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[PLUGIN, PART, 0.15+] Audible Cockpit Warnings v0.22


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This is my first plugin, so please be gentle.

***Not Really Working As Of 10-1-12***

***Pending Redo***

I followed the generic plugin tutorial, and then had to come up with an idea to script.

I got to thinking how cool it would be have some audible feedback based on flight conditions. I found one example but it didn\'t work past .13

Knowing very little of unity and C#, I sought out some help from the community in IRC, and managed to bug Innsewerants into helping out. :)

So, a massive amount of credit needs to be directed at Innsewerants, who set this up for me, and really helped me grasp some best practices.

I\'ve updated the plugin to include an on/off switch so annoying is no longer a factor. I also adjusted some of the landing values. Now, it won\'t trigger an audible alert unless death is imminent, and immediate action is required.

Currently includes three audible warning triggers;

[list type=decimal]

[li]Vessel altitude is < 200 meters plays 'Warning Tone' [/li]

[li]Vessel vertical speed exceeds -2 m/s and altitude is < 150m plays 'Whoop Whoop Pull Up'[/li]

[li] Vessel alt <120 and vspeed is not 0, plays landing tones [/li]

A fourth sound for distress signalling has been added, but currently does not work correctly.






Also added system messages;

ALL SYS NOMINAL - no detection / triggers

TERRAIN - prints when height about ground level triggers audible alert

PULL UP - prints when alert is triggered

ORBIT OPS - Alt > 70k (I know, not very practical but an alert nonetheless)

DISTRESS - triggered when the distress button is pressed, using this for a later idea (not working completely)


For lack of blender skills, the part model is a copy of the Linear RCS module. Place the part on your rocket or space plane to enable detection and audio playback. Move the icon to the bottom of the stack so it gets activated first.

Future Plans;

  • [li]On/Off button and/or key[/li]
    [li]Additional notifications[/li]
    [li]Custom models for inline/radial use[/li]
    [li]GUI / control panel[/li]
    [li]Your ideas & suggestions...[/li]

The source is included in the zip.

License: Free to use as you wish, but please credit Innsewerants and Meatsauce.


I should have a few new sounds in just a few days. I\'m open to all sorts of ideas so please make them known. I think I have an idea on how to keep her silent (vspeed 0) while you\'re motionless. (good for landings) - also, I acknowledge that the earlier name was Betty, for the name given to such systems; even though there are a mix of sounds in here.

Update: 5-26-12 (released - attached to thread)

  • [li]Added button to silence system[/li]
    [li]Added sounds will not play when vessel is stationary[/li]
    [li]Added two new sounds[/li]
    [li]Added new messages[/li]

Edited by Meatsauce
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Noooooooo I\'m just coding an Altitude Warning System !!!

Anyway, yours looks great !

But i\'ll release mine :-[

Definitely release it, and I wouldn\'t mind collaborating either. Still learning.

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Very nice. You could test for hot components. Collisions with satellites. Stage ready to fire. Circularisation complete and orbit achieved. Structural breaking of parts. All sorts of things!

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I like the temp sensor idea a lot.

My only area where I struggle is looking up these \'calls\' and properly working the syntax for the variables.

Any clue on a direction to follow?

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I would love to be able to change when the warnings go off. E.G. on the Noyuz you are supposed to fire a trio of retro rockets just before touchdown to slow your landing, an I always do it too soon. It would be great if right at 10m agl a buzzer would go off to alert me.

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I would love to be able to change when the warnings go off. E.G. on the Noyuz you are supposed to fire a trio of retro rockets just before touchdown to slow your landing, an I always do it too soon. It would be great if right at 10m agl a buzzer would go off to alert me.

10m seems short, right now she\'s alerts at 400, and 200m ( & vspeed is > -2) - adding another alt isn\'t difficult though. I\'ll put it in.

I do want to add a 'contact light' ...actually, there are a ton of things I want to add; it\'s only a matter of figuring them out.

I started on the gui, and did manage to get it to work. I think I need a checkbox rather than a button since the button code I have is only momentary.

I also want to include visual cues (STALL - MSTR CAUTION - BINGO FUEL... etc) to display on its own control panel. A radar altimeter readout & alerts would be helpful also.

Thing is, what I have only works on active stage.

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Would it be possible to include some sort of small visual cue/initial sound for when you\'re on your last RCS/Fuel tank, please? Maybe even It\'s a feature I requested directly to Harv and I think I got a response but it\'ll take a fair ole\' lump of time.

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Ohh, bingo fuel would be good. Calculate how much deltaV the engines produce along with the current mass of the craft. Then find out how much fuel you need to return to an orbit that will resolve in a landing without skipping out of the atmo. (say 30km.) MechJeb essentially has the equation you need for the deltaV calc, I just don\'t know it. Add in some leniency and you really have a bingo fuel warning system.

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Mechjeb landing autopilot has a neat warning that will tell you if you don\'t have enough thrust to land.

It would be neat to see some sort of similar warning (pull up!) if you begin to approach this scenario (i.e. you\'re coming in hot), giving you a chance to kick on (or up) the engines.

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It could warn a bit earlier if going straight down, maybe if -vertical speed*x>altitude, with x being defineable in the GUI, so it whould warn us if we whould be dead in x seconds...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

For a first its not bad at all. I don\'t like the audio quality but its more of a proof of concept anyway. Please make a better, more awesome version with different tones for things like;

Your ship has been set on an intercept trajectory (or will fall into kerbin\'s atmos) plays a quick 3-5 tone alerting beat. no big deal.

Your ship has entered the 40 km range on impact trajectory. more warning.

Your ship has lost an engine or has been damaged. plays an appropriate Alert

Life support has been damaged. ECT

I would love to see this fleshed out.

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For a first its not bad at all. I don\'t like the audio quality but its more of a proof of concept anyway. Please make a better, more awesome version with different tones for things like;

Your ship has been set on an intercept trajectory (or will fall into kerbin\'s atmos) plays a quick 3-5 tone alerting beat. no big deal.

Your ship has entered the 40 km range on impact trajectory. more warning.

Your ship has lost an engine or has been damaged. plays an appropriate Alert

Life support has been damaged. ECT

I would love to see this fleshed out.

Thanks for the insight. I\'m going to revisit the concept after .16 is out

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  • 4 weeks later...

OT: I don\'t know why, but when I skimmed through the plugins forum and read this one, I got mental picture of craft sitting on ground with nice low tone ping ping ping going on for driver\'s door being open. (Like in cars, if you don\'t get it)


Proof of concept, you can only improve on that.

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OT: I don\'t know why, but when I skimmed through the plugins forum and read this one, I got mental picture of craft sitting on ground with nice low tone ping ping ping going on for driver\'s door being open. (Like in cars, if you don\'t get it)


Proof of concept, you can only improve on that.

lol no, I get you perfectly. HAHA!

A friend had a Nissan sentra and it had this silly little buzzer. bzzt...bzzt

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lolz, my car has a annoying buzzer just like that sentras.

Would it be possible to add another computer voice message, but this one somewhat more... pithy?

Essentially, if you are going above 275 meters and going more than, say 500 meters a second, which normally means you\'re going to crash, could you add the message 'Warning, warning; you\'re hosed, you\'re hosed'? ( Personally, I\'d prefer ' You\'re F----ed' instead of ' you\'re hosed')

This would purely be for the lolz of course, but I\'ve played modded flight simulators before where the modders add in little pithy messages like ' Terrain, Terrain; You\'re screwed, you\'re screwed' when going to crash, so I thought it\'d be funny to have something like that added in.

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