid arround for this wich would be the best ...

edit: got it somehow .. but now i have the problem that the producion is at 0 .. got 4 laser drills, the 2 semlter for metal and rocket parts and the drone .. on top of it i build a extra plan. launchpad 2 (the little rocket one) but nothing happen ...

Edited by blackysun
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I'm going to look at that one. In the mean time what might work is to rename the CivilianManagement folder in the GameData directory to ZCivilianManagement. See if that does the trick.

If that doesn't work copy the launchpad.dll file from ExtraPlanetary Launchpads/plugins into the CivilianManagement folder.

/it's just as RoverDude predicted.

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  michaelhester07 said:
If that doesn't work copy the launchpad.dll file from ExtraPlanetary Launchpads/plugins into the CivilianManagement folder.

jup fixed it but it still need kerbals to be working .. hope u can fix it soon

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  DirtyFace83 said:
Isn't a bit more realistic though that you need a Kerbal to operate something like that?

Perhaps. The mission design I was thinking of for the construction drone was this though:

1. Send a probe to scan for a site which is viable for a colony.

2. Send the construction drone. The drone constructs the colony. Note that this construction may take a while, so a person or kerbal might run out of supplies and need to be constantly re-supplied during construction.

3. Once the colony structure is built and basic supplies are being processed the first colonists can arrive on site.

The mission might need an engineer or two to oversee the process. This would require much fewer resources on the colony to begin with. I had envisioned that it would be possible at the timeframe that this mod targets (2050-2100) that full scale robotic construction would replace the need for human or kerbal engineers to be present on site. Even in the case of the Moon(Mun) it would be possible to oversee the construction from Earth (kerbin) as the round trip for a signal would only be 2 seconds.

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  michaelhester07 said:
If the part is giving you the proper productivity now then you don't need kerbals to build things. If that statement turns out not true then let me know (and throw a kerbal in a capsule on your build machine)

yes u need a kerbal that it works even with the dll copy u were speaking before.

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  blackysun said:
yes u need a kerbal that it works even with the dll copy u were speaking before.

I'll have to look into this. If I can't fix it (probably a extraplanetary launchpad thing) then I'll chalk it up as a balance feature to have one engineer on board. It probably won't be until sometime next week when I release, got some IVA's to go through. Speaking of those... IVA teasers!

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The small and medium pod are done. The large apartment, movie theater, small house, flight school and university still have to be done. The longest part is thinking of props to put in the IVAs. After that I need to check the hatches on all of the pods, fix the code so that you can build without a kerbal and then I can launch 1.3. Shortly after that I'll do the cruiser expansion as there's IVAs to be done for that.

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  DirtyFace83 said:
Looking good..... Whenwhenwhenwhen??????

j/k.... kinda....

On a serious note, I'm glad you took the route of getting it all functional (misbehaving drones aside) before doing the 'extra' stuff.

"extra" stuff (ivas) is being worked on but I won't forget to look at the bugs before I release 1.3. I didn't do enough QA on 1.2. It will be ready when it's ready... just like KSP 1.0 :).

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  michaelhester07 said:

Wow, those are looking much better already. Very nicely done!

I'm curious though, how tricky would it be to adapt the mechanics of this mod into a smaller scale? Instead of having 25- and 50-kerbal apartments, something more like this, with several 4- to 8-kerbal "home" modules, high-rises, and other city blocks for the food production and waste recycling? I'd love to slowly build up a full-scale city somewhere like Duna or Laythe, and this civillian population stuff is brilliant for "filling in" what would otherwise be empty towers.

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For the 1.3 bump I decided to give you a little biodome building guide. This guide will help you build in situ biodomes of all kinds. If you plan to launch and land a biodome then you don't really need this. If you're building with Extraplanetary Launchpads on site then you'll want this.

I design all of my biodome city parts in the spaceplane hangar. It's easier to move around in it and frankly i wouldn't mind launching everything out of it, including rockets that should have been in the VAB.

The Hangar Extender mod is recommended but not required to build biodome cities as the domes are 30 meters in diameter.


Here is one of the city parts I built for my mun city. I drew on this screenshot some important information to remember for later. Pay extra attention to the red and blue arrows. When we go to the construction rocket we'll have to survey the side where we build it. The other tips from above:

1. Add landing legs and extend them. You can try launch clamps too.

2. Keep the part count low to minimize lag. If you have my stanford torus mod the solar panels from that will also help reduce lag. The extending panels are collider expensive.

3. Rotate the biodome in the SPH so that the base points down.

Now to building it. For building with survey stakes Kerbal Attachment system is necessary so go get that. Your build ship must then have the following parts

  • Laser drill or other Ore drill.
  • Smelter
  • Rocket part workshop or CNC mill
  • If using the CNC mill, one construction drone module
  • At least one kerbal on board for surveying
  • Enough power to sustain the operation.

Lets go to the build site.


What I drew here is the survey stakes you'll need to place to build the biodome in situ with a survey station. My survey station was one of the MKS Colony control centers. Yours might be that or the EPL station. These tips will help you build any part with survey stakes and EPL, not just biodomes. Here we go:

  • You can place either direction or bounds stakes for X and Z.
  • Never place a Y stake. This will probably destroy your biodome. If you've been placing them put the y- near the center of the bounds area or at the origin. I don't place it and my domes build fine.
  • Place the origin stake where you want the dome's origin to be. Keep a minimum of 20 meters space between the new dome and any existing structure so it doesn't spawn inside the other structure when you finalize.
  • Use a KAS pipe to attach it to the existing base once built.

Find the survey site in the EPL menu and build! That's it.


Now its time for some long awaited playing time.

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