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What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?


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The fact that when ever I try to find new (and some pre-New Horizons) pictures of Pluto using Google most of the images are actually just pictures of Ganymede. I know that we only have a few half decent pictures and those are very recent, but Ganymede? Ganymede! And the pages the images belong to aren't making comparisons to Ganymede, they seriously have a picture of the moon Ganymede with a caption like " The dwarf planet Pluto"

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  Layereddiagram said:
The fact that when ever I try to find new (and some pre-New Horizons) pictures of Pluto using Google most of the images are actually just pictures of Ganymede. I know that we only have a few half decent pictures and those are very recent, but Ganymede? Ganymede! And the pages the images belong to aren't making comparisons to Ganymede, they seriously have a picture of the moon Ganymede with a caption like " The dwarf planet Pluto"

The very fact that this


shows up when searching for "pluto" is already facepalm-worthy.

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  Endersmens said:
Anyone who gets mad at a computer and calls it stupid when a webpage won't work.

Computer problems≠Internet/webpage problems

Nope, but i HAVE yelled at my internet router!

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  windows_x_seven said:
The very fact that this


shows up when searching for "pluto" is already facepalm-worthy.

What's wrong with that? Pluto the dog was only named about a year after the ex-planet.

Edit: Ninja'd. Well, by 13 minutes. So maybe a ninja on a mobility scooter.

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  Drunken Hobo said:

Edit: Ninja'd. Well, by 13 minutes. So maybe a ninja on a mobility scooter.

I know how that is. Start a post. Get an idea for KSP. Get side-tracked in KSP. Take a break to get a glass of water. Get back to KSP, and start designing and testing some complex craft. 45 Minutes later, finish and publish post. Get ninja'd by: One ninja who replied within one minute. One 5 minute ninja, who edits his post to reflect that. Some one who changes the direction of the thread, with a set of subsequent ninjas.

Then your post, quoting a person who's post has been replied to at least twice, and is no longer relevant, or on the same page.

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"this will never worth nothing, you are dumb winkallkerb' " i remind a few people telling me that /... RomLagLog they convinced me so much of there rights that i have two full set 1 edition xDr after all it worth nothing at all beside the fact it's "just" a +1000% invest in 15 20 years or so without taking inflation into account xDr i must be really dumb sure ; )

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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pretty much any conspiracy theory. "I mean, why is the flag WAVING in space?" Sure, you can see movement in a still image...

"[insert industry] is making it happen because it's a $[insert random number] billion industry" .. just. There, facepalmed.

There are plenty other things too, but I'm not turning this into a basement fist fight, soo yeah.

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A colleague told me this one:

A man was brought to the hospital with severe pain in the stomach, after he's vomited probably every single meal he's had in his life. My colleague rightly suspected poisoning, and asked the man what was the last thing he ate. The answer? A full box of [generic sore throat medicine]. Turns out he liked the taste, so he just took every single pill he could find and ate them. Now these pills are supposed to be kept in your mouth, but for some reason he just swallowed them, resulting in a gut bomb even worse than the university mess hall food. But wait, there's more!

When my colleague was done with him, she told him not to eat anything too hard to digest that evening, until his stomach settles and stuff. And he asked her: "Is [generic sore throat medicine] also hard to digest?"

Seems like hospitals attract stupid, because cases like this, when people hurt themselves by being plain stupid are way more common than I'd like. This one is extreme, though.

Anyway, the man's lucky it wasn't a blood pressure medicine or some of those psycho-pharmacy. That would probably result in a Darwin award.

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At lunch today I overheard someone in the next booth espousing young-Earth creationism to a handful of people. He made a number of cringe-worthy arguments, but to minimize religious discussion and keep things on the topic of space, I'll offer this one nugget: He claimed that if the Big Bang really occurred, then the sky would be a brilliant, uniform explosion in every direction we look. Since we don't see this, it never happened.

Actually, we basically do see this. It's called the cosmic microwave background. He was right in one aspect, it is remarkably uniform.

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  CornHuskerKenny said:
This comes from my middle school science teacher:

"On Apollo 13, the astronauts were using the engine to get to the moon, but the engine blew up. The only reason they got home, was because they were lucky."

...was because they got out and pushed! ^^

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"Rocket engines can't work in space because they have no atmosphere to push against AND DON'T USE NEWTON'S SECOND LAW ON ME I KNOW THAT'S NOT TRUE!"

Actual quote from one of those moon-landing deniers.

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I clearly remember as a young boy in about 1953 or 1954 being earnestly told by an adult that space travel was impossible because there is no air up there for the rockets to push against. I wonder if later events caused him to change his mind?

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Talking about the moon landings in class for some reason. As a class of course! When someone mentions 'Did you know that since Australia was facing the moon and the U.S. used the Deep Space Network RADAR in Canberra (The capital of AUS), Australians got to see the moon landing before the US'. This was followed by another student saying 'That can't be true if the US never landed on the moon'. We initially thought it was a joke... Initially.

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"Bush did 9/11"

"It is impossible for a plane to collapse 2 towers" (Emphasis on the idea that only one plane was involved. How stupid do you have to be to believe that?)

"The towers were rigged with explosives"


If you are a 9/11 conspiracy nut, you are blatantly ignorant and disrespectful to the USA, and more importantly, the people who died in the events of September 11th.


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This website tells it all. Funnily enough, I cannot access the NASA website from my schools internet but I can access this. If you have the time go ahead and read these! They are hilarious. Apparently 'the atomic bomb couldn't exist because atoms don't exist!' What is the reply 'What about WW2 and the cold war?' 'Just propaganda and the US used only firebombs'

I am done... The internet... So much potential, so few results...

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  zekes said:
"Rocket engines can't work in space because they have no atmosphere to push against AND DON'T USE NEWTON'S SECOND LAW ON ME I KNOW THAT'S NOT TRUE!"

Actual quote from one of those moon-landing deniers.

  Major999 said:
"Bush did 9/11"

"It is impossible for a plane to collapse 2 towers" (Emphasis on the idea that only one plane was involved. How stupid do you have to be to believe that?)

"The towers were rigged with explosives"


If you are a 9/11 conspiracy nut, you are blatantly ignorant and disrespectful to the USA, and more importantly, the people who died in the events of September 11th.


  TheGamingNoobster said:

This website tells it all. Funnily enough, I cannot access the NASA website from my schools internet but I can access this. If you have the time go ahead and read these! They are hilarious. Apparently 'the atomic bomb couldn't exist because atoms don't exist!' What is the reply 'What about WW2 and the cold war?' 'Just propaganda and the US used only firebombs'

I am done... The internet... So much potential, so few results...

*collapses on ground

Sometimes, I'm not even sure if these people are merely joking around with these theories, or just believe things far differently.. Or are just plain-out ignorant and "full of stupidity."

If it's the latter, then.. I'm not sure what to do next.

Alright, lemme add my own:

"The choirs in Ode To Joy are merely singing whatever random gibberish they can think of."

Honestly, this one doesn't annoy me as much as the quoted, because it's common, but (Does that explain why they're singing so coordinatively? Because they're speaking German. ;))

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