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This is why no one visits Dres


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You probably already know that Dres is the least popular object in the Solar System. This is why.

Some people do claim to have visited it, perhaps even multiple times. But those people are lying.

This thread will probably increase number of Dres landings by about 1337%. I started to feel like I should build base there as well. :P

This message brought to you by the Dres Tourism Association.

Also, I've totes been there. It has cool bumps all over the place.



No lie...

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I visited Dres. Admittedly it was for Kethane mining purposes only, but it's actually pretty fun and glitchy there. The kraken tried to destroy my ship at least 4 times, so I scrapped the rest of the missions to hightail it back to Kerbin. So by accident, I ended up with a mission specifically to Dres. EAT THAT.

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Hey, I've TOTALLY been to Dres. Lots of times! I was just there last week. Saw the canyon... and the South AND NORTH poles...and beautiful Mt. Dres... and that crater that looks my brother's birthmark... and LOTSA OTHER PLACES!

...Ok, you're right. I'm lying.

I've never been to Dres.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to Dres once... because I was intent to send a probe to every planet (even Jool got a descender). Dres was second last. That should tell you something. The only place in the Kerbol system I find less interesting than Dres is Ike, which was the last place visited.

Ike to me is "that big moon you have to avoid anytime you try to approach or leave Duna."

EDIT: That I couldn't be arsed to visit it (other than an orbit or two) in my many, many Duna missions should also tell you something about my feelings toward Ike.

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