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Your favorite thing about the ____ system


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Say your favorite things about any system you choose!

To start us off:

I really love the Jool system. I normally would spend ~1500 DeltaV for a Laythe encounter, but I spent 2000 for a transfer and through aerobraking and TONS of random gravity assists (just timewarp!) I managed to get an encounter for only 200. Isn't that just peachy?

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Since I've only been to them, I find the Eve-Gilly and Duna-Ike systems pretty nifty. Unfortunately, the Kerbin-Mun-Minmus system seems boring in comparison. And the other two are beginning to lose their charm(except Gilly, I never went there).

Ah well, it's time for Jool!

The Dres system is pretty cool.

The Duna system, on the other hand, is pretty hot ever since I "landed" my ultra-super-heavy asteroid redirection rocket on it...


Is that lava?

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I always liked the Sentar system (from planet factory); it's super inclined orbit kinda sucks but it has some cool moons around it! Skelton (based on Duna) is great because of the HUGE mountain on its surface; Erin (base on Laythe) has some really cool swamp-like terrain, and it's own cool Micro-Moon Pock; Ringle is a bit of a pain as its very similar to Tylo, but being in orbit is fun because you can get some great views! And then there's Thud... We don't talk about Thud...

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