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Squadcast Summary 2015-03-13 - The Friday the 13th Edition


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<joke>Another fascinating Squadcast! Lots of information was revealed, as well as a release date for 1.0:</joke>

- MaxMaps is suspiciously missing, and I don't want to point any fingers, but KasperVid doesn't have any alibis (also rather suspiciously)..

That is all.

Kasper did link this one thing though:


NB: The official (semi-official? from the moderators anyhow) reason for the cancellation was given as MaxMaps was stuck in some sort of business meeting during the timeslot.

Edited by Renegrade
Added joke tags~
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Im dissapointed. They said "Ye, we be showing you some new stuff because we didnt last time and now its cancelled."

Not cool.

Also: I hope nobody quoted me because I edited the whole post from the scratch.

Edited by Veeltch
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Arrrrghhhhh! And Ive been waiting these 4 hours for the info while I could sleep instead.

Tell me about it - I've been up for roughly 14 hours now, stayed up late to summarise it and nothing.. 2 weeks in a row.. hoping all is ok at Squad HQ though.

EDIT: I ain't mad. Things come up, circumstances get out of your control.. I mean, it's not like Squad is legally obliged to show us stuff, if they do, that's cool. If not, that's cool too, I hope they reach a point where that's possible anyway. If they don't, that's cool too, I'll just see it in 1.0 anyway. If I don't, that's cool too - it's just a video game, guys.. :rolleyes:

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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Can't say I'm too pleased either. I can understand sick days (in fact, I appreciate it very much if any sick coworkers stay home and not infect me with the bubonic plague again), but missing the follow-up afterwards isn't cool, especially after sneak peeks into 1.0 functionality have been hinted.


If the 'Cast itself is too much overhead, could we at least have a ... MaxNotes Friday or something?

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2 weeks in a row? I know Max was sick last time, but can't we at least get some teaser screenshots? Just something, anything! This is frustrating.

Hopefully it's nothing bad, like a personal or family emergency.

Edited by GusTurbo
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2 weeks in a row? I know Max was sick last time, but can't we at least get some teaser screenshots? Just something, anything! This is frustrating.

Hopefully it's nothing bad, like a personal or family emergency.

I second this. At least few screenies would be nice.

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There was no humor to detect. Nothing but a cruel cruel joke.

But I forgive you for all the work you've done updating those of us who don't have time to watch the livestream. Thanks for that.

Carry on.

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Some of the people in this thread really need to get over the thought that Squad owes you something, even if they said they would give you something, they still don't owe it to you. Max was sick last week and if it happens to be a really virulent bug, he is probably still sick. Do you really want to sit for an hour listening to someone hack and sniff into a microphone?

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Some of the people in this thread really need to get over the thought that Squad owes you something, even if they said they would give you something, they still don't owe it to you. Max was sick last week and if it happens to be a really virulent bug, he is probably still sick. Do you really want to sit for an hour listening to someone hack and sniff into a microphone?

It's because they cancelled without giving us any information. As a matter of fact, I'd rather read some overview from them, than watch Max play.

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