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Harv's 'Long Overdue' Feature?


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Clouds and rayleigh scattering would be pretty cool, but clouds (or planetary rings) would be further pushing on KSP's memory, plus there would need to be assets generated for clouds/rings, but atmosphere scattering isn't out of the question since that would just be a shader? Hah, 'just' a shader, those things are like black magic.

Maybe it'll be rover wheels kicking up dirt, maybe it'll be a docking indicator for docking mode, or a camera like Romfarers LAZOR one, or maybe exhaust plumes will get bigger as atmospheric density decreases, maybe it'll be first person mode for Kerbals, maybe engineers will be able to place struts during an EVA, maybe the terrain scatter will be collidable (won't that be a surprise)

Whelp I'ma stop now before I start hyperventilating

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Might be the actual collision meshes for ground scatter. Would take a few days to code so that stones/trees/other stuff that actually can collide don't appear inside of vessels, right?

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It's gotta be noses for Kerbals. That missing feature has been staring us in the face for quite awhile. Hopefully big orange carrot-noses. Otherwise someone needs to write a carrot-nose mod.

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  Yakky said:
It's gotta be noses for Kerbals. That missing feature has been staring us in the face for quite awhile. Hopefully big orange carrot-noses. Otherwise someone needs to write a carrot-nose mod.

How about... blinking. Kerbals already have eyes?

[Edit] Expressive eyebrows would be kind of hilarious

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  NoMrBond said:
How about... blinking. Kerbals already have eyes?

[Edit] Expressive eyebrows would be kind of hilarious

That would probably be asigned to the art team and not Harv alone. It sounds like only he worked on it so don't expect it to be shiny clouds or other graphical stuff. More like a line of code that makes our lives easier (or harder).

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Actually I have it from a good source that it is truly something that has been missing and will add an incredible amount of realism to the game -- government defunding of your space program. Yes, just like in true life you can see your grand plans scaled back and back until you'll call 40 years of kerballed flight in low Kerbin orbit a success!! Imagine the fun you'll have in designing missions and the launch vehicles to achieve them only to have a short-sighted A.I. Government cancel them before they leave the VAB or SPH. Yep, 1.0 will be a blast.

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The original quote was: "I’ve dedicated a couple of days here to implement a feature which I think has been missing for far too long from the game..."

Many are pondering the 'what it is' of things in light of "a couple of days". This may not necessarily be the case. Development-wise, this feature may have been worked on for quite a while, and now the decision to implement it has been made... dedicating a couple of days for implementation before the release. In that light, it could be anything.

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Scott Manley mentioned in

that the new aeromodel in KSP 1.0 is "so silky smooth and slippery... you can get up to some real speeds... and you really actually need the air breaks to slow down now so you can land".

He mentions the Porkjet modeled air breaks at

. Maybe this was the feature that Harv was referring to...

EDIT: Manley

the new aerodynamic model is "excellent", before taking off with a flying shopping cart in 0.90... (with FAR) Edited by Yakuzi
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I think his big surprise is going to be Unity 5. 64 bit memory usage is the feature that has been missing for the longest time and the most important feature needed.

Imagine the reaction if that's what 1.0 turned out to be. With a message "Yeah we decided not to implement a bunch of stuff you can already use mods to do and just implement the most important feature that mods can't provide. Unlimited RAM boys, cut sick on the mods now." Harvester.

I don't actually think that's what is going to happen but I can dream.

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  Veeltch said:
Might be the actual collision meshes for ground scatter. Would take a few days to code so that stones/trees/other stuff that actually can collide don't appear inside of vessels, right?

I am convinced this is what it is. If it isn't this I will be mad. This is something NEEDED for a release.

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Maybe an actual asteroid belt. Or a ringed planet, or increasing the amount of moons around Jool, or cryo volcanoes on Eeloo. Their are so many things it could be. For all we know it could be string, or nothing. Or an entire universe of planets and moons. Or you know string.

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  Yakuzi said:
Scott Manley mentioned in
that the new aeromodel in KSP 1.0 is "so silky smooth and slippery... you can get up to some real speeds... and you really actually need the air breaks to slow down now so you can land".

Oh I hope it's not air breaks. I don't want my air to break! I want it to flow smoothly and un-buggily.

Oh you mean air BRAKES? My bad.

Also he's a scrub if he can't land in real aero without air brakes :P

(Not the ScrubLord Supreme, of course, that's Nik the Jedi.)

  uglyduckling81 said:
I think his big surprise is going to be Unity 5.

There's a post from Harv from earlier that was basically along the lines of "Unity 5 might cause more problems than it solves" based on their experience porting to Unity 4. He phrased it as Unity 5 being a "maybe, we'll have to see" sort of deal.

I really doubt that with that sort of attitude, he's going to suddenly switch horses midstream and go with the Unity 5 flow. It's more likely they'll approach it more carefully in the post-1.0 updates.

That being said, he also said a lot of things that were preparatory for getting us used to "old aero will be final aero" and he suddenly flip-flopped on that, so who knows? Might flip-flop again and jam U5 in at the last second.

(Also this is exactly the reason why I think they should have delayed 1.0 and done more beta release. One beta release for aero and balance, another for U5, another to catch most of the bugs, another to catch most of the rest, and then 1.0, then 1.0.1 to catch the showstopper bug they somehow missed...but this has been discussed to death already and it's far too late for wisdom to leak in~)

  GregroxMun said:
I am convinced this is what it is. If it isn't this I will be mad. This is something NEEDED for a release.

I'd love to see collision meshes for ground scatter -- if only to watch the twitch people crash into 'em ;)

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  Alshain said:
If were innocuous, and not something the community had been asking for, he would have casually mentioned it like the Xenon Round-8 announcement.

No, I feel this is something MANY people have wanted for a long time, not just Harvester.

What about EVA attachable fuel/resources hoses? That's something people have been wanting for a long time. It might only take a couple of days (especially if you can reuse code from the VAB fuel pipes). And it would go really well with the new resource mining mechanic!

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I doubt that this is the feature he's working on, but I feel like fuel hoses are at least in the making, otherwise the new resource system would not easily be able to support resource transport on the surfaces of worlds.

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  uglyduckling81 said:
Why are you saying string? I hope your not suggesting to introduce string theory into a game.

Its from the Hobbit, when Bilbo and Gollum are having their riddle game. For the last question he asks whats what is in my pocket. Gollum guesses string or nothing as his final guesses. I guess it means that this new feature can be anything and we wont know what it is until it is released.

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I lose my rover so easily due to exceeding the speed limit and discovering the downsides of sideways travel... as real as it is to bump into things, doing so could make travel in some places quite a chore. If we had more to do on the ground, if "biomes" offered more kinds of science activities that required in-biome travel, or new science / resource extraction in particular places that were closer together (perhaps the new fine print contracts?) then adding collision would become a more important "feels missing" part of the ground-travel package, for more players. New or expanded game features would give us more reasons for ground travel in a small area, and justify this for me. I don't think we will get all of that, in a week ;)

I'm hoping for something inspired by KAC. But whatever it turns out to be, if the huge list of bullet points from last week's Devnote is any guide, it will be appreciated.

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  KanadianCerbal said:
Its from the Hobbit, when Bilbo and Gollum are having their riddle game. For the last question he asks whats what is in my pocket. Gollum guesses string or nothing as his final guesses. I guess it means that this new feature can be anything and we wont know what it is until it is released.

If the Hobbits loses, we eats it whole.

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  KanadianCerbal said:
Its from the Hobbit, when Bilbo and Gollum are having their riddle game. For the last question he asks whats what is in my pocket. Gollum guesses string or nothing as his final guesses. I guess it means that this new feature can be anything and we wont know what it is until it is released.

Ah yeah.

I'm a Trilogy man not a LotR man.

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I'm surprised, nobody guessed it right so far!

I'm not going to spoil it though, but I'll debunk a few assumptions:

* It's not something I've been working on in the backburner (I wish I had that kind of spare time).

* It really was implemented from scratch in the span of 2 days.

And a little hint: Try to imagine it's your first time playing. Everyone's ideas are way too advanced.

Have fun! :)


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