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Mission to Jool


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After going to all the planets in Kerbol but Jool or Eeloo I embark on a one hour trip to Eeloo onboard was Lueny Kerman, Dunming Kerman, and Tombus Kerman. They are currently doing research.... Erm or should be doing research while staying in a stable orbit of 5600 Km. We plan to land it on Laythe since it has a Kerbin like atmosphere..... [End Transmisssion]:wink:

Edited by ghostbuzzer7
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I used the Ion Hybrid Electric Pack


and ZG-27 fuel synthesizers in which I didnt use only when I got into orbit of Jool. Other than that pretty stock.


I used the sun's periapsis to get me there after passing minimus it slingshot me directly into Jool's gravitational pull. I got luck :D

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