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Road to Kosmos 0.4 [Techtree/Parts/WIP Contracts]


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There is quite a number of mods that overhaul stock career system. Some of them are made to increase the realism, some are, on the contrary, making life easier, but I haven't found yet a mod, that could represent some specific space program, national or multinational (ESA).

That's why I decided to start working on the mod called "Road to Kosmos".

The mod consists of two parts: Core (tech tree, parts) and Contract Pack (contracts only).

It is done for several reasons, first of which is the fact that 1.0 will overhaul the tech-tree system, which may require separate update just to account for those changes.

ATM, the mod is in it's early steps, so I'd like to account it and post all the critics here. That way you can help the development and improve the quality of gameplay. :)

The CKAN support is WIP, as I'm trying to set it up manually and may not work always well.

Contract Pack: WIP

Overall requirements:

ModuleManager - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219

Tech Manager - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98293

DMagic - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64972

Fuels Tank Plus - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108238

ProcFairings - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39512

Not yet needed, but totally required in future (actually so I don't lose the link :)):

Contract Configurator http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101604

Kerbiet Union Reqs:

Tantares/TantaresLV - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81537

AB Launchers - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106687

Kerbal States Reqs:

OMSK - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112419

SXT - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79542

SpaceY - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100408

SDHI - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52362

What will it do? - It will represent different space programs in their efforts to reach space with their specialities. Ones, for instance, will be less "human rated" than the others. Some programs will have different approach to reach the same goal.

What programs will be represented? - Currently, I think, I will focus on two main players of the former space race: USSR and USA. After that, I will add some support for Europe and private companies. Possibly last touch will be

How will the programs be organized? - Well, let me think for a minute...

This is a really hard question. The first idea that comes to my mind is: every tier of tech tree represents an era of space exploration.

  • Tier 0 "Start", 1945+: Postwar sounding rockets. Basically, it's a A-4, the rocket, from which many space programs have begun its way. Assemble, stick an experiment and let it fly for peace!
  • Tier 1 "Splitting up" 1950+: First national rockets. Early attempts at reaching space: Redstone and R-5 will be the main players, without capability to reach orbit, but able to reach further and touch the edge of space.
    At that point, several branches form itself: USSR (which will split into three others later) and US (thanks to centralisation, it will be more "stable").
  • Tier 2 "First satellite" 1956+: You may have guessed, it's R-7, and solid booster stages for your Redstone.
  • Tier 3 "Man in space" 1960+: Vostok and Mercury hardware, including launchers and their alternatives.
  • Tier 4 "Back in numbers" 1965+: Gemini and early Soyuz hardware.
  • Tier 5 "Mun or bust" 1967+: Saturn and N-1. 'Nuff said, those monsters are well-known to anyone
  • Tier 6 "New frontiers" 1970+: Space stations and alternative programs: fly me to the Duna or build mine ice on Minmus!
  • Tier 7 "Reusable Space Program" 1980+: Space shuttles, basically, and Energia launcher.
  • Tier 8 "Reach for the planets" 1990+: Angara, PPTS, Orion... So many opportunities!
  • Tier 9 "Joining efforts" 2000+: Technologies, that enable cross-docking capabilities, and allow to make Kerbalkind united.
  • Tier 10 "United we stand" 2015+: Finally merging branches and advancing into space as one: large orbital constructions, resource collection etc... NB, that part will be remade later for KAA-like stuff




 0.4 / 17.14.15
*fixed Voskhod duplication bug
*re-uploaded due to KS bug

0.3 / 15.04.15
*fixed Luna-3 support from OMSK

*added license file

*alpha release

License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

Edited by Niemand303
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Very nice to plugin! How about mod support, is playing with FAR, Deadly Reentry, KJR and RealChute possible in a stable matter?

I would absolutely love seeing this fairings in use!

I don't think playing with these mods will cause any issues, because most of them are compatible already.

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Very nice to plugin! How about mod support, is playing with FAR, Deadly Reentry, KJR and RealChute possible in a stable matter?

I would absolutely love seeing this fairings in use!

I don't think playing with these mods will cause any issues, because most of them are compatible already.

Deadly Reentry will require some support effort, and I totally forgot to add support for Beale's PPTS and Kliper. :)

So expect a release when I make specific configs for TACLS, Deadly Reentry and Perspective Crafts! :)

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Given that one Redstone engine can't lift one RS tank, I created a workaround :)

I call it "The American Dream"!

Wow, I must have missed that bug! I'll upload a fix soon. :)

EDIT: checked it, it works well. Try installing stock bug fixes mod, it's the bug of a rocket gluing down to the launchpad.


Edited by Niemand303
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404 Not Found. Upload again please.
Having the same issue :(
been seeing a couple of those with different downloads...I suspect kerbalstuff is having a bad hair day
Let me join the bandwagon too! The KerbalStuff website has come up with a

'404 Not Found

Looks like it was deleted, or maybe it was never here. Who knows.'

with a nice little picture in the background

Thank you for your cooperation.

Uploading a small update, try now!

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If you hasn't reached Voskhod yet. And if already reached, there is a 50% chance to screw Voskhod ships. It's in comparison with 0.3 :)

Thanks for the information! I have moved the save over. All I had to do was 'repurchase' the unresearched items (Which was to be expected). Thankfully, my saves were fine. My American save wasn't effected and with my nearly completed Soviet save I didn't have any missions going on! Cheers mate!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Sorry guys, my thesis is taking more and more time and my finals started today. Soon I'll be free to update the mod, though.


Ouch, finals... Meanwhile in high school I only have a few assignments (due at a date very close to eachother) and a week of straight exams... Good luck Komrade

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Are there any plans for this mod to make (optionally) a "planes first" career with KAX e.g.?

The aviation nodes are available since the starting node, mostly because the aviation developed along the rocketry development, not only before.

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