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What will you call your first 1.0 craft?


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  ImJake said:
My first ship is always the Up Goer. All my other ships are named after kinds of birds.

My first ships name is always Terror Former. It either induces terror, creates interesting new landscape features, or both. Usually both. :P

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Another one for "Untitled Space Craft", here. Heck, my first half-dozen or so will probably be called that. (I don't generally bother naming them unless I'm intending to either keep them around long enough that I will need to look for them later in Map View or the Tracking Station, or save and re-use the design.)

Seems silly to me to take the time and effort to name a one-off craft that's only going to be in use for 3 minutes while you check off the "launch a vessel" and "reach 5km" contracts....

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Given I already know exactly what my first mission will be, I'll probably call it something appropriate to that, though I haven't yet decided what that will be.

  AbacusWizard said:
In any new career mode save file, my first flight is generally a parachute, a command pod, and a solid booster rocket titled "Can of BOOM"

That will be my first career mode flight, except it will be called "Glorified Firework".

  Whackjob said:

I would expect nothing less from you.

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My naming method is usually [mission name/type] Mark 1.

The rest of design process is usually like this... :)

Then followed by the [mission name/type] Mark 2, that where all the defects in the mark 1 are fixed.

Followed by the [mission name/type] Mark 3, that's usually where I add the batteries/solar panels/rcs etc... that got removed from the Mark 1 and never replaced on the Mark 2 revision by accident.

This will lead to the [mission name/type] Mark 4, where the staging is fixed that was somehow messed up for the Mark 3 revision.

[mission name/type] Mark 5 is proposed where all the known defects are now resolved, but somehow on booster separation the boosters collide with the rocket, which NEVER happened before.

[mission name/type] Mark 6 is built quickly, with cursing, by adding Sepratrons to shove the boosters away.

[mission name/type] Mark 7 quickly follows the Mark 6 to correct the mis-staged Sepratrons.

[mission name/type] Mark 8 finally works and returns with Science!

Around this time a boffin from R&D will usually propose a newer/simpler design or part, the boffin will then go missing, only to be found in shallow grave much later with a T-Square sticking out of his back. KSP police will just nod and say 'Yup another one killed by natural causes.' :P

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Up-Goer One. Or 1, or I. Not sure yet.

In general, I name all my spacecraft, even the capsule that just sits on the pad for a bit of pad science. No "lazy" names like "Orbit 2" or "Mun Mk 3" either. I spend way too much time with naming my spacecraft. I need to stop.

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The last ship in 0.90?

The Pillar Of Autumn. I'm going to load it with all the kerbals from my career mode and land all my craft to afford it. It's being designed with the next aero in mind.

First ship in 1.0?

The Pillar of Autumn. I'll make a new save and import the craft and it's co-ordinates (I hope to get them a high apoapse above Kerbol) and return them to the new career mode save. I might even start a challenge now.

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