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[1.2.2] Contract Pack: Bases and Stations 3.6.1 (30/04/2017) (formerly Kerbin Space Station)


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2 minutes ago, onlinegamesz said:

If I rename my kerbin station will there be any issues or i'm just fine with all the contracts etc?

Nope, you should be fine. The contracts are registered to the vessel ID, the name is irrelevant.

The only slight weirdness you may see is contracts asking for you to dock to <old station name> until they expire out of the pre-loader (but they will still work fine).

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1 hour ago, onlinegamesz said:

If I rename my kerbin station will there be any issues or i'm just fine with all the contracts etc?

Should still be fine, add it uses internal identifiers to track the vessels. Some static text like the contract title might not get updated, but it shouldn't affect anything. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the mission i just tried is from this pack: 
Go to station x do an experiment and bring itback... 

I just docked, did a crew report and retrieved it. 
Game declared mission not complete... 


EDIT: ok strange i changed to Mission Control and it declared itself complete when i got out... 

Edited by Mokmo
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Known Issues

ScienceExperimentModule may require a scene change before it will complete once you recover the science at KSC. This is a minor enough issue that I let it through the net. I think it's a CC bug and nightingale is investigating.


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  • 3 weeks later...
19 minutes ago, bolek said:

Does "Emergency Landing" in "Evacuate Space Station" contract mean something specific or is it regular landing? Cannot complete contract due to this one condition.

Oh duh. Read the contract and immediately saw the problem. Stupid bug. Apologies, raised #57 to deal with it.

Basically, the idea is that the "escape pod" is the vessel that is supposed to land on the surface (it was to stop CC from marking the parameter as complete any time you landed on that body, rather than the correct vessel).

What it actually does, is mark the vessel that has to be landed as... the space station you just evacuated. So, you have two options:

1) Land your space station
2) complete the contract through the debug menu until I fix it.

Obviously I recommend you go for number 2 ;) I'd better finish the next update I suppose!

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Contract Pack Bases and Stations 3.1.1 Released!


  • Fixed validation error in Base Self-Sufficiency
  • Fixed a bug which would require you to land your Space Station to satisfy the evacuate mission.
  • Core missions will no longer generate for any bases on Kerbin.
  • Base Population will now do a sanity check on crew space before generating.
Edited by severedsolo
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Firstly, thankyou for this awesome mod.  I really enjoy making stations and bases and this mod gives them more life, making them even more fun.

My modded game includes scansat with the stock orbital survey disabled, so the bases part of the mod kept giving me scan contracts for bodies even though I had completed scanning those bodies.  They would complete straight away if I accepted them again.  The contract code is checking if stock survey is complete before offering the contract, but requires a scansat scan to complete the contract.

I made two small tweaks to do different checks depending on whether Scansat was installed or not.


		type = CelestialBody
		requiredValue = true
		uniquenessCheck = GROUP_ACTIVE
		targetBody1 = OrbitedBodies().Where(b => b.IsOrbitalSurveyComplete() == false && b.HasSurface()).Random()

		type = CelestialBody
		requiredValue = true
		uniquenessCheck = GROUP_ACTIVE
		targetBody1 = OrbitedBodies().Where(b => b.SCANsatCoverage("FuzzyResources") < 80 && b.HasSurface()).Random()
		name = PerformOrbitalSurvey
		type = PerformOrbitalSurvey
		targetBody = @/targetBody1
		name = SCANsatCoverage
		type = SCANsatCoverage
		targetBody = @/targetBody1
		coverage = Random(80, 95)
		scanType = FuzzyResources


		type = CelestialBody
		requiredValue = true
		uniquenessCheck = GROUP_ACTIVE
		targetBody1 = LandedBodies().Where(b => b.IsOrbitalSurveyComplete() == true && b.HasSurface()).Random()

 		type = CelestialBody
		requiredValue = true
		uniquenessCheck = GROUP_ACTIVE
		targetBody1 = LandedBodies().Where(b => b.SCANsatCoverage("FuzzyResources") >= 80 && b.HasSurface()).Random()


Thanks again, brilliant mod :)

Edited by Anominous
fixed code snippet
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What triggers base contracts?  I've gotten and completed station contracts for Kerbin, Mun and Minmus -- but haven't received a single base contract other than the one for scanning for a base location, which I completed.

And for station contracts, am I supposed to keep getting new contracts for stations on those bodies? I've gotten at least a couple of new prospective "first station" contracts for each of the bodies in Kerbin SOI -- even though the existing stations are still there and working.  I did notice that I was adding a part to them that would cause KSP to flip them over to "base" as their vessel types, but I switched'm back to Station in the tracking station.

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7 minutes ago, mcortez said:

What triggers base contracts?  I've gotten and completed station contracts for Kerbin, Mun and Minmus -- but haven't received a single base contract other than the one for scanning for a base location, which I completed.

And for station contracts, am I supposed to keep getting new contracts for stations on those bodies? I've gotten at least a couple of new prospective "first station" contracts for each of the bodies in Kerbin SOI -- even though the existing stations are still there and working.  I did notice that I was adding a part to them that would cause KSP to flip them over to "base" as their vessel types, but I switched'm back to Station in the tracking station.

You need to have landed on the body, and have the M700 scanner unlocked. (You can build bases just fine without it, but the core line of missions relies on the M700 to scan for a suitable location). As this is quite far on in the tree, chances are you haven't unlocked it yet.

Duplicate Station contracts: if you are "flipping" them to bases (even temporarily) - this will cause the behaviour you are describing. To put it simply: contracts are not generated when you see them, they are generated in advance and the game calls them when needed.

Having said that, it's easy enough to stop that behaviour, so raised #58 to deal with/

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18 hours ago, severedsolo said:

You need to have landed on the body, and have the M700 scanner unlocked. (You can build bases just fine without it, but the core line of missions relies on the M700 to scan for a suitable location). As this is quite far on in the tree, chances are you haven't unlocked it yet.

Duplicate Station contracts: if you are "flipping" them to bases (even temporarily) - this will cause the behaviour you are describing. To put it simply: contracts are not generated when you see them, they are generated in advance and the game calls them when needed.

Having said that, it's easy enough to stop that behaviour, so raised #58 to deal with/

I've got the M700 unlocked and have done some random scanning with it.  I did get one of the "scan for a suitable location" contracts for Minmus, where you need to scan for "Fuzzy Resources".  I was able to complete that.  I do also have ScanSat installed, with stock scanning turned off, but I just go the M700 in the right orbit and scanned away until the contract completed.  Just never seem to get any of the follow on contracts.

That's kind of what I was starting to suspect on the station contracts -- I've since fixed the part I was using, so that it's vessel type is Station rather than Base to prevent it from happening in the future.

Oh and out of curiosity, does anyone happen to know under what conditions docking with your station results in the new parts being added to the station, versus the station being added to your new parts (ie, the station taking on the name and ID of the new vessel rather than the other way around?)  In at least one case, my station apparently became a part of my habitation expansion rather then the expansion becoming part of the station (whole thing changed to a ship and took the name of my expansion vessel.)

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4 hours ago, mcortez said:

I've got the M700 unlocked and have done some random scanning with it.  I did get one of the "scan for a suitable location" contracts for Minmus, where you need to scan for "Fuzzy Resources".  I was able to complete that.  I do also have ScanSat installed, with stock scanning turned off, but I just go the M700 in the right orbit and scanned away until the contract completed.  Just never seem to get any of the follow on contracts.

Oh yes, that's a compatibility problem with ScanSAT. I know about that, and will fix it in the next update.


Oh and out of curiosity, does anyone happen to know under what conditions docking with your station results in the new parts being added to the station, versus the station being added to your new parts (ie, the station taking on the name and ID of the new vessel rather than the other way around?)  In at least one case, my station apparently became a part of my habitation expansion rather then the expansion becoming part of the station (whole thing changed to a ship and took the name of my expansion vessel.)

KSP docking is random :) I have never managed to figure it out. It shouldn't make a massive difference for this pack though. CC will apply the internal identifier it uses to track docked vessels to both vessels when they dock (or it's supposed to anyway). It only get's fun when you start undocking things.

Edited by severedsolo
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@Anominous @mcortez (and I guess anyone else who is playing with SCANSat.)

Can you try the pre-release and see if it fixes your issue. If it does great.

Unfortunately I won't be able to push an official release until (probably) wednesday, as the latest Windows 10 Insider build didn't like my graphics drivers, so I've had to roll back to the one where Github doesn't work (which makes releasing difficult).

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I have a couple of contract packs so I apologize if I picked the wrong one.   I got a contract to send an Engineer to my base due to communications problems.  Seemed simple enough, send engineer within 500m of the base on EVA and wait 2 minutes.  But looking at the contract window all the conditions except for "near kerbin base" are met and the countdown timer never starts....    

I'm not even sure where to start on troubleshooting something like this.  Sure I could alt+12 and force complete it, but I'm feeling determined at the moment....  LOL

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1 hour ago, rottielover said:

I have a couple of contract packs so I apologize if I picked the wrong one.   I got a contract to send an Engineer to my base due to communications problems.  Seemed simple enough, send engineer within 500m of the base on EVA and wait 2 minutes.  But looking at the contract window all the conditions except for "near kerbin base" are met and the countdown timer never starts....    

I'm not even sure where to start on troubleshooting something like this.  Sure I could alt+12 and force complete it, but I'm feeling determined at the moment....  LOL

Had a peek at the contract file, it looks right to me. Can you screenshot your contract window, and can I get a copy of your save please?

Oh, I see the problem. Sorry it's not very clear. Take your engineer on EVA and get him within 100m of the waypoint. I'll make that clearer for future releases.

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I'm having an issue with the StationCore contract. Specifically, in the CC debug window it shows it as disabled and the LKO parameter shows the following error (paraphrased): "Invalid situation for Orbit parameter *snip* The value supplied for situation (ORBITING) is invalid." (see also linked screenshot: http://imgur.com/1IxmPOi).

I'm running KSP v1.0.4.861, MM v2.6.13, CC v1.9.5, pack version 3.1.2b1. This is in a rather heavily modded career game (hence why I haven't upgraded to v1.0.5), but it does the same thing in a fresh copy of v1.0.4.861 with just the MM/CC/pack versions mentioned above.1IxmPOi

Any ideas?

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32 minutes ago, akardam said:

I'm having an issue with the StationCore contract. Specifically, in the CC debug window it shows it as disabled and the LKO parameter shows the following error (paraphrased): "Invalid situation for Orbit parameter *snip* The value supplied for situation (ORBITING) is invalid." (see also linked screenshot: http://imgur.com/1IxmPOi).

I'm running KSP v1.0.4.861, MM v2.6.13, CC v1.9.5, pack version 3.1.2b1. This is in a rather heavily modded career game (hence why I haven't upgraded to v1.0.5), but it does the same thing in a fresh copy of v1.0.4.861 with just the MM/CC/pack versions mentioned above.1IxmPOi

Any ideas?

You are running KSP 1.0.4. Contract Configurator 1.9.5 and 3.1.2b1 are only compatible with 1.0.5. Weird that particular parameter fell over though... that hasn't been changed.

Anyway, you need KSS 3.0.1 and CC 1.7.5


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2 minutes ago, severedsolo said:

You are running KSP 1.0.4. Contract Configurator 1.9.5 and 3.1.2b1 are only compatible with 1.0.5. Weird that particular parameter fell over though... that hasn't been changed.

Anyway, you need KSS 3.0.1 and CC 1.7.5

@akardam - I can't remember, but the underlying numeric values might've changed in KSP in 1.0.5.  That being said, I'm amazed you even got it working that far with a KSP version mismatch.

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Sigh... I was afraid of that. Was hoping I could take advantage of the most recent bugfixes for both CC and the pack. Well, time to do some config file hacking... thanks gents (or ladies as the case may be).

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Bases and Stations 3.1.2 Released!

  • Fixed compatibility issues between bases and SCANsat (thanks @Anominous)
  • Simplified and clarified parameters for BaseCommsLost (thanks @rottielover)
  • Turned down rewards for Base Scan mission.
  • Scan mission now requires a Hi Res Altimetry scan if you have SCANsat installed. Because there are only so many ways a bug can resurface before you go "Sod it"

Bases and Stations 3.1.3 Released!

  • Fixed validation error in BaseScan when using SCANsat
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Hi! Could you please remove "Station Core Docking Port" from science list?

Right now its just a duplicate part, which will confuse any unaware (like me), it appears in science list, it requires initial purchase and looks exactly like clampotron.

Or perhaps rename it to "(outdated) Docking Port". But in long run it should really be removed. But I don't want to see other people stations ruined. : /

Or maybe re-cycle life in it by adding some worthy functionality, like integrated lights - or stronger magnet and slightly higher price. Everyone is happier with stronger magnets, especially stations.


Thank you very much

/ signed, confused member



Btw, I build my stations in-space without ports, using KIS/KAS and orbital robot. Its not difficult at all, so long the ports are all facing (anti-)normal.

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11 hours ago, Kerbal101 said:

Hi! Could you please remove "Station Core Docking Port" from science list?

Right now its just a duplicate part, which will confuse any unaware (like me), it appears in science list, it requires initial purchase and looks exactly like clampotron.

Or perhaps rename it to "(outdated) Docking Port". But in long run it should really be removed. But I don't want to see other people stations ruined. : /

Or maybe re-cycle life in it by adding some worthy functionality, like integrated lights - or stronger magnet and slightly higher price. Everyone is happier with stronger magnets, especially stations.


Thank you very much

/ signed, confused member



Btw, I build my stations in-space without ports, using KIS/KAS and orbital robot. Its not difficult at all, so long the ports are all facing (anti-)normal.

It shouldn't show up at all. It's marked as VAB 0 - It's a really old legacy part. Agree though it should be removed. Will be done in the next update (I doubt anyone is using it by now anyway)

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