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What's the stupidest space-related thing you've ever heard someone say?


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Last Sunday at my church we were in small groups and we kinda talk just to hang out before we start talking about whatever the lesson is, or whatever, and the subject got to space ;D So, one of the kids asked why rockets go straight up into space and not sideways, and so I answered, although in a really bad way, that they do go sideways, but after they've gone up quite a ways to get out of the thicker atmosphere, and that going sideways from the start would take a lot more distance in the atmosphere. I kinda wanted to explain how close the ISS was in comparison to the size of the Earth so I could show how close space really is, and how much atmosphere you'd have to go through to get there going sideways. Now, that wasn't really a dumb question at all, but I just wondered what you guys have seen people ask, or say, because I know there's a lot of people that don't know much about space.

Thanks for reading!


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"what if other planets don't actually don't exist i mean they're so far off its hard to believe they're real"

i can't remember the rest of the conversation. it was in-between some girls in my class.

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"They did it in the studio" - about Moon landings...

Also, I see some comments on space related videos on youtube about all space programs around the world are fake, "ISS is just an empty shell" etc...

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I remember trying to explain Newtonian motion in space to someone many years ago, and they stuck rigidly to "but in Star Trek, when they turn the engines off, the ship stops moving, so..."

It temporarily turned me into a raving lunatic.

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Someone once told me:

"We don't need to go to space because God loves us. When we've used up the Earth, he'll fix Mars and He'll choose two of his children to start anew. It's already happened before with Adam and Eve. Haven't you ever read the Bible?"


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I was at the National Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian and there was this group of people looking at LM-2 and they were like "...is the one that landed on the Moon in Apollo 11?"

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Well, it's isn fully dummy talk, but i chatted with friends about speed limits in space

one tells that you can accelerate untill you reach speed of light(if you have infinite fuel without mass)

second one talks about newton laws and so on, i understand that he meaned that after you go to speed of specific impulse you cant accelerate further(he probably forgot about that rockets on orbit fly on speed far exeeding speed of their isp)

well, both suggestions wrong and right in some ways, but i think its wery dumb disscussion for people who really know physics

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At a public star party in Montgomery, AL, a woman asked a guy with a telescope set up next to mine if he could see "the flag left by Apollo on the Moon".

He told her, "No, sorry, they take it down at night."

"Oh", she replied.

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  Greenfire32 said:
Someone once told me:

"We don't need to go to space because God loves us. When we've used up the Earth, he'll fix Mars and He'll choose two of his children to start anew. It's already happened before with Adam and Eve. Haven't you ever read the Bible?"


Wow. Not only is that completely ignorant, the Bible has no indication of that. This post is so much better than I thought it would be XD

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I just read through all of the comments, this is gold XD Thanks so much, guys. The best one I've heard from someone else is that their friend thought the moon and the sun were the same thing and the moon was just the sun cooled down. I've also seen somebody on Ask Yahoo wonder whether man would ever land on the sun, but since it's super hot they could land in the winter. Ohh, poor people... :P

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My friend once said to me:

"But what about the guys on Mars! The ones that landed in the Apollo thingy!" Face-palms were made.


"I can't believe that the space shuttle went to the moon"


"This incredible Universe is now 2,013 (New Year's Eve 2012) years old!"


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  SlabGizor117 said:
Wow. Not only is that completely ignorant, the Bible has no indication of that.

It's double the ignorance for the same low price! Lol. They have succeeded at being ignorant about the Bible and space at the same time...

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im not gonna be surprised if this gets plucked by a mod or something. and yeah lulz on the star trek "they kill the engines they kill their speed" logic. but considering they have 26th century crystal engines that they can't/won't explain we can't pick on it TOO much.

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  jman508 said:
"what if other planets don't actually don't exist i mean they're so far off its hard to believe they're real"

i can't remember the rest of the conversation. it was in-between some girls in my class.

Lol, yeah I can kinda understand that somewhat, it's hard to get it in your head that, for example, George Washington was real, as in, to conduct your thoughts consciously as if he was real, when you can't see for yourself that he was real... Ahh, I'm not explaining it well :P

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  Foxster said:
By a highschool student of mine: "I heard that Hitler's on the moon and he flew there after some fightin cos he was gonna get shot and that innit".

Repped for "innit".

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  jman508 said:
im not gonna be surprised if this gets plucked by a mod or something. and yeah lulz on the star trek "they kill the engines they kill their speed" logic. but considering they have 26th century crystal engines that they can't/won't explain we can't pick on it TOO much.

Lol, yeah I watch star trek alot, they do have inertial dampers, like translational and rotational SAS :P

Also, 24th* century XD

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  SlabGizor117 said:
Lol, yeah I watch star trek alot, they do have inertial dampers, like translational and rotational SAS :P

...they just cross-couple the Heisenberg compensators through the power coupling relays and its all good.

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