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Official 1.0 MEGA Hype Thread!


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Oooh we're ordering things we're excited about? Ordering things gets me excited about things!

(1 is most important)

  1. Memory leak fix
  2. SOI fix
  3. New aerodynamics
  4. Fairings
  5. Reentry heat
  6. New (and easily moddable) tech tree
  7. Resource gathering
  8. Rebalance of everything
  9. The Barn
  10. IVAs (I really don't care about IVAs. I'd happily trade them for The Barn)

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Question: I'm not exactly literate with low-level stuff like memory :blush:

So, will memory leaks fix lag and loading times, etc... or just crashes?

Also, devnotes tonight! Whenever they come along I remember how great SQUAD is just for doing them :D

From my knowledge, a memory leak is some sort of unintentionally created loop that causes unneeded memory usage, eventually crashing any application that it's in. So yes, it would help certain crashes.

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IMO they should give it another week or so to be sure.

It's probably their biggest most game changing update ever, from the latest dev diary it looks like the game is still in active development with new parts and features being added (as in: still not beta), AND it's their release version.

An extra week isn't being sure, anymore than downing a dozen tequila shooters and spontaneously deciding to ride a mechanical bull is. All hype aside for a moment, if it isn't more than another month I'd be rather surprised.

I'm also suspecting that they're going to want to do a fair amount of publicity ahead of time to maximize exposure of their launch, so I think we'll hear about it a fair time before actual release.

Edited by FlowerChild
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From my knowledge, a memory leak is some sort of unintentionally created loop that causes unneeded memory usage, eventually crashing any application that it's in. So yes, it would help certain crashes.

More accurately a memory leak is when memory is allocated for some usage, but then is not de-allocated when no longer needed. C#/mono is a garbage-collected language so that the developer doesn't have to manually de-allocate memory, but they still have to kill any reference to it (basically, gc is useless), or it will hang around in memory forever.

Since the memory is listed as 'allocated' still, it can't be used for any other purpose. Thus, you'll eventually run out of available memory (even in 64-bit systems, it would just take longer).

By far the biggest source of crashes in current KSP (0.90) is the out-of-memory crash. Getting rid of any memory leaks would greatly reduce the occurrences of such crashes (especially in a pure-stock install), which in turn would bring the total number of crashes down enormously (for my own KSP, they account for like 85%-ish of the crashes. Maybe 90%?).

Of course, if it turns out that Unity is causing a significant percentage of the leaks, the effect of Squad's fixups will have that as a ceiling. Given that, and that there are simple workarounds for avoiding the memory crashes, I'd rank the memory leak fixes as below many of the other features. SOI is still king~!

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All these lists of things people are excited about and no one has listed Girl Kerbals yet.

I'm sooooo surprised....

And before someone gets flustered I'm not conforming to their standard of equality, my point is we are more excited for things that actually affect the game.

Edited by r4pt0r
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All these lists of things people are excited about and no one has listed Girl Kerbals yet.

I'm sooooo surprised....

And before someone gets flustered I'm not conforming to their standard of equality, my point is we are more excited for things that actually affect the game.

I would put female Kerbals on my list at the top of the "doesn't affect gameplay" list. So above the barn, but below the "general bugfixes."

I don't generally get "excited" about non-gameplay things, because this is a game and I want to play it more than look at it. If Clouds were going to be a thing, they'd be right down there as well.

That said, I still think female Kerbals is an insanely important addition to the game. But that should also make you be sooooooo surprised.

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I'm also suspecting that they're going to want to do a fair amount of publicity ahead of time to maximize exposure of their launch, so I think we'll hear about it a fair time before actual release.

How does this work on a game where the vast majority of the people that would play your game ALREADY play your game? I feel like they are gonna release it and then just start marketing it more. It's not like it's an unknown game, also if they started marketing it they would have to have a release date like a normal game and I really don't see them doing that.

Can you imagine the Hype train if we actually knew the day it was going to come out? The server would most definitely get rocked, what is faster than plaid?

- - - Updated - - -

Also if I may over-analyze the dev notes: It seems like Experimentals are going "Swimmingly", so maybe 1.0 comes out sooner than expecting, and HarvesteR said "more on that later" when talking about two new parts so obviously it's not coming out crazy soon.

Also freaking new aero! Whenever they mention fuel flow and thrust being a function of air density and mach I start to drool... HYYYYYYYYPE.

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How does this work on a game where the vast majority of the people that would play your game ALREADY play your game? ...
They've been reaching out to other gaming audiences, to spread awareness and find more customers. Squad is very happy when videographers and streamers for other games announce they are going to spread the word about KSP with their audience.
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It always upset me as well when I had a great intercept set up, and then on arrival I was off by thousands or more.

Yeah. Or if you briefly clip the Mun's SOI while heading to Minmus (despite it not showing a Mun intercept -- I think the fix may cover that problem too, at least partly), and when you exit the Mun's SOI, you're on a Kerbol escape trajectory at 15km/s, even though it was only the very edge of the Mun's SOI..

I'm so glad that's supposedly fixed. People often go into 'business as usual' mode when bugfixes happen and ignore/forget 'em, but they're really very, very important and should be celebrated more... Bugs suck, fixing bugs sucks, but it's ever so nice when things just..work.

(Note that if it's not fixed afterall... harv voodoo doll + needles~)

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"Rogelio (Roger): I’ve been rendering and doing some post production tasks, last week I started to play with particle systems to do some clouds. Also I’ve been fixing some textures, doing some changes and rendering some shots to see if we’re achieving what we want. We’re almost done with rendering and we’ll start with the comp" - from the devnotes

He means clouds for the animation not the game right?

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"Rogelio (Roger): I’ve been rendering and doing some post production tasks, last week I started to play with particle systems to do some clouds. Also I’ve been fixing some textures, doing some changes and rendering some shots to see if we’re achieving what we want. We’re almost done with rendering and we’ll start with the comp" - from the devnotes

He means clouds for the animation not the game right?

As upsetting as it is, I believe so. I don't know why they have a spot in the devnotes if all they work on is essentially a commercial for the game.

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As upsetting as it is, I believe so. I don't know why they have a spot in the devnotes if all they work on is essentially a commercial for the game.

They have been including the work of their lead artists for quite a long time. Many of us (including myself) are glad they include this kind of work as well.

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They have been including the work of their lead artists for quite a long time. Many of us (including myself) are glad they include this kind of work as well.

I get it, but why don't they import their cloud work into the game? people have been asking for clouds for a long while.

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As upsetting as it is, I believe so. I don't know why they have a spot in the devnotes if all they work on is essentially a commercial for the game.

Even more upsettingly, people new to the game may look at the animation and assume that the game has clouds. It's a perfectly reasonable assumption, right? Unfortunately, it's not valid.

Having the trailer for the game depict a thing that is not in the game is a bit strange. It makes me think that either SQUAD is going to add clouds (optimistic view) or that it's no good at marketing (realistic view). If they're going to add clouds, I'll be incredibly happy. If they're squandering their time being misleading to new players, then I'll be irritated.

Just my $0.02USD here.


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Even more upsettingly, people new to the game may look at the animation and assume that the game has clouds. It's a perfectly reasonable assumption, right? Unfortunately, it's not valid.

Having the trailer for the game depict a thing that is not in the game is a bit strange. It makes me think that either SQUAD is going to add clouds (optimistic view) or that it's no good at marketing (realistic view). If they're going to add clouds, I'll be incredibly happy. If they're squandering their time being misleading to new players, then I'll be irritated.

Just my $0.02USD here.


I agree. Squad, being a marketing company, doesn't seem that interested in accurately representing the product, but rather selling the product. So I expect the trailer to look stunning, while the actual game looks like it has for the previous couple of versions.

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I agree. Squad, being a marketing company, doesn't seem that interested in accurately representing the product, but rather selling the product. So I expect the trailer to look stunning, while the actual game looks like it has for the previous couple of versions.

I just want EVE incorporated into stock :(

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