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Can you land a rocket on a barge?

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Hi guys! I was going to make my first challenge but figured I'd stop here and see if it is even possible in the KSP universe. Maybe some of you have heard in recent news that SpaceX has been trying to land their 1st rocket stage on a floating drone barge for recovery, but to no avail. I figured if there was anyone who could show these guys how it's done it would be the KSP community.

SOOO my question is this. Is it possible to launch a barge out to sea, launch a craft, and then have your first stage land safely on said barge.. Also, it looks like they use no parachutes, making it extra hard. I am going to try tonight when I get home.

See SpaceX's latest attempt..

Edited by falloutaddict
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I think it's more possible in KSP than real life: we don't have wind, or ocean drift. :)

I'd advise you to scroll through the challenge threads first though, Mr. Musk has been trying to do this for some time and it stands to reasons someone might have already posted such a challenge. Good luck!

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I think my main concern was if the barge parts would be able to withstand the rocket thrust or if it would break it apart. If not then this definitely seems possible. I'll have to look for his challenge, I can't wait to try this. Although I've never built a boat before...

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