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[Likely controversial?] Why does people consider Monsanto the face of GMO?


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I do not find it difficult to believe that an infected person would make it into the country. What I find difficult to believe is the suggestion that it was arranged deliberately, by the most prominent anti-disease organization in the world.

Do you at least agree that sending patients to hospitals in multiple states reduces the odds of successful containment in the event of a leak?

Oh, and now I have to scold myself for going off-topic. This thread should be about Monsanto and GMOs. In fact, let's take the discussion to a better place for this sort of subject.

I had thought of suggesting the threads be merged (almost certain that thread was inspired by this one) but merging threads this big just ends up confusing everyone.

Edited by vger
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I do not find it difficult to believe that an infected person would make it into the country. What I find difficult to believe is the suggestion that it was arranged deliberately, by the most prominent anti-disease organization in the world. Do you really believe CDC doctors are so evil or heartless that they'd risk killing people just for the sake of (I believe your suggestion was) testing a vaccine? Governments have done that, and worse. But the CDC?

There's a saying which I can't remember who said it but I think it's very wise. "Never ascribe to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity." Somebody screwing up and allowing ebola into the country? Sure. The CDC doing it on purpose? That I think one would need to back up with more evidence than your inability to find source.

Believe me, I would love to be able to back that up; But as I said, there is no acknowledgement forthcoming by any entity currently. If you Google the subject, you'll find a number of articles which claim the decision was made by those in the 'current administration', the responsibility being with them... but I'll walk away from the politics on this however. Make of it what you wish.

As fate would have it, I got an email from a family member this afternoon with news from a family friend. The family friend's daughter (she's in the USAF) works on this project, and is only now able to discuss it with her dad now that it's officially public "news". The implications are stupendous if it turns out to be a reality... the impact it would have. Read the article. The thing you should be questioning yourself about however, is the how and why that it's DARPA who is working on this.


(My apologies for hijacking the GMO thread.)

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