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K-22H3 Stock Air Superiority Fighter

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The Latest Evolution of the K-22 Series

For KSP version 0.90


Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rjguw21gk0lpm1y/K-22H3%20Rapier.craft?dl=0

This new version is leaps and bounds better than the original posted here on the forums.


The ejection seat is now twice as powerful. This fixes an issue in the old model where the seat would fail to eject under high g loads.


The air-frame has also been completely reworked to be prettier as well as lower part count.


The new variant comes with two recoverable external fuel pods under the wings. They offer the plane longer ranges than before. They can be jettisoned before a hypothetical dogfight; sustaining its high maneuverability.

The H3 model also comes with 4 stock Ibeam missiles to satisfy those warmongers here on the forums. It is unlikely they can actually do any major damage to anything but anything is better with x-plosions'


Action-group keys and functions

1: Toggles engines

2: Fires missiles

3: Fires missiles

4: External Fuel Tanks jettison

5: Anti-spin parachute deployment

6: Anti-spin parachute cut

Ejection system action-group keys

8: Jettison canopy

9: Eject pilot

0: Deploy ejection seat parachute

Old version: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105848-K-22-Rapier-6th-Generation-Kerbal-Air-superiority-fighter

Edited by Jon144
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  • 10 months later...

Well ... the good news is ... with all the experience and knowledge you've developed over the last year, you should be able to fix it right up. I've just taken a look at it. Don't know why but I really like the plane. So I modified it. I've got it flying now, just relocated load bearing structures to a central point, replaced the Wheesley's with Panthers with locked gimbals, changed wing angles a bit and deleted 95% of the struts. An hour of work and you're good to go.

The only problem is the amount of angled surfaces, preventing it from breaking the sound barrier. Three Panthers on afterburner won't get it done.

But it sure looks gorgeous while trying!


Edited by Azimech
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28 minutes ago, Azimech said:

Well ... the good news is ... with all the experience and knowledge you've developed over the last year, you should be able to fix it right up. I've just taken a look at it. Don't know why but I really like the plane. So I modified it. I've got it flying now, just relocated load bearing structures to a central point, replaced the Wheesley's with Panthers with locked gimbals, changed wing angles a bit and deleted 95% of the struts. An hour of work and you're good to go.

The only problem is the amount of angled surfaces, preventing it from breaking the sound barrier. Three Panthers on afterburner won't get it done.

But it sure looks gorgeous while trying!


That's exactly why I said I will need to build it again from the ground up. It was built for pre-1.0 aero and is just full of drag. No matter how I've tried modifying it recently I can't get it faster without fundamentally changing it's design or construction. 

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