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Squadcast Summary 2015-03-20 - Squadcast is back! IVA's, April Fools, and Questions


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Squad should give themselves a pat in the back for being nice enough to tolerate all of your rants, flamewars and protests for a simple prank.

Get over it, guys. You should be grateful for Squad's tolerance. We're only lucky that KSP isn't run by an aggressive company which barely cares about it's community, because now that's considered common.

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  Columbia said:
Squad should give themselves a pat in the back for being nice enough to tolerate all of your rants, flamewars and protests for a simple prank. Get over it, guys. You should be grateful for Squad's tolerance. We're only lucky that KSP isn't run by an aggressive company which barely cares about it's community, because now that's considered common.
But, it wasn't a simple prank. It was an extraordinarily detailed one, with some elements based on community requests (automatic cross-posting of squad info made in other media.) I fell for it. I didn't expect ALL the elements would happen, plans change with feedback - and the feedback was ferocious. The furor only calmed down once it was made clear that it WAS a prank, and no such thing was going to happen.
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  Columbia said:
Squad should give themselves a pat in the back for being nice enough to tolerate all of your rants, flamewars and protests for a simple prank.

Get over it, guys. You should be grateful for Squad's tolerance. We're only lucky that KSP isn't run by an aggressive company which barely cares about it's community, because now that's considered common.

What's it say about the current state of things that the community didn't immediately say "Squad would never do anything like this. I smell something fishy."

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  klgraham1013 said:
What's it say about the current state of things that the community didn't immediately say "Squad would never do anything like this. I smell something fishy."

That they are quite displeased with the direction that squad had been heading?

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That we're once bitten, twice shy? I haven't forgotten that Squad claimed they were working on a new site for mods, only to then abruptly announce that actually they're outsourcing the mod hosting to a third party with a bad reputation among many gamers.

And Squad were already talking about a new forum, and while I think they've denied they'll be outsourcing the forum in the same way, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they did after all. Was Kasper's post so absurd as to be unbelievable? Possibly. Were certain aspects things I could see Insert New Forum Host Here doing? Absolutely.

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  cantab said:
Was Kasper's post so absurd as to be unbelievable? Possibly. Were certain aspects things I could see Insert New Forum Host Here doing? Absolutely.

I would say it was absolutely too absurd to be believable. Tweet-to-post? New 140 character limit? Walt Kerman a.k.a. "Clippy"?

I think maybe some people around here are just too on-edge. I can understand frustration with some of Squad's decisions, but it has to be exhausting to be so pessimistic about everything they do.

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  Sampa said:
I keep hearing this and that about memory leaks. What do you guys mean by that?

The game requests memory without telling the OS that it does no longer need it afterwards in some areas of the game. So the OS thinks the memory is still in use and will not allocate it to either the game itself or any other program. This eats up the available RAM and results in an out-of-memory crash of the game - which frees up the RAM like a normal restart would.

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A memory leak, which sounds like something is losing memory - kind of means the opposite. It happens when a piece of code allocates or reserves a section of memory to do something, but doesn't return that memory to the place it came from, after it's done. It can be a very small amount, escaping notice in the short term. The next time that piece of code gets run, it allocates or reserves a new section of memory, causing KSP's overall memory consumption to increase. Leaks are plugged by carefully going over the code, understanding what it does and how long it should need to hold onto something - to make sure each code routine frees the memory it reserved, each time it has finished running.

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  Columbia said:
Squad should give themselves a pat in the back for being nice enough to tolerate all of your rants, flamewars and protests for a simple prank.

Get over it, guys. You should be grateful for Squad's tolerance. We're only lucky that KSP isn't run by an aggressive company which barely cares about it's community, because now that's considered common.

Yeah, this. Seriously, you'd think some people here were, like, major shareholders in the company or something from the way they insist that they know the correct way Squad should conduct their business.

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  KerbMav said:
... the OS thinks the memory is still in use and will not allocate it to either the game itself or any other program.

Physical RAM is an implementation detail that is (largely) irrelevant these days - certainly with respect to other programs. Each program gets its own virtual memory space to fill up as it sees fit and out-of-memory means that this program's virtual memory is full. Other programs will continue to allocate/deallocate memory themselves.

It's then up to the OS to try to maintain the illusion that, however much virtual memory each application has allocated, it's all backed up by physical memory. As this illusion breaks down, you'll start to notice thrashing (as pages are continuously moved between physical ram and the page file) as the amount of memory in active use exceeds what's physically available, but this is unrelated to any "out of memory" situation and the OS will still allow applications to allocate more virtual memory if they ask for it.

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If only they could answer what will happen to the old chase camera mode... If it is entirely removed and replaced with the new chase cam then that is game breadking for me.. Impossible to get proper first person perspective without old chase cam.

Edited by boxman
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"What's it say about the current state of things that the community didn't immediately say "Squad would never do anything like this. I smell something fishy.""

That we're a weirdly hypercritical humorless lot who don't deal well with jokes or change?

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