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Is KSP unstable or is it OK for you?


Which option most closely describes your KSP experience?  

408 members have voted

  1. 1. Which option most closely describes your KSP experience?

    • I run stock KSP and have no major problems
    • I run stock KSP and there are loads of bugs
    • I have one or two mods and have no major problems
    • I have one or two mods and there are loads of bugs
    • I run lots of mods and have no major problems
    • I run lots of mods and there are loads of bugs

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My actual answer would be, "I run lots of mods with a level of bugs I'm willing to tolerate." There are a few major problems that pop up, but they're old frenemies I know how to work around.

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I've seen many comments expressing worry that 1.0 will be unstable, and I see others say they have no problems with 0.90, so why shouldn't 1.0 be stable?

I think it would be interesting to find whether it's only heavy mod users or also stock players who are experiencing the most problems. This is relevant because, as far as Squad is concerned, a 1.0 release needs to be stable as a stock game, but stability for heavy mod users is relatively less important.

The responses will be highly subjective, of course, but I do feel it would give us an idea who are experiencing the most problems. No need to discuss technical details here such as memory leaks, and we don't need to talk about performance either, this is just an attempt to gather information.

Edit: I also don't think we need to have another thread about how we may or may not think 1.0 will be unstable because of all the new features and there being no public beta.

I have included a poll with this post, so please vote what most closely matches your KSP experience. You may choose more than one option if you have more than one install.

I am running KSP 1.0.2 on OSX and it is barely playable for me. In fact it crashes several times per mission, or the second time I'm in-out the VAB. Basically I've to re-launch KSP *every 5-10 minutes* or so (literally).

I'm not sure my installation lines up with *lot of mods*. I think I've the bare essential:

- Active Texture Management

- Toolbar

- Alarmclock

- Chatterer

- Contract Configurator

- Environmental Visual Enhancer (I'm removing this today)

- Kerbal Engineer

- KW Rocketry

- Hot Rockets

- Procedural Fairings

- Remote Tech

- SCANsat

- Science Alert

I am at the very beginning of career mode, day 2. So no much going on in the sky or space.

It is so bad that I'm even trying to install Linux on my MBP (retina, early 2013, 16 Gb ram) 'cos this game is too awesome. I suffer, but I keep trying :-D

Edited by carlorizzante
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In terms of the game crashing, 1.0.x is very stable (especially as pure stock), I've only had a handful of crashes.

In terms of bugs and general glitchyness, 1.0.x has lots of little things that are getting kinda infuriating (and hard to pinpoint); such as not always being able to place manoeuvre nodes, crew transfers sometimes not working, symmetry issues in the editors, phantom forces, disconnected modules in editors can be modified leading to editor interface being borked (hard to explain that one) and just loads more little things that I'm finding really detract from the experience.

In terms of performance 1.0.x is one of the worst!!! Yes it loads up very nicely and with simple craft and simple space programs it's performance is great, but when you start to push it (larger craft, larger space program with many flights in progress) it really phones it in. 1.0.x's part-count related performance is worse than I've seen in any KSP version so far. While that doesn't actually cause a crash (it just makes the game crawl) that alone leads me to class it as unstable.

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I think stock 1.0.2 is very buggy, but then I am a software developer, so my opinion on this topic is biased. ;)

The game usually crashes once every 2-3 hours, depending on what I do. Temperature gauges usually crash the game very fast, the FAT wings also tend to cause a lot of crashes. And then there are those other bugs which are not crashes but are annoying as hell, like you plan a maneuver, say "Warp to maneuver" and it just flies by like it doesn't care. Then you can't click on certain flight lines to add maneuvers in the first place, or the line wobbles like crazy, or items placed around Rockomax tanks are not mirrored, while they are around other tanks, or the editor suddenly locks up, small items causing physic havoc and shake your rocket to death....

The list is endless. And the annoyance piles to a point where the urge raises to say: "Yeah if you could ship a version without major bugs at least once, that would be great."

Edited by Two
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Since 0.90, I have been having problems running only a few mods. It keeps crashing every twenty minutes or so, which can be very irritating when I'm trying to video capture (it corrupts the footage) or sometimes when I stop and restart video capture.

I spent several days before 1.0 released unable to play KSP because 0.90 wouldn't work when I tried adding mods to it.

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Running ksp modded on Linux i'm experiencing more difficulties in 1.0.2 than in 0.90 (which for me was very stable) in terms of memory leaks. It's not that it crashes often but i have to keep an eye on the memory usage and restart the game before it's running out of space, sotosay.

Also minor glitches happen more often in 1.0.2 than in 0.90, (like disappearing menu-bars in vhb, disppearing contracts).

Looking forward to the next releases.


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I have had a couple of crashes all close to surface flying straight and level and dropping from space with chutes open retries on both counts crashed at same spot.

PC hardware is not issue.

I have started a game in hard mode, but a few bugs I have encountered in normal are making me a bit wary,one example, today I landed a plane, lost a wing no problem, Val went on EVA and poof exploded on the ground. Losing crew like that in iron man mode would = mad:

Edit, I found the problem for my game crashes, memory of course but the problem was here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118658-New-Heat-System-causes-memory-leak

In summary

Overheating parts run up memory usage very quickly , whoops not the parts, the gauges... disable them with F10

This was getting very annoying crashing 45 minutes into a flight across Kerbin

Edited by Jart
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This is not a complaint, only my answer to the poll:

KSP doesn't run on the Mac. It might be because of memory. Because of Steam client. Because whatever. Doesn't run on Mac for more than 15 minutes. Period.

EDIT: Ok, maybe it doesn't happen for *every* Mac, but there's evidence that mine is not the only one.

Edited by serolrom
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The only problems I have experienced in 1.02 that I did not experience in .22 is the screen flashes to the desktop when I switch between two locations, such as the SPH to the control center, as an example. Other than that, not really a lot of problems considering I am running 42 mods now... :confused:

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This poll do not have middle options. I have many mods and I have some stability problems but I think that it is quite acceptable level if I have to start KSP again about every second hour. This is not work or business software which have to work weeks without breaks. Other little bugs are more annoying. For example bad orbit predictions and errors in SOI change detection in map view. But I would not say that there are loads of bugs.

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