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Everything posted by Spooks

  1. ksp 1.0.2 all max career mode enter vab and wait till memory is stable 2.120.092 kb BahamutoDs_Armory-v0.8.1............................................2.208.508 kb..............-88.416 kb 5dim Military contract pack + ModuleManager.2.6.2.............2.223.100 kb.............-14.592 kb..............mem want up and down most of the time...........2.223.100kb max 2.225.569kb CannonShellsJDAM.........................................................2.247.004 kb..............-23.904 kb.............after running ksp for 30 min mem want to 2.233 wil test more
  2. want me to post mem use from mods i have tested ?
  3. it comes with toolbar there you can klick on icone
  4. i tested FAR and AJE in new ksp install and works realy good alote better then stock i tink alote lass lift and engines less op keep up the good work
  5. Here a link you ask for http://imgur.com/a/Yi49U#5
  6. @ C3nturionsparta you running out of memory try reduce the mods or texture size to half in option menu or active texture management mod
  7. i have all the mods and stuff istalled for barun but the arm wont show is it removed ?
  8. i run rf v7 all ook if i update to v8 i am stock on aeis in the loading screen do i need to go to the mod were it is stuck or post here my problem?
  9. SXT works good for me only mis the texture's of the n1 rocket type nating more i dont use Active texture Management
  10. i run 0.25 64 bit windows ( and yes rss is working don't ask me why )
  11. yes i used 0.2.2 and for the rss all the mods ar up to date
  12. love the mod only i mis the scaling option ( don't know if you can do it or the scaling mod )
  13. i tested in 0.25 RSS 2k textures (Kerbal/Mun 4K) Mem use 2.9 gb ram RSS 2K textures (Kerbal/Mun 4k) WIP-RSS-Visual-Enhancements-DEV Mem use 6.8 gb ram all max in ksp settings it looks realy nice
  14. i have 0.25 installed and if i want to launch the struds looks like not to move with my rocket ( see pic ) i run on windows 7 32 bit and its loading 2.6 gb of ram i hope one of you have a idee to help me Here are my mod's
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