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How long is the runway... 3 km?

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I am using one of the little stock airplanes...

fast its surface speed is > 60 m/s !!!

at 150 m/s ! I fly over the runway, takes me ~ 20 s

so, what does m/s actually mean in KSP?

merbals per sour?

Are you kidding me? LOL!

Then your funny FAR addon is giving me supersonic at ~300 m/s what actually feels only like 300 mph, or even 300 km/h!

There is something seriously wrong...! :sticktongue:

(using KSP_64 Linux)

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I am using one of the little stock airplanes...

fast its surface speed is > 60 m/s !!!

at 150 m/s ! I fly over the runway, takes me ~ 20 s

so, what does m/s actually mean in KSP?

merbals per sour?

Are you kidding me? LOL!

It's a game, you expect it to be 100% accurate? It's not even the final product, who knows what the new aero engine will bring?

Then your funny FAR addon is giving me supersonic at ~300 m/s what actually feels only like 300 mph, or even 300 km/h!

well Supersonic in the real world is 343 m/s, so it's not THAT far off. Keep in mind, Kerbin is ~1/6 scale to Earth.

There is something seriously wrong...! :sticktongue:

(using KSP_64 Linux)

No, nothing is wrong. It is behaving exactly as the programmers designed it.

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I am using one of the little stock airplanes...

fast its surface speed is > 60 m/s !!!

at 150 m/s ! I fly over the runway, takes me ~ 20 s

so, what does m/s actually mean in KSP?

merbals per sour?

Are you kidding me? LOL!

Then your funny FAR addon is giving me supersonic at ~300 m/s what actually feels only like 300 mph, or even 300 km/h!

There is something seriously wrong...! :sticktongue:

(using KSP_64 Linux)

REALLY? You are seriously asking what m/s means??? Why do I get the distinct feeling I am feeding a troll here? Meters per second of course. What else?

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well Supersonic in the real world is 343 m/s, so it's not THAT far off. Keep in mind, Kerbin is ~1/6 scale to Earth.

That is 1/10th scale to Earth, and what speed is supersonic changes with air density and thus altitude. Mach is your speed relative to the speed of sound at the altitude you are currently flying. FAR calculates the speed of sound properly and following the correct rules. 340 m/s is the speed of sound at sea level.

Not to be too picky but these details do mater.

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The runway is ~2.5 km long. Keep in mind that lots of real-world runways are 1.8 km or less, and even the longest is only ~5.5 km long...

Actually, no. Those are just paved, commercial airports with publicy known characteristics. Scroll down that wikipedia page, and you'll learn more.

Edwards Airforce Base for example, has 7 dirt runways over five km. one even 12km long. KEDW, as you may or may not known, is mainly of note as testing ground of a lot of America's X-craft and the space shuttle. Then there's Edwards' dependency Groom Lake, better known as Area 51 (Yes, that area) which is rumored to have a 7km runway, and Nellis Airforce Base, with a 7.3km strip. All three of which in the same Nevada Testing and Training Range. All those airstrips are closely tied to aircraft/spacecraft testing and training, and all of them were spaceshuttle runways.

Mind you, those are just the publicly known (or suspected) runways. I highly doubt there's no runways like that in Russia and China, for example.

TL/DR; Nevada state is pretty much one big airport.

Edited by Redhaze
Capitalisation is important.
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That is 1/10th scale to Earth, and what speed is supersonic changes with air density and thus altitude. Mach is your speed relative to the speed of sound at the altitude you are currently flying. FAR calculates the speed of sound properly and following the correct rules. 340 m/s is the speed of sound at sea level.

Not to be too picky but these details do mater.

Well, I assumed Sea Level as most people use that as a reference, but you are correct that it does change.

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Folks, please stop accusing each other of trolling. Not everybody comes to this game with a knowledge of flight and vehicle terminology, and even some of those that do may not be familiar with the English versions of those terms.

Anyway, in the past when I have parked a vehicle at each end of the runway, they are indicated as being 1.8km apart. That was a couple of versions ago, though. Has it changed?

Edited by Vanamonde
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