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Proper Fairings ASAP

How do you want fairings to separate in 1.0?  

644 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you want fairings to separate in 1.0?

    • Confetti style
    • Clamshell style
    • Adjustable Options (eg: 1,2,3, or 4 clamshell pieces)
    • Do not care/unimportant

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The construction mechanism seems a bit tedious - and I can only surmise that if there are changes to the internal payload, then the Fairing might need to be completely reconstructed. Now, that actually might be a good thing in some instances because it give a great deal of flexibility in the fairing profile, BUT... if the majority of a player's payloads and fairings are simplistic, then it could be a real repetitive PITA.

You won't have to delete a fairing to work on the payload, I really do ask that you wait and try how it works before jumping to conclusions.

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A very interesting supposition - I'll add that to my personal list of things to attempt in 1.0. Agreed, that would be very cool.

I certainly hope there is! It would be a bummer to have to recreate fairings that look the same again and again..

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You won't have to delete a fairing to work on the payload, I really do ask that you wait and try how it works before jumping to conclusions.

But where's the fun in that?

No... we must jump fast and jump high! I mean, we're not getting heat shields eit- oh. We're not getting an updated aerodyn- ah, indeed? Resource mining was shelved and everything su- hmm.


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Felipe (HarvesteR): This week has been mostly focused on the new fairings, the procedural mesh generation is already up and running, and you can already place them in the editor and sculpt the fairing as you wish. The enclosure is subdivided into panels, which can break off individually or in groups, which means we can have full control over how the fairing will come apart once it’s jettisoned. During construction, you can place a fairing and build it up immediately after placement, or you can use Tweakable actions to edit it later. There are actions to delete, re-build and edit fairings at any time in the editor.

Next up is implementing the actual jettisoning behavior for the panels, and also writing in the enclosure detection, which is already being handled by the cargo bay module. There is quite a bit of work still left to be done, but I dare say what we have is looking pretty good already. .

The fairings are very customizable via the part.cfg, so we can determine the number of panels, the amount (if any) of edge smoothing between panels of different angles, as well as a number of other parameters, on a per part basis. And yes, we are planning on a number of different sizes of fairing parts (at least covering 1.25m through 3.5m profiles).

This shouldn't really be a debate. You can have it separate however you want! You don't need to worry about potato chips.

- - - Updated - - -

Don't rep me for this! I didn't find this! Rep someone else!

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I really do ask that you wait and try how it works before jumping to conclusions.
The quality of conclusions being drawn is directly proportional to your ability of showcasing new features. Don't blame your customers, we're discussing what you've shown us.
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You won't have to delete a fairing to work on the payload, I really do ask that you wait and try how it works before jumping to conclusions.
The quality of conclusions being drawn is directly proportional to your ability of showcasing new features. Don't blame your customers, we're discussing what you've shown us.
It's almost as if we haven't been having this exact same discussion for the last, what, two years?
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You won't have to delete a fairing to work on the payload, I really do ask that you wait and try how it works before jumping to conclusions.
The quality of conclusions being drawn is directly proportional to your ability of showcasing new features. Don't blame your customers, we're discussing what you've shown us.
It's almost as if we haven't been having this exact same discussion for the last, what, two years?

I ask again:

Why does Squad choose the ugliest pictures to share? Between the first fairing picture and the confetti picture, they could have shown us nice round fairings and x2 or x4 clamshell separation, but they opted to show us blocky fairings and confetti. Show us what your features are capable of, not the worst they have to offer. Its like you are trying to set the bar low so you cant disappoint anyone. Your fairings video for example. The part with the fairing ejection at the end was incredibly sped up so it would be hard to tell it was still that confetti junk. If you are proud of the work you have done, don't show us its worst potential.

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You won't have to delete a fairing to work on the payload, I really do ask that you wait and try how it works before jumping to conclusions.

Fair enough. I'm not "jumping" but rather "shuffling" based on the information and visuals provided. Since this a discussion, I expect to be able to throw out propositions and deductions based on them :)

No worries - it's all good.

As to the Fairing separation video - Frankly Squad - the reveal was a bit poor. I like the graphics, but the content could have been clearer. I get the feeling that we are going to see a week of 5 to 10 second videos - kind of like peeking quickly behind the curtain of a side show - I don't like it. It makes the whole thing a bit cheesy and unkempt.

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Fair enough. I'm not "jumping" but rather "shuffling" based on the information and visuals provided. Since this a discussion, I expect to be able to throw out propositions and deductions based on them :)

No worries - it's all good.

As to the Fairing separation video - Frankly Squad - the reveal was a bit poor. I like the graphics, but the content could have been clearer. I get the feeling that we are going to see a week of 5 to 10 second videos - kind of like peeking quickly behind the curtain of a side show - I don't like it. It makes the whole thing a bit cheesy and unkempt.

I actually kind of like the really short teaser videos. I think we will get the big reveal videos from Max and the media team this weekend.

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As to the Fairing separation video - Frankly Squad - the reveal was a bit poor. I like the graphics, but the content could have been clearer. I get the feeling that we are going to see a week of 5 to 10 second videos - kind of like peeking quickly behind the curtain of a side show - I don't like it. It makes the whole thing a bit cheesy and unkempt.

Yeah, I don't appreciate the 10 second videos. Hopefully the real preview videos will be released soon. Of course I'm a sap, I watched both of them so far. I watched the fairings video several times and slowed it down to see the chips at the end. But these 10 second videos are stupid and low-rate, if I didn't already like the product I would be write it off based on the videos.

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I ask again:

Why does Squad choose the ugliest pictures to share? Between the first fairing picture and the confetti picture, they could have shown us nice round fairings and x2 or x4 clamshell separation, but they opted to show us blocky fairings and confetti. Show us what your features are capable of, not the worst they have to offer. Its like you are trying to set the bar low so you cant disappoint anyone. Your fairings video for example. The part with the fairing ejection at the end was incredibly sped up so it would be hard to tell it was still that confetti junk. If you are proud of the work you have done, don't show us its worst potential.

The pics aren't ugly. The pics are just showing the "kerbal" way of doing it. Explosions, Kessler Syndrome, and Chaos are a major part of the "canon" that the game has (not insinuating that there is canon, but there are plenty of references to this). The picture of a chaotic chip fairing separation is perfect in the minds of kerbals.

Also, to people who have the fairing yes no stuff, I think its safe to remove that since HarvestR said that fairings are fully adjustable to suit your needs.

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Are these fairing gonna leave a load of debris? Might cause some lag. I should remember to separate them before I get into orbit.

As I understand it, the debris vanishes on reload or when they drift outside the physics bubble.

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As I understand it, the debris vanishes on reload or when they drift outside the physics bubble.

I think they explained that those fairing would behave similarly to broken solar panels when ejected, so I don't think they would remains as debris.

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Guys, it's been gone over already. Fairings are fully customizable. That includes the number of seperatey-bits. They showed "potato chips" because that would be the Kerbal way of doing it.

We dont know that yet.

I wouldn't be so sure. Looking at the quote Scoundrel found, it seems there's been some wishful misinterpretation of HarvesteR's words:

To me, that "we" means the devs rather than players, meaning the code could be extended for clamshell fairings, but that feature may not have been implemented.

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Guys, it's been gone over already. Fairings are fully customizable. That includes the number of seperatey-bits. They showed "potato chips" because that would be the Kerbal way of doing it.


From what I saw on stream there isn't any options to customize fairings. And they are confeti style. Just as I thought.

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There is an "edit fairings" button but the streamer steadfastly refuses to actually explore new things.

Example: someone just asked in the chat if you could make them clamshell. The only guy who's ever publically played 1.0 answered: Probably.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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