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[1.4.x] TweakScale v2.3.12(Apr-16)


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  Squiggsy said:
sooo I backed up my 0.90 game before installing 1.0, went to go play it for a while after testing out 1.0 and all my parts on all my ships have just chosen completely random scales, it has sorta broken all my crafts and I am really not impressed, anyone know of any way to fix this / change scaling without having to decomission everything and put it back up? really would rather not use hyperedit

So you had a working game, didn't touch anything and suddenly everything is broken? Sorry, no idea what could have happened there.

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Usualy "I didn't touch anything..." actualy means "I don't realize what I was changed that everything was gone south..."

Try to think about it, what you have changed afterall. Even if someone don't have coding skills, steps how to reproduce some bug can help a lot with solving it.

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Update: the dev version now has support for the new part modules. The exponents are mostly based on guesswork so far. If you'd like to help, please test. I didn't touch the exponent for moduleEngines:heatProduction yet, so that might be completely off.

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Hello,I have a problem,when "tweak scale" folder out of "game data" folder I can build my "something craft",when I put mod folder in "game data" and load this "something craft" my game stopped(not crashed),I play with other mods,ksp 0.90 x64.Later I will try to make a video showing this problem.(sorry for my bad english,I am from Russia)

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  goldstarstickergiver said:
Some of the heat scaling is quite off; for example if you scale down the 2to1 adapter to its smallest, it will explode from heat damage at normal outside temperatures. Same with other structural parts.

Known issue, and already fixed. maxTemperature was scaled, which obviously did not make much sense.

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  pellinor said:
So you had a working game, didn't touch anything and suddenly everything is broken? Sorry, no idea what could have happened there.

Its not that I didn't touch anything, I said pretty clearly I copied the whole thing into a new directory, backed it up, which means something was changed, however yes apart from that I changed absolutely nothing, everything else worked fine, but every craft I loaded (in the VAB and ones i went to control that were already out and about) had parts that I had tweakscaled changed to completely random sizes.

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Sorry, on mobile and I just want to mention this while I remember, but I don't see it on this paje:

With a clean install, no mods, but this, modmanager, and base squad:

Mk3 cockpit is completely broken, even placing it causes the vab to freeze.

Only bug for me so far aside from heat

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  Lucius said:
Sorry, on mobile and I just want to mention this while I remember, but I don't see it on this paje:

With a clean install, no mods, but this, modmanager, and base squad:

Mk3 cockpit is completely broken, even placing it causes the vab to freeze.

Only bug for me so far aside from heat

Replicated, no Idea what is different for this part. TweakScale patch removed until I understand the issue. Thanks for your help.

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  Squiggsy said:
Its not that I didn't touch anything, I said pretty clearly I copied the whole thing into a new directory, backed it up, which means something was changed, however yes apart from that I changed absolutely nothing, everything else worked fine, but every craft I loaded (in the VAB and ones i went to control that were already out and about) had parts that I had tweakscaled changed to completely random sizes.

You know, the question is not if I believe you, but if there is anything that I can/should do about the situation. It is a good thing to mention issues you are seeing because others might have them too or recognize some error pattern. Just for your situation I do not have any good advice, nor do I see an action that I should take for TweakScale now.

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anyone else having problems with symmetry mode and parts? Example, if I try to place the nosecone (old one with the blue circle on it) in 2x symmetry on some boosters with tweakscale installed, the side that I place the part will have a normal sized nozecone, and the other side will get a super teeny tiny little nosecone on it... ?

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  rottielover said:
anyone else having problems with symmetry mode and parts? Example, if I try to place the nosecone (old one with the blue circle on it) in 2x symmetry on some boosters with tweakscale installed, the side that I place the part will have a normal sized nozecone, and the other side will get a super teeny tiny little nosecone on it... ?

Yes i have the same problem. and it worked correctly after removeing tweakscale.

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  pellinor said:

EDIT: now I also see a mass issue! Still have to see if I broke that in my dev copy or in a published version.

EDIT: found it! It seems that the stock info window does not update often enough, so it misses rescales (but probably displays the right number once it catches up). Detaching parts seems to update it. If I open a mechjeb info window mass changes as (and when) it should.


sorry for late response but it seems that the info window is catching the correct width, height and size in total gets updated as fast as i change the scale in 0.90 but for the root part, the weight is not getting updated at all.

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  rottielover said:
anyone else having problems with symmetry mode and parts? Example, if I try to place the nosecone (old one with the blue circle on it) in 2x symmetry on some boosters with tweakscale installed, the side that I place the part will have a normal sized nozecone, and the other side will get a super teeny tiny little nosecone on it... ?

Should be fixed with the correct nose cone patches (in the dev version since some time yesterday I think).

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i had a problem with the testing-version you released yesterday, that i just now was able to attribute to it. here was the thread i made.

i installed todays version and the problem dissapeared, but am just posting again here because im not sure WHY it only affected this one part.

it made weird things happen with the Mk3 cockpit, see the link above for details. but as i said, it only happened with the older 1.0-needs testing version, release is fine, thought you might like to have a look.

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  damnfan said:
Is there any way this will be added onto CKAN? Currently, the version of TweakScale on it is the one created by Biotronic and is on version 1.50.

It already should be on CKAN, I'll look into it.

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  BobsYerUncle said:
i had a problem with the testing-version you released yesterday, that i just now was able to attribute to it. here was the thread i made.

i installed todays version and the problem dissapeared, but am just posting again here because im not sure WHY it only affected this one part.

it made weird things happen with the Mk3 cockpit, see the link above for details. but as i said, it only happened with the older 1.0-needs testing version, release is fine, thought you might like to have a look.

Still haven't understood what happened there, for now I just patched it by removing tweakScale support for that part.

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  kamikatzee said:
Hello,i have problem with tweak scale,i create two videos,first (https://youtu.be/-3GrXMdxysE) with tweak scale,second (https://youtu.be/BW2Ij3bGbmw) without tweak scale,i can't explain problem, because my english very bad,I hope for your help

You are on an outdated KSP version, using the win64 version (that is known to be unstable and not supported by most modders), have many other mods, and load an unknown craft file that might already be broken in some way. Sorry if I can not give any useful advice for this case.

All I can say is that your case is not a known issue with TweakScale. And sorry for the late response, I'm still catching up with all the feedback since the KSP1.0 release.

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quick question.. You said you disabled support for the Mk3 cockpit while you track down the vab/sph lock issue (I had the same problem w/ the older version of tweakscale). However, it's looking like ALL crew capable cockpits are now un-scaleable. Was this intentional? I got the 1.0 release from curse this morning. (looks like v according to .version file)

Just curious if I have something else acting up, if this was accidental, or if you knew about it.



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  mughi said:
However, it's looking like ALL crew capable cockpits are now un-scaleable. Was this intentional?

Yes, there is a switch now (in ScaleExponents.cfg). You can even change with MM, so that the setting survives a TweakScale update. To make crew pods scaleable via MM just add the following into a .cfg file anywhere inside GameDate.

@noScaledCrewPods = 0

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  dan1ell1ma said:
When i put the command pod in smaller scale i keep the room to 1 kerbal. i think will be realistic and anticheat a minimal size to keep this room.

Crew capacity is not scaled because upscaling would break the game (not enough seats in the IVA causing bad things). Since scaled crew pods will look weird in any case I'd consider this as an edge case of an already dubious scaling support, and prefer not to complicate the plugin with hardcoded special treatment. This is also why scaling of crewed parts is now switchable and disabled per default.

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  Dazpoet said:
CKAN currently lacks a good way of solving this without a lot of trickery so I would like to humbly suggest https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-support/issues/125#issuecomment-98156962

AAh, so this was a problem on my side! I'll fix it like you suggest.

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Update: small bugfix release!

* restored maxThrust exponent to fix the editor CoT display

* added patch for new KIS container

* survive mistyped scaleTypes

* version number with 'v' to make CKAN happy (on KerbalStuff I forgot it in v2.0)

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