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how to vtol

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Assuming the center of thrust is aligned with the center of mass, make sure that fuel tanks are draining correctly (occasionally when attaching fuel lines in symmetry one won't connect) and that there are little to no off center wings i.e. there isn't to much drag on one half of the VTOL.


I am terrible at building jet VTOLs and only okay with rocket VTOLs.

Good luck and I hope this was helpful!

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My entry in this challenge http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/111664-The-Excursion-to-Mt-Keverest/page4

...is one way to do it in stock, with monopropellant thrusters. The imgur gallery shows some details of how I made sure the center of mass was aligned with center of thrust for the VTOL system, and how I managed fuel flow to ensure that center of mass would not move around when I was in VTOL mode. Note that RCS and SAS motors are used to stabilize the system in VTOL flight.

Rockets and jets make more efficient VTOL lifters. Jets are very hard to control because of the lag time in controlling thrust. Good luck!

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