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The object to your _____ is ____!


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lukily, ny celing would a: glitch into wall or b:stay stationary due to the walls stopping it.

the next computer(not including the one you are reading this with) you look at will get 3 million virusus(virie? viruses? viroosus?).

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My water bottle... with a bunch of ice in it. Well, I guess my new glasses will be... Cool :cool: [YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH]

The object to your left becomes the design for your next rocket. (Bonus points if you build said rocket!)

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Hehehe, this might actually work. Seeing as I'm at work, the object directly to my left is the pen-and-paper draft of a flowchart I've been working on for the majority of the day. It's a chart on what to do when someone in the company asks you "hey, mister/ma'am QA, can I do X?"

I guess you could use that to make sure every component in your rocket is QA approved and validated :P

The object diagonally behind you and to your right will be your new method of transportation!

Edit: well that was too similar to a few posts ago... New plan! Said object will now be your new computer interface you can use to browse the forums :)

Edited by Cirocco
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