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What should the 1.0 trailer be like?

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The .21 trailer is what really made me decide to get this game - a soft but triumphant rendition of the theme and you see a rocket on the pad. It fades to black as the rocket begins to launch, and very sentimental text appears. How hard can rocket science be anyway?

Of course then the rocket falls back to the pad and explodes sokerbal

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It should be unfinished, like how 1.0 will be.


But seriously, it should show what you can do in the game, and (because you can) make it look pretty.

Building a small rocket, and then mucking up the launch and wiping out the mission control... But then building a better rocket, and it ascending up to orbit. Then have a series of Beauty shots: Sunrise around Kerbin; powered landing on Duna while Ike hangs in the sky above; a shuttle flying with jets on Laythe; Emerald sunsets on Eve; a polar shot from Eeloo to show how far away you are; Jool-rise around Laythe; s station skimming above the surface of Vall; a landed Mun lander with a Pan up to where Kerbin is... Stuff like that

Edited by Random Tank
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A animation showing the original KSC, and later becoming the level 1 KSC; it evolves unto the current center. A kerbal enters the Astronaut Complex and walks to the legacy hall, where we see all builds leading to v1.0 as well as the names of famous KSP players (ex: Macey Dean, Scott Manley,Danny2462 and so forth.) The camera zooms in on the black and white KSP logo on the wall. Background goes black as the abbreviation extends to the full title. -end of trailer.-

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I have been thinking about the game trailer for 1.0. I think that it should focus on the whole game, rather than just the new features being added to KSP, like other update trailers have. My idea is basically a new version of the "Build Fly Dream" trailer; a montage of different gameplay clips. I think that there should be things in the trailer that most people would recognize: A shuttle-like spaceplane, large solar panels on a station, a descent stage left at the Mun.

Here is my idea:

-Sunrise over a silhouetted planet

-cut to a shot of a flag and descent stage on the Mun, with Kerbin in the sky

-A rover driving on Duna

-A far-away shot of a plane flying at Laythe, with Jool in the sky

-A space station over Eeloo, looking back at Kerbol

-A lone Kerbal on Ike, looking up at Duna

That would just e the opening sequence, just my ideas. What do you think the trailer should be like?

Some other good ideas could be

-Watching an unmanned tug docking with its orbiting payload, and taking off once docked.

-A hypersonic jet flying over the Ice Caps on Kerbin (I know, not "space" related, but I've seen it and it's kind of an awesome sight, at 20,000+ meter elevation).

-A satellite/probe orbiting Eve, with a view of both the light and dark sides.

-a lone Kerbal walking on Minmus, followed by a nice, high jump (bonus points if Kerbol can be seen above the horizon). Not walk, stop, and jump; walk AND jump.

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