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For those wondering if it's worth it to hold off on playing KSP until 1.0...


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Consider that with the new heat, aero, and resource systems, it's going to be even longer for all of your favorite mods to update their compatibility. Like... a month after 1.0 release.

Sorry for stating the obvious - just noticed a considerable amount of folks asking for release dates for this reason, and threads getting locked before i can make this point.

I'll go back to not playing KSP until 1.0+1 month now :P

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  Venusgate said:
Consider that with the new heat, aero, and resource systems, it's going to be even longer for all of your favorite mods to update their compatibility. Like... a month after 1.0 release.

Except for the all those that already support FAR, DRE etc?

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  goldenpsp said:
Pretty much all the mods I care about will be updated quickly I'm sure.

But does anyone even have an idea when 1.0 is expected to launch?

I have no clue. I have heard, however,that this could be one of the longest updates ever, so I would bet on a while.

That being said, I would totally buy KSP even if 1.0 was upcoming. I could experience the old aerodynamics before it's too late! ;)

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I've pretty much stopped playing altogether until 64 bits for windows is there. I know it's possibly quite a far way off, but I've gotten sick to my stomach of running out of memory in this game.

It's a Superb game, the best I've played in a looooong long while, And I'm starting to play with lot's of mods and parts, and I want the best textures RSS without any memory management program that degrades my gameplay.

Since Linux is out of the question, waiting for Win64 version.

In the meantime, I got archived version since 0.23 and I get to pick what versions I want =)

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Win64bit was a thing at one point. It was scraped a few months after release because it was so unstable no one liked it.

ALSO... I am not holding back, I'm staying on. Heck, I'm the earliest Hypetrain passenger for 1.0!

Just ​waiting in the station. Hello?

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I personally enjoy the stock game and don't really use mods. Mods are nice, but they don't make or break the game for me. I'll be playing 1.0 the day it releases and fully enjoying all it has to offer.

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I think there's a great reason to play .90 while 1.0 is cooking: Challenges.

I'm working on a Jool-5 and attempting Jebediah level. Since everything's being rebalanced for version 1.0 and deep space refueling is being added, the Jool-5 will never be the same again, so this is my last chance!

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Keep playing.

Its a great game and we have so many add-on toys to keep us occupied in the meantime.

As we've seen in past updates, they've given us options to disable features that we don't like, so I imagine it will be the same for aero.

Fear not and keep firing.


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I do not understand this "hold off on playing" thing of which you speak; KSP is so enthralling that (with a few occasional exceptions) it's the only computer game I've played since I bought it nearly a year ago. I've also finally started trying some mods in the last few weeks and I'm having great fund with Kerbal Attachment System and Karbonite!

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The only mods I'd have used in KSP 1.0 are either part mods (thus largely undamaged by the version change), or already have similar functionality integrated into 1.0 proper. I'd see no reason for that argument to change my opinion on the matter. :P

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  Gerandar said:
Everything 1.0 will add I can do with mods so I dont see why I need 1.0 at all.

Maybe for the things that 1.0 removes? Bug fixes that is. Unless you are just that lucky that 0.90 never crashes or glitches on you. I know I ain't, so I'll change to 1.0 when it comes. :)

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  AbacusWizard said:
I do not understand this "hold off on playing" thing of which you speak; KSP is so enthralling that (with a few occasional exceptions) it's the only computer game I've played since I bought it nearly a year ago. I've also finally started trying some mods in the last few weeks and I'm having great fund with Kerbal Attachment System and Karbonite!

I don't understand it either. Especially since 1.0 seems to be at least a month out. Maybe it has to do with differing play styles. I also start new saves every update. I guess I don't do grand tours or other long term missions, so maybe that time investment feels like a waste when saves are broken, or in the case of 1.0, game mechanics are significantly changed.

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  Francois424 said:
I've pretty much stopped playing altogether until 64 bits for windows is there. I know it's possibly quite a far way off, but I've gotten sick to my stomach of running out of memory in this game.

Since Linux is out of the question, waiting for Win64 version.

Then you'll be waiting for a loooooooong time. Years possibly.

Source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/328-The-future-of-Windows-64-bit-builds-for-KSP

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  Frozen_Heart said:
Do people really hate the stock game so much that they'll refuse to touch the release version until all the mods are out?

I've just recently started trying Kerbal Attachment System and Karbonite, and while most of my crafts are still stock, I can see why somebody accustomed to them would have difficulty going back to not using them. Me, I usually don't update to the new version for a week or so not because of mods but because I usually start a new career with each new version, and I might have unfinished business in my previous career.

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  Herbin said:
I'll be playing 1.0 immediately. Lot of the mods either feel like cheating ( mechjeb *cough* ) or don't really interest me enough to install them. 1.0 isn't that far off anyway

This, so many this's. My friend IRL who plays KSP had to wait weeks to play KSP 0.90 just because he had to wait for the mods to update. All I could do was feel bad for him!

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I'll give 1.0 a shot on day one, if only to sandbox it and check out the new aerodynamics, resource gathering, and hopefully new MK3 parts.

It's also an opportunity to review which mods I really use, which I want to use in a proper 1.0 career, and which ones are just in my directory because they've been there for months already.

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