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Launch your mission from everywhere! All terrain self propelled launch pad.

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This is mobilde protform that can be used to launch any kind of rocket. The limitation is rocket mass (up to 50t) and weight distributio - very top-heavy rockets are not recommended. Platform has crane with 8 reaction wheels and balancing fuel tanks that works as counter-weights. Basic operations is very simple: put rocket on platform's decupler (empty upper stages fuel tanks - you will pump fuel to them after crane is in vertical position). Drive to launch site. Break connection between platform rover and crane by decoupling small docking port (by right-clicking or action group 1). Raise 2 landing legs on rover part, that holds crane from turning. Switch to crane and rotate it to vertical position. Raise crane's legs to make sure it will not move after rocket liftoff. Pump fuel from balancing tanks to rocket. Launch!

Platform has interrior with 2 ladders for access from ground and to upper deck. Download includes stanalone platform and platform with mounted 45t 3-stage rocket with upper stage (1-kerbal lander) capable to reach Moon (with return), Duna, etc Jool (one way).

Parts count: 251 (all stock)

Dry weight: 60t (16t - fuel in balancing tanks)

Maximum launch weight: ~50t

Max speed: 12 m/s (on flat surface) up 25 m/s (downhill)

Max slope: 25 degrees

Crew: 2 kerbals

Projections: (made with help of "Exploded ship view" plugin! best editor plugin ever!):


Operator manual:



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During field trials I've drove as far as 50 km from KSC to West mountains and have launched rocket to Mun from 2953 m attitude! Saved as much as 400 m/s of second stage dV with that bonus:



Self propelled launch pad

3-stage mun rocket on mobile lauch pad

Edited by 1greywind
added trial screenshot
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mmh :) i wonder if you could lock the rotating system in place by using claws ? That'll allow you a wide range of launch angles - and the possibility to use an unfueled rocket - you keep the fuel inside the platform's tank - and only fill the rocket when it's vertical :)

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This is a really cool invention. I love how you did it stock, did you try using the Infernal Robotics mod?

I don't have big expirience with Infernal Robotics. IR is one of the best part mods around, but I don't feel that I'm already exhausted all stock options.

mmh :) i wonder if you could lock the rotating system in place by using claws ? That'll allow you a wide range of launch angles - and the possibility to use an unfueled rocket - you keep the fuel inside the platform's tank - and only fill the rocket when it's vertical :)
I've considered this, but claw is very buggy :( There was a plan to use 3 docking ports (over 1 small port in final version) to allow crane to return into horizontal position after launch, but I've dropped it because it is not fun at all to try and connect 3 ports using only lateral movements of crane.
Aw dude. So awesome!!


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Wow just WOW!

Too bad it aint going to work with my capital ships, given theyre twice the size of this thing.....

Might be able to launch a fighter squadron though.

Stock wheels are weak. I think it is possible to make such platform for 3.5 m parts size and 150-200 launch mass, but parts count will be arount ~1000 (you need many structural elements and struts to make big chassis).

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Who exactly is it going around and rating all the threads as 1 star?

Ones like this should be 5 star threads beause damn a lot of work went into that thing, who the hell rated it as 1 star?

Seriously every awesome thread on the exchange is 4 stars atm because some douche is going around rating them as terrible.

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