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What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?


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Here's two relating to gaming. Because I'm not high and mighty.

"X game should be banned"

Yes, a game offends your specific sensibilities no matter what they should be, it shouldn't exist.

"Games should be art"

Read my signature, it accurately summarizes my opinion on this statement.

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"Um, sorry to bother you but how do you spell spell? Wait, never mind, I'll type it in to google"

My friend, after a 4 hour Civilization V Game.

To be fair, Civ V and other such games can have a high brain-frying potential, especially after 4 hours. He was probably just tired or couldn't think too well.

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Singaporean Woman:

1) "Motorcycles are Dangerous" - she does not ride a motorcycle nor gives any reasons why she thinks motorcycles are dangerous, when prompted. However, everyone in the country above a certain age will repeat this same exact phrase to you (also without providing justification or useful safety suggestions). Along with asking you the same social questions in the exact same order, what is this, a nation of robots?

2) "Why do bikers all wear jackets" - when explained, she doesn't seem to "get it" that random road debris hitting you at 60mph is extremely painful. Ditto for constant wind blast and all the other things she'd never experienced in life.

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Like bugs, rocks, etc.

That was more a reaction to the lack of justification of motorcycle riding having dangers being followed by the specific need to wear safety equipment.

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"Ham is not a very attractive meat" - My Father, 2014

I agree with him. Unless it's cooked just so it's usually greasy or hard to chew. Plus it's a very "dry" meat and usually loads of salt is added to it, which just exacerbates the dryness. Especially bacon, everybody think it's a wonder food but I think it's horrible.

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