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GreenPower Electric Challenge ITS BACK!!!!

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GreenPower Electric Challenge [stock Crafts]

Download Modded Ion due to 1.0 breaking this challenge. Put it in your GameData folder.Here it is:

*Warning Ions more ISP, less effiecient*


Ion Time Leaderboards:

1. Juzeris: Time 6:20

2. Wossname: Time 6:24

3. Starwhip: Time 7:19

4. BoostedM: Time 7:24

5. gigaboom2: Time 7:27

6. Tetragon213: Time 9:04

7. GoSlash27: Time 9:08

8. Uberubert: Time 9:53

9. BoobyTrapGaming: Time: 10:46

10. Torquimedes: Time 11:10

11. Foxster: Time 11:45

12. DancesWithSquirrels: Time 13:05

13. FlipNascar: Time 13:13

14. Hoioh: Time 13:33

15. rudi1291: Time 17:10

16. OdinYggd: Time 18:27

Ion Points Leaderboards:

1. Juzeris: 186 Points

2. gigaboom2: 172 Points

3. GoSlash27: 144 Points

4. BoostedM: 140 Points

5. Starwhip: 137 Points

6. Tetragon213: 128 points

7. Torquimedes: 111 Points

8. Wossname: 111 Points

9. Hoioh: 108 Points

10. Foxster: 106 Points

11. BoobyTrapGaming: 102 Points

12. FlipNascar: 99 Points

13. DancesWithSquirrels: 98 Points

14. OdinYggd: 88 Points

15. rudi1291: 70 Points

16. Uberubert: 67 Points

Brief Summary

Although rarely used in most missions, the PB-ION Electric Propulsion system will be your friend for this challenge. Your mission is to utilize the power of Ionic propulsion and fly your plane to the designated area in which is on the island runway as fast as you can. Under no circumstances can you use different ways of propulsion for instance "infinagliding" or using the propellant etc...

Upon Completion of the challenge you will be rewarded with this badge: :cool:


Rules and Specifications

- Aircraft must have 1 mk1 cockpit

- Aircraft must use modded Ion because ksp wants to break it. New ISP 2.

- Aircraft can use infinite number of PB-Ions

- Stock Only

- Aircraft must fly off the runway and land on the other runway.

- Screenshots must be provided before flight, during flight, and after flight each showing your resources.

If I did not go over any other rules please specify in the comments to prevent disqualification.


-No reaction wheels: +5 points *Having reaction wheels is not a penalty*

-Maximum Speed: +5 for every 5 meters per second Anything under numbers 5,10,15,20 etc WILL BE ROUNDED DOWN. MUST BE AT A HORIZONTAL FLIGHT NO DIVE BOMBING FOR SPEED.

-Mass: +1 point for every .1 tons under 3 tons AKA It weights 2 tons so you get, 10 points. Anything above 3 tons no points

- Time: Every 15 seconds under 20 minutes will be and added +1 point


Amphibious award: +15 points if your aircraft can land on water at a speed of over 45 meters per second and still fly again

Two-legged award: +5 points if the aircraft only has two landing gear

Stunt award: +2 points if the aircraft can produce more than 5 g-force

Xeon Master: +3 points if the aircraft uses 800 or less xeon gas on the trip

GreenPower Elite: +10 points if you use only one electric Ion propulsion

Aesthetics Master: +2 if it flies but is deemed nice/cool be my standards.

Proof of Concept

Upon request, you can download the glider here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jwlummuyl2tbbop/AeroSpace%20Glider.craft?dl=0

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:DHappy Playing:D

Edited by ghostbuzzer7
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Here's the "Pterobill"...


Umm...should have emptied the monopropellant.



No reaction wheels: +5 points = 5

Maximum Speed: +5 for every 5 meters per second Anything under numbers 5,10,15,20 etc WILL BE ROUNDED DOWN. (Max cruising speed at 500m was 51.4m/s) = (50/5)x5=50

Mass: +1 point for every .1 tons under 3 tons AKA It weights 2 tons so you get, 10 points. Anything above 3 tons no points. At launch mess = 2.6t. 4x1=4

Time: Every 15 seconds under 20 minutes will be and added +1 point (sic): 11mins 45 sec = 33 x 1 = 33

Xeon Master: +3

Total = 5+50+4+33+3=95

The scoring seems screwy. I could have got a higher score by flying around until my fuel was nearly gone. There was no incentive to get there as fast as possible, yet this was the aim of the challenge. I could have got a much higher max speed by diving once.

Edited by Foxster
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There's a bit of an issue with this challenge as well. Unless it has been fixed since the last time I experimented with ion-powered planes, all control surfaces produce some infiniglide thrust.

As such the scoring is a bit backwards. Having a reaction wheel probably shouldn't be a penalty, while having control surfaces probably should be due to the free thrust they produce.

Here's my go at it. Note that my craft contains a reaction wheel in addition to the pod torque, but does not have any control surfaces- this flight is a flight purely using solar-ion propulsion.

Album Link with additional in-flight images



Cruising Speed:




Yes. the solar panel is intact.


That trick with the solar panel is something I had figured out a very long time ago, I think it was 0.21 or so when I last experimented with solar-ion craft. What I found was that as long as the craft stayed within 15 degrees or so of prograde, the gigantor panel could be dragged along like so and would not break.

So I couple that large panel with a decent sized battery bank, and I end up in a scenario where I launch the craft and reach cruising speed on battery, then extend the panel to recharge. If I need to maneuver any more than trim, I fold the panel again to protect it. Although I certainly didn't get best time, what I have here is a single engine craft with a launch mass of 2.8 tons and a top speed of 35m/s

Reaction Wheel: -5 = -5

Two-Legged: +5

Single Engine: +10

Max Speed = 35m/s, = +35

Mass: 2.9 tons / 0.1 = +29

Time: 18:27 so 20:00 - 18:27 = 1:33 thus +6 for time

Xeon Master: +3

Total = -5 + 5 +10 + 35 + 29 + 6 + 3 = 83

Edited by OdinYggd
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Good to see the rules updated, still quite complicated though. There's still more points to be earned from going at a fast speed rather than the overall time taken, which was kinda the aim of the challenge. But I had fun doing it and I'm not really bothered about the score.

- - - Updated - - -

  OdinYggd said:
There's a bit of an issue with this challenge as well. Unless it has been fixed since the last time I experimented with ion-powered planes, all control surfaces produce some infiniglide thrust.

As such the scoring is a bit backwards. Having a reaction wheel probably shouldn't be a penalty, while having control surfaces probably should be due to the free thrust they produce.

It's a good point but unless someone makes a craft with lots of unnecessary control surfaces just to gain the thrust then I don't see it as a huge problem. A couple of control surfaces adds very little thrust as far as I can tell.

If you swapped out those batteries for Z-100s or Z-400s you would save a lot of mass. Same with the solar array and using OX-Stats instead. Unless you have an objection to using massless parts, some people do.

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I had a bit of a play around by adding a couple of engines and used 'chutes for the landing...



Made surprisingly little difference to the time, except it was much, much easier to land. Was a bit quicker in the air but not that much, probably due to all the extra drag of the OX-STATS?

No reaction wheels: +5 points = +5

Maximum Speed: +5 for every 5 meters per second Anything under numbers 5,10,15,20 etc WILL BE ROUNDED DOWN. MUST BE AT A HORIZONTAL FLIGHT NO DIVE BOMBING FOR SPEED. 65m/s = +65

Mass: +1 point for every .1 tons under 3 tons AKA It weights 2 tons so you get, 10 points. Anything above 3 tons no points = +0

Time: Every 15 seconds under 20 minutes will be and added +1 point = 9 x 4 = 36

Total = 5+65+36=106 (I think)

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  Foxster said:
Was a bit quicker in the air but not that much, probably due to all the extra drag of the OX-STATS?

OX-STATs are massless, and therefore cause no drag. The additional drag is caused by the extra parachutes, engines, tanks and wings.

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  • 11 mins 13 seconds to land on the island runway. (11:13 is 8:47 seconds less than 20 minutes which equates to (8*4+3)) == 35 points
  • Maximum Speed: 60m/s / 5 == 12 * 5 = 60 points
  • Weight: 2187kg in the hangar == 30 - 21 == 9 points
  • Two legged award == 5 points
  • Aesthetics award: (I throw myself upon the mercy of the court :)) == 2 points???

Total == 35+60+9+5+2 pending aesthetic item... == 109 or 111 points.

Edited by wossname
my maths are no gud - fixed it nau
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This flew really well, and didn't want to land - my previous version had a higher nose gear, and I could _not_ get it to stay down at speed.

13:05 to stop on the island = 27 points

Reaction wheels off = 5 points

45.6 m/s in level flight (faster if you time accelerate and it starts to bobble!) = 45 points

Weight 2.4 tons, 3 tons - 2.4 * 10 = 6 points

Xenon master = 3 points

GreenPower Elite (one ion engine) = 10 points

Aesthetics??? I'll leave that up to the judges.

Total points = 96 or 98, depending on aesthetics.

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Here is my plane. ​The Frogger

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No Reaction Wheels 5

Max Speed 35

1 Ion Engine 10

Time 23Mass 4

Xenon Use 2

Acrobatics 3

Total 72

- - - Updated - - -

  wossname said:
How do you embed imgur albums in this forum??

You hit embed and get <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/XXXXX/embed"></iframe>

You use (Imgur)XXXXX(/Imgur) but replace the () with []

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Here is my plane. Directly from the school of Abstract Kerbal Aerodynamics, it gets all the points for mass and no other points. Also there is no conclusive proof of it being able to land - Jeb came in too fast, flipped over and crashed, but I'm too lazy to fly it all the way again. Also it might get some points if there's an award for "vaguely superhero shape looking from above".

The point total is zero:

No SAS: +5

Max speed 120m/s: +120

Mass - all the mass (16.4t): is that +30 or +0?

Time - 07:05: +51

Failing the landing: -all the points

Total: no points at all

I'm submitting it anyway, because, well, it did fly all the way in 7 minutes (and a few seconds) before crashing in a gully next to the Old Airport, so maybe someone might want to borrow something from the design. :cool:

Also maybe, well, "the event" can be called "a landing" as in "anything you can walk away from is a landing" and that is fairly close to being on the runway, so under a VERY loose interpretation...

Here are the craft blueprints (link) and footage of the flight.

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Holy kow. That thing is awesome. Tried out your craft file and wanted to try landing at the airstrip to prove that it could land and thus restore you your full points score. Sadly though I couldn't get it to leave the ground. I foolishly tried throttling up to max power immediately and then Soup Physics happened.

Panicked and turned off all engines, phew! Oh wait... now it's shaking itself around like crazy. Then it ended up going 30m/s backwards along the runway and then somehow steered itself into a large clockwise turn before it flipped over and buried half of itself in the astronaut complex.

This is by far the most entertaining plane I've flown (or driven rather) in KSP.

I'll have another go...

I thought my PC was pretty powerful - I was wrong. :)

Edited by wossname
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Yeah, Juzeris' plane "IonBaran T" is landable on the island! Please give the man his points!

Admittedly, it did leave the runway because this thing has no brakes to speak of, but using the control surfaces to keep the nose down did help stop this monster.

But I did touchdown within 7:45, which proves that this thing is a consistent performer.


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  wossname said:
Yeah, Juzeris' plane "IonBaran T" is landable on the island! Please give the man his points!


Thanks wossname!

While I did manage to touch the runway, it almost immediately pivoted and slid into that ravine (before taking a screenshot), which I blame entirely on me putting the wheels on the wobbly wings in the back. The weak brakes are probably due to bad wheel grip, due to the aforementioned wobbly wings and the front wheel mount which makes it generate lift while trying to stay on the ground. Not 100% sure. :)

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7:24 to wheels stop. Don't really have a name for it, but here it is:

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No Reaction Wheel -> +5

Max Level Speed: 85.5 m/s -> +85

Mass: 4.2t -> +0

Time: 7:24 -> +50 (I think)

Total: 140

(Edit) I did use an inline MK1. Does that count? Same basic design would probably work with a standard MK1 and a little tweaking

Edited by boostedM
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- I broke two engines when landing on two wheels

- I ended the game before checking the final mission log, and when I reloaded it had reset. I will beconservative but truthful in my summary here.

- I realized ion powered flight is awesome.

Total time: 09:53

Total points: 65.8

Max horisontal speed: 74m/s (from screenshot reference at point of horisontal flight)

Weight: 3.7T

Main Points:

No reaction wheel +5

Speed (74/5) +14.8

Mass +0

Time (40*15 seconds under 20mins) +40

Total main points: 59.8

Alternative points:

Two-legged +5

Xeon Master (used 509) +3

Aesthetics Master -2 (ugliest plane in the competition)

Total alternative points: 6

Total points: 65.8

Edited by Uberubert
Some typos, wrong score display
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ghostbuzzer7 - You might consider multiple leader boards for single ion engine (very green, emphasis on efficiency) and multiple ion engines (moar power!) entries.

The fact that I have the fastest single engine time so far has absolutely nothing to do with my suggestion, of course. :wink:

I have to say that some of the designs here are really fantastic - ghostbuzzer7's and Foxsters are great, very visual, and as an ultralight pilot I think they would be fun to fly. While juzeris's had me rolling...

Edited by DancesWithSquirrels
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Had a quick punt at this. Decided to go minimalistic... Technically speaking it's a good landing because the kerbal walked away. Didn't want to refly it, but landing it with the gear up will provide a reusuable aircraft. Probably.

Called it the Greener. I know, so imaginative.


-No reaction wheels: +5 points

-Maximum Speed: 45m/s +45pts

-Mass: 2.1t in the SPH: +9pts

-Time 13:13: +29pts Every 15 seconds under 20 minutes will be and added +1 point

Two-legged award: +5 no monowheel bonus?

Xeon Master: +3 points if the aircraft uses 800 or less xeon gas on the trip

GreenPower Elite: +10 points if you use only one electric Ion propulsion

Total 97pts

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