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What Planets Would You Like to See Added to KSP?


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Lately the planet-making community got a lot more exciting when the long-awaited 0.13 version of KopernicusTech was finally released. I've been craving to make a new planet pack, too, but I am at an absolute blank as to what the community would want in a planet pack. So, what planets do you all what to see in KSP that stock doesn't have already?

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Make some moons and a comet as well!

Great suggestion! Just got to get SE working.

Oh, it's midnight here at my place.Gotta go to sleep and see you next day.Wait it is already next day, ha!

Catch you in the morning!

And BTW a bit off-topic, Thomas and _Augustus_, i suggest you read this, describes thoroughly the true me.

Edited by Candlelight
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Okay, got the configs for GP2 made, but they won't work. ;.; Going to trial and error a little more...

I got it! I just forgot one measly letter in the Textures folder. :P


How do you guys like it? How should I change it, if I have to?

Edited by Thomas988
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Mkay, I got Daphy to work this morning and it looks great! I moved on to Potatus and the terrain just won't look oblate enough.

Also, should I make a separate thread for this? I'm not 100% sure if I'm devoted to this project yet, nor do I know if there is enough content so far for a thread.

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Fire and Water from Lexx series look pretty.


Briefly: two planets of the near the same diameter, orbiting each other (i.e. a double planet).

One component (called Fire) is a desert, another one (Water) is an ocean.

Distance between them is so small that their atmospheres contact, and this allows an airhip (or a balloon) fly from one planet to another one and back.

Also, all this movie is a bottomless well of crazy planets and stations.

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I don't so much want more planets, as I want more interesting planets. More atmospheric planets with differing compositions and densities, axial tilts, retrograde moons, volcanism (both litho- and hydro-), cobaryous bodies (even if simulated), Lagrange moons (even if simulated), L4/5 bodies (even if simulated)

Although Custom Asteroids provides a good simulation of Joolian Trojans and a main asteroid belt between Duna and Jool which makes Dres a true dwarf planet similar to Ceres (I think, maybe, but I'm too lazy to check right now).

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Personally, I'd rather have more interesting things to do on the existing planets (such as the upcoming stock ISRU or using statistical sampling to determine the composition of the crust/atmosphere) than having more planets in general.

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Very good answers, everyone, I'm glad to see you all are still replying. I've gotten the asteroid belt request multiple times now, so that is definitely something I will consider.

Also, how interested are you guys interested in a planet pack recreating Nova's proposed GP2 and GP3 planets? I've been experimenting with GP2, and I want to know if I should go any further.

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I'd be interested in seeing a tidally-locked hot Jupiter with an asymmetric texture and no atmospheric bands to speak of, sort of like this artist's depiction of HD 189733 b:


Also would be interested in:

-Small moons with thick atmospheres (You can never have too many Titan analogs IMO)

-Small atmosphereless body with lots of high, flat plateaus surrounded by deep fissures

-Body like Potatus or Inaccessible that rotates fast, but still slow enough that the equator is moving at slightly sub-orbital speeds

-Largeish non-round body, possibly a victim of some cataclysm in the past

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All these idea are great! I especially like that Hot Jupiter idea, perhaps that could be the official 'GP2"...

(Shameless Self Advertisement :P) Oh, and by the way, if any of you want a comet, my mod Kerbol Minor Bodies includes one. And some other stuff too.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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