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A mod to allow editing the upgradeable buildings

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I've look around a little and haven't seen any mods that allow editing the upgradeable building, i.e. changing the base costs, part count limit, size/weight restrictions, etc and possibly being able to add some intermediate upgrade levels.

I'm not familiar with the inner workings of the game so I'm not sure if such a mod is even possible given the current state of the game, but I figured I would put this out there since I haven't seen much discussion on the topic (other than asking the devs to make it more moddable).

So, in summary, is a mod to edit the upgradeable buildings possible at this point (and if so is there someone willing to work on it), or is this system too hardcoded at this point?

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I've look around a little and haven't seen any mods that allow editing the upgradeable building, i.e. changing the base costs, part count limit, size/weight restrictions, etc and possibly being able to add some intermediate upgrade levels.

I'm not familiar with the inner workings of the game so I'm not sure if such a mod is even possible given the current state of the game, but I figured I would put this out there since I haven't seen much discussion on the topic (other than asking the devs to make it more moddable).

So, in summary, is a mod to edit the upgradeable buildings possible at this point (and if so is there someone willing to work on it), or is this system too hardcoded at this point?

Id totally support this if it where possible =)

Ive been looking for a way to change the VAB a bit, the exterior view for example ( i.e. have the open door on the VAB showing the Mun for example instead of Kerbin.

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I understand that the current system is hardcoded, but even then there are ways around that, i.e. hex editing the binary or using a memory editor in-game. It sounds like we're not too far off from the next release though now that it's in experimentals and sarbian said that this system will likely have mod support so I think it's easiest just to wait at this point.

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  • 4 weeks later...


1.0.2 is out now and from looking at other threads the buildings can be modded now, however this functionality is not exposed in a cfg and requires a plugin. Are there any modders with plugin experience already working on this, or at least willing to?

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Would love this. This is what I wanted more than anything from 1.0. A heavy modded install just requires more parts for the same rocket, and it sucks compromising on aesthetics just to have a functional rocket. Is there a resource that has the new information on what a modder would need to target to change these limits?

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Is there a resource that has the new information on what a modder would need to target to change these limits?

Merely replace GameVariables.Instance with a derived version that overrides the methods the modder wants to change. Say I wanted to always allow EVAs:

[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)]
public class EVAAnytime : GameVariables
private void Awake() // important that this be in Awake
GameVariables.Instance = this;

public override bool UnlockedEVA(float astroComplexNormLevel)
return true;

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