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Valentina's Future

War Eagle 1

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Valentina, as well as all other female Kerbals, will be recruited as necessary and I'm sure will prove valuable assets to the Space Program! Can't wait to have her aboard :D

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Well, I seem to remember people saying she's a pilot, so she'll be the "second craft" pilot. Jeb goes up in the first craft, and if a second craft is required, Val goes up next. Bill and Bob are reserved for missions that require engineers and scientists. Well, unless she's first on the roster. In which case, she goes up first, and Jeb goes up second.

(I wonder if we'll get an extra seat in the first-tier astronaut complex? Right now you start with 3/5, it will be 4/5 with Val. Not that that limit is especially meaningful as you can rescue kerbals past the limit. I think my current save has like 16/12)

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I'll leave her on the mun operating the Flagspitter 1 (PG version of the ship's name). She'll also end up marking the location of my first 1.0 Mun city after I update Civilian Population for 1.0. It's better than Jeb's usual fate these days (getting stuck in orbit in an obsolete tin can cause there's no point bringing him down).


Edited by KasperVld
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She'll be treated like any other Kerbal...

I was thinking that that Jeb (assuming valentina is a pilot) will be Pilot in Command for the first interplanetary mission with an all male crew, which will be a mission to Duna - while Valentina will be pilot in command for the first mission to Eve, with an all female crew.

Just 'cause they are the mars and venus analogue, and that popular saying.

Thus having Male pilots come to Kerbin from Duna, and female pilots come to Kerbin from Eve.

But that's not very fair... the budget would dictate a lot more male pilots get to have interplanetary return flights....

I don't think it will be feasible to have an all male world, and an all female world...

I don't think the guys would want an all male world anyway...

Maybe I'll make lathye a nearly all female world, but a few lucky guys get to go there... and enjoy the 10:1 sec ratio, and nice beaches with geothermally warmed water (like iceland!).

I'll edit the eva report files if I have to (the part about the air actually being very unpleasant to breath)

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Gender issues are rapidly becoming the "most needed new rule" on these forums, as these subjects always result in posts that are misogynistic, that allude to Kerbal reproduction or in some cases both at once.

Now, rules for a community should serve that community, and I think many in this community would be happier if threads like this one were more tightly moderated.

PM Kasper if you agree :)

Edited by sal_vager
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Will her weight and size be any different than male kerbals, because that might affect my pilots for light weight craft. If not then I'll just higher kerbals in the order they appear, gender doesn't and shouldn't matter.

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Like every Kerbal in Kerbfleet, she'll get early assignments based on (1) skills (2) having a cool name and (3) whether or not I enjoy watching her facial expressions during flight. Long term, for example in a big interplanetary mission like Jool-5, I could see her having overall command of the cruiser while Jeb commands the lander 'wing'... he's a brilliant pilot, but perhaps too unstable for overall command. Bob and Bill will be in charge of their respective departments. White-suit pilots fly the landers Jeb doesn't, white-suit engineers ride along on landers with breakable/repairable parts, and white-suit scientists work in the MPL. White-suit billets in Kerbfleet are equal opportunity, subject to rules #1 through #3 above.

Edited by Kuzzter
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Will her weight and size be any different than male kerbals, because that might affect my pilots for light weight craft. If not then I'll just higher kerbals in the order they appear, gender doesn't and shouldn't matter.

If there haven't been any changes with 1.0, pilot weight is irrelevant when using a capsule. It's only taken into account with the external command seat.

On topic, I will treat Valentina just as any other Kerbal.

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